Need tips to make the game more fun

Every time I try to use a fun build or try to play a killer that isn't meta defining I lose and get taunted by the other side.
Every time I switch my perks to something different I lose because I needed those perks that game, but then when I use them they never come up in gameplay and I don't get to have fun with my build.
Every time I want to try a new killer out I get run around in circles and added to some lofi montage video, and whenever I actually get a kill I don't get to feel good about it because the person I killed gets upset at me.
I need tips, please, I want to enjoy this game but its like its doing everything in its power to make me hate it and myself more and more.
I know I'm not the best at the game, I want to get better at it, but every tip and trick I've used from youtubers, twitch streamers, and the devs has not worked at all. I need some help, please.
If your advice is to "play something else", then why play the game at all? If the only way a game less frustrating is to not play it, then why play it in the first place?
You would probably have to post a video of your gameplay for anyone to have any meaningful input. DBD is mostly too complicated to give effective yet generic advice.
”Run NOED on killers you are learning” isn’t going to help you as much as someone able to point out mistakes in your match that you are probably not aware you are making.
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If you always lose with fun builds I would say there is trouble with fundamentals and scenario recognition.
The ‘meta’ builds may be carrying you past working on these two.
Its simply too broad a subject to guess what’s going wrong.
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this is not a meme response, but a lot of it comes down to your attitude. do not let other things players do affect your enjoyment in the game.
When I first started to learn nurse, I got tbagged for quite a few matches, engame chat was rough here and there, but just ignore it, or move on and dont even look at it. Dont worry about rank. its not indicative of skill. I regularly dominate red rank teams who are easily outclassed by lower ranked players or other red ranks. It is all about time in the game, map awareness , understanding of game pace, game sense for when to do what, and understanding and identifying whatthe other side is trying to do so you can counter it.
Winning is defined by you and you alone, to me as long as I am improving, I am cool with it. Adopting a good attitude and not worrying about ranks increased my enjoyment ten fold. You will run into tilting situations, but its less about what happens to you, and more about how you handle it. Dont give them the satisfaction, you can always just go another game. If you have to, and someone is slugging or holding the game hostage, tab out and watch some twitch or youtube on another screen, throw on some music, go pee or get a drink.
Its a super casual game and some people try to pretend it is more. To me its about playing iconic killers and survivors and having fun. In general killer is much more stressful because you are against 4 people, survivor if you hate life, you can get out of the match faster and it is generally more chill and you have downtime.
Playtime helps you get better. Learn maps, learn to loop and anti loop, learn to mindgame from both sides, use items dont hoard them, have fun with challenges new and old, watch streamers like otz, tofu, and other positive influences. The community can be a great resource, regardless of what some people say. Make friends or go to discord/forums and find people to swf with. I regularly solo queue but play with friends a lot as well on weekends.
NO ONE CARES if you win a game, when the next game starts you get a fresh opportunity. Keep a good attitude and know that with time you will get better. If you are new, there are a ton of perks and maps and killers to get used to, you will get more comfortable and do well with all killers and survivors, when you have more experience and knowledge and can read the game and dictate pace.
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I think the problem is you, I advise you to just leave it for a while and do something else.. It's what I do when I get bored of playing dbd.
It is normal that you begin to feel bored because the game mode begins to feel repetitive. There is no other way to deal with this.
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I play solo survivor without perks. A lot of people focus on perks, bloodpoints and all that jazz.
Just bring a brown medkit and run those tiles like you always have.
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Run NOED and Blood Warden on everyone. Survivors don't give 2 shits if you are learning a new killer. Matter of fact if they even think you are new to killer they will ######### on you all game.