Sigh... if you have a Sabotage challenge, or just want the BP, PLEASE USE PROTECTIVE GLOVES!!!!!!!!!

I’m losing count of:
- match starts.
- We’re all grouped together.
- Someone immediately sabotages the first hook near us.
- Killer comes straight away and I’m the one screwed over by another survivors selfishness.
Please grow a brain, and do not do this while team mates are nearby. Or use the Protective Glove add ons.
Yeah I don't know why people do this it seems pretty stupid.
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Yeah, please, use the yellow gloves!!!
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Yeah, don't sabotage when you're near the other survivors. That's like fast vaulting or going in and out of a locker near them.
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This also drives me crazy.
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I do this to Blendies. You want to hide? I'll make damn sure you can't.
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Congratulations on making soloQ more miserable that it is already. Also, that's formally a bannable offense: sandbagging and cooperating with the killer.
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I mean, is that fair though?!
Just because they’re hiding doesn’t mean they’re not doing objectives when not hiding.
This sounds like griefing.
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Unfortunately for you, no it's not. I don't affect the actual chase. I make the game more fun.
I'm not cooperating with the killer at all.
No, I'm refusing to cooperate with a boring playstyle.
I only do this to Blendies. They make the game incredibly boring. They know this, and yet they still refuse to play the game like a decent person.
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No, it’s definitely a type of sandbagging.
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But, they're making the game more boring. I don't give two shits about who wins as long as the majority of the players have fun.
Again, I only do this to people who intentionally make the game more boring.
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Who are you to decide how they should play? You intentionally lead the killer to your teammates using noisy actions, that's sandbagging.
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Initiating a chase isn't the definition of sandbagging. Not as I've heard it anyways.
Sandbagging is helping the killer in the chase, as in dropping pallets on the survivor, or bodyblocking
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Then they can learn the hard way how it feels to play games where you don't find anyone for the first 5 minutes.
I hate Blendies with a passion. They deserve to get facecamped and tunneled every game.
Unless they don't abuse stealth to genrush. Those guys are fine.
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I don't do this. It's always other players doing it right next to me whenever the game starts right away. Next thing I know I can already hear the killers terror radius.
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I always do. I had to do one of the rift challenges where I break the hook in the terror radius. Got a Freddy, and broke the hook several times in his terror radius. Had Protective Gloves. He caught me doing it one time, but didn't hit me. Nice Freddy too, cause he let me go in the end.
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I'd like to point out that you all hating on 'blendettes' sound like a bunch of racists. You're also cheating if you are working with the killer. Leading the killer to the other survivors is the definition of working with the killer.
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But that’s subjective. It may not be boring to them, or whoever else is in the match.
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I usually do my sabos for the challenges when there's already a forced sound notification like when a generator I am working on is completed or when a teammate is unhooked.
Usually for the unhook one I try to do it in the opposite direction to hopefully bring the killer away from said hook if I happen to be closer.
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Wear protection before doing hooks.
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Sandbagging is actively sabotaging a teammate usual to help the killer and/or kill the teammate faster, in which revealing their location to have the killer find them is sabotaging them. Even if they’re hiding, as long as they are doing objectives and being somewhat useful, there is no good reason to do so. Everyone has their own play style and find fun in their own way.
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"Use protective gloves!!!"
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I love doing the sabo challenges. There's no way I'm turning down a chance to get paid bloodpoints for sabotaging survivors, I mean, hooks.
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It is boring to EVERYONE else. I'm pretty sure you mentioned that you play stealthily in another thread. If so, you wouldn't understand how boring it is to others.
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This applies to so many things 😂
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I'm all for playing your own way, but I also feel more compassion for killers who have to deal with their bullshit. Stealth sucks for killers, and I feel bad for them. I still save off of hooks, do gens, etc.
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Which is WHY killers already have ACCESS to tracking/hunting tools, even WITHOUT perks.
@MandyTalk or @Peanits can we have clarification? Is it against the game rules to noise notification spam near a team mate simply to attract the killer because they don’t like the way another survivor chooses to play?
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None of those do anything against someone who takes hiding really seriously. It's the most boring thing to play against. Maybe I'd crouching could trigger crows, I'd be fine with it.
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What you feel hampers on the fun of another. Your opinion does not change the fact that you are still sandbagging a teammate for playing a certain way. No one is responsible for catering their play style to “be more fun” for others. Which is why campers, tunnelers, gen rushers, and bully squads are allowed despite being deemed as unfun strategies/groups to go against. I play Nurse and understand how infuriating it is to go against a really good stealth player but I don’t hate or blame them for being stealthy. Once again, if they’re still progressing the game and be at least somewhat useful, it doesn’t matter how they get it done.
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Sandbagging someone isn't bannable. If you keep doing it to the same player then that's different but nobody will get banned for a single sandbag in a game.
If for example, you are being tunnelled and are on death hook and Claudette hasn't been hooked at all, sandbagging her would help your team, as being a survivor down at the start of the game will probably lead to a 4K.
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And how would you know someone is going to "abuse stealth" and not just play normally? People who play P3 Claudette aren't always Blendies and if you sandbag every single one then you're doing nothing but making yourself look like an ass.
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Yeah, no idea why someone would do that, haha... I mean, who would use a Charge Add On and the green Speed Add On instead of Gloves? Haha... stupid, yeah...
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I know when from the start they're crouching to gens.