How useful are Moris currently?

Using the mori instead of picking up negates any attempts to save the survivor with a flashlight, pallet, sabo, bodyblock, DS, breakout. There are probably some I forget.
If it's a quick mori animation, maybe it takes less time to pick up, carry and hook. But it could be a long animation too, and take more time. This is just dependent on killer.
For the most part, it is just a cooler way to kill the survivor.
Devour Hope still works regardless of hook state if you can get the five stacks.
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I mean it can nullify any attempt to save the survivor who is downed since there will be no opportunity to save them through any means. so it is somewhat useful.
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It can prevent any attempt to save the survivor and it looks nice. So yes, they are still useful, at least to some extent.
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They are extremely useful if you are willing to play rattlesnake mean. To date, I've not run into anyone else (when I play Survivor) that has tested out the theory that I tested. The Mori in its current form, and I suspect the DEV know this which is why they are going to revisit it again, has very little game purpose beyond eating up your Blood Web, except for one specific tactical (if coldblooded) purpose. You can play keep away, discouraging a rescue just long enough for someone to go to second stage, and then allow the rescue and Mori them off the first hook taking a 4v1 to as 3v1 extremely quickly.
Does it work? Absolutely. The point is you don't camp, but do short range patrols, just enough to keep discouraging the rescue without giving away the purpose. You will have at least two tied up (the hooked and the would-be rescuer) and perhaps more as time passes and it is clear one can't get through your patrols and returns to the area. The point is not to discourage them coming, not to ultimately stop them, but just to let that timer run out. Against good players this is easier than you think since they tend to MILK the first hook anyway, figuring they will still get them before 2nd Stage.
Like I said, if you use it rattlesnake mean you can get a tactical use out of it. I tested it; it works. I stopped doing it as it does not endear you to anyone. For me it was just a curiosity, to test a theory. The second I knew it worked as I thought it would, I put it away.
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Did you mean: How useless are moris currently?
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If you find sacrificing survivors boring, why not kill them? They look cool too!
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It's amazing that people will still disconnect if they are about to get mori'd, talk about pretentious.
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I'm not using moris anymore. Because they are useless. Like seriously, who spends a third of his bloodpoint income for killing someone on death hook?!
Also the devs apparently think they're toxic. So that's another reason to not use them.
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Current moris are toxic. But not to survivors lol. Imagine using ultra rare offering to have longer killing animation on someone whos dead on hook anyway. And the fact bloodweb often forces you to buy them is really toxic indeed.
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I wonder what they will come up with, to make them non toxic.
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Having a Mori is still better than not having a Mori. You might not get to tunnel someone out of the game after their first Hook to secure an easy win, but you can avoid:
- Saves in any way (Pallet, Flashlight, Sabotage, Bodyblock)
- DS after the second Unhook
- potentially waste of time (because carrying to the Hook might take longer than the Mori OR because you have to wait out DS, if you want to avoid it that way)
They are obviously not as useful as before, but this is totally fine. They were busted and everyone with a few hours in the game should realize it.
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Just a kill cosmetic, still have to put in the same amount of work with only a visual change in result.
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It's ironic that they're still worth 7000 BP.
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100% this tbh.
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That was more so then talking about the way people used to use them which to be fair is quite true
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Moris were the direct counter to keys.
Yet moris will probably see their third nerf before keys see their first.
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Tbf they did nerf keys slightly to make way for the bigger change that they have now revealed
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What do you mean?
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They said during the anniversary stream that they had plans to ingrain mori’s and keys into the flow of the trial as far as I know.
This is probably why the change is taking so long
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I don't disagree that they still have uses; I even point out a particularly nasty one earlier in the thread. I do, however, question how much space they take up on the Blood Web and the cost of them. I hate getting forced to buy them.
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I never used them before outside of challenges as I felt they were kinda OP.
Nowadays I only use a mori if there's someone with a weird fetish name in my lobby. Like "Toesucker" or something. Creepy feet dudes get what they have coming.
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Does anyone remember the good ol' times how excited and somehow frightened we, survivors, were when at the start of the match the killer's offering won't turn and you knew you would probably get Mori'ed that match?
Now if you see Mori, it's like: Meh, Mori, who cares?
As annoying as it was, I kinda miss the Mori before the nerf...Speaking from a main Survivor...
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I dont have that much empathy with Killers here if we consider that most of the stuff in the Survivor Bloodweb is outright useless.
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And that is different from the Killers how? I use less than 10% of the stuff I buy. My Scrooge McDuck Vault of swag has gone beyond ridiculous. Most of what I buy is outright useless too. And I play Killer and Survivor.
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Huh? What about keys? They are as equally as toxic as a mori. Anymore nerfs to Mori will mean they won't exist. You already have to hook a survivor twice for it to work. It would be a better idea if they make Moris basekit when you on death hook and you can get moried. The hooks shouldn't be the only killers of the game.
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We´ll see what they really plan. Since it has been taking them really long.
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About as useful as a brown/yellow offering.
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I’d imagine they didn’t think it was worth doing a half assed nerf in between so they just waited it out. It was easy to just make mori’s 2 hook compared to trying to change keys
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Honestly, considering a Mori is an offering instead of an addon or perk, they are perfectly fine. They have some niche uses, but overall they are meant to be more of a cosmetic end to a sacrifice, rather than being better than 90% of the perks.
Offerings should never be more powerful than perks. Otherwise, they should buff Vigo's jar of Salty Lips from 3% per offering, to 15% per offering while also affecting chests.
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Then i don´t understand why they´ll wait with the key nerf, until the next mori nerf.
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Thanks for agreeing
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I think the only change I would make to keys is that they should not appear on the bloodweb, it should be a random chest spawn at the end of a match when only 1 survivor is still alive, basically make it a 1 in 10 type of lucky chest spawn that miraculously saves you some times, not something that can be used every game because you hoard keys as a survivor...
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Haven't seen a mori for weeks, I've also not had them in my daily challenges much at all. Overall they're pretty useless now, spoiled them
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For me, Mori's are just a fun thing to do occasionally. I never use them tactically.
I actually put a Mori offering on Clown for the first time in ages last night. I didn't play any different to how I normally play - no tunneling or camping. I had a really good game and managed to Mori 3 of the survivors. Annoyingly, the last one hadn't reached their death hook, so I had to hook them to end the game.
Thinking about it now, it'd be nice if that got changed - Ebony Mori should incorporate Cypress Mori, so you can still kill the last survivor, regardless of the number of hooks they have.
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I agree with everything you said. (Also, I need more Onis to mori me. I love the animation.)
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This is not an accurate statement. When people see the secret offering they still tend to go extra hard on gens. Moris can theoretically help you "slightly" in some very few scenarios but it will encourage survivors to hard focus gens which is more of a detriment to you than the mori benefits you. Also altruistic survivors can be punished to help you win the game where as someone on death hook with a mori will net you no altruism which means they will instead focus again more on gens making it far harder for you to win.
In short, moris are just cosmetic, they "can" help you in a few scenarios but they also have huge down sides as well, not worth the points to buy and not worth using, it is my opinion that they do more harm to the killer than good.
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Imo Moris are useless overpriced garbage that shouldn't even be in the bloodweb to begin with. Are killers going to be refunded for the 7K bp wasted( because of the ######### entity mechanic) while we wait for the new non "toxic" mori system to be implemented?..Doubt.
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Currently, the only thing Mori offerings do is prevent the Survivor in question from breaking free, be it from a pallet drop, a flashlight, or Decisive Strike. That is not nothing, but that is not that far off from nothing either.