What Killer would you say is just flat-out fun to play?

Per the title. I'm asking this because I fired up DbD just now thinking 'I'll have some fun and mess around on Killer."

and as I looked through the roster.....I was immediately unable to settle on a single Killer who was unmitigated fun. All of them are miserable. All of them are so much work to play except Bubba that I closed DbD. This topic is not just to express my annoyance at what could and should be a very fun and unique experience; it's to genuinely ask: When do Killers get to have fun? I spent all night last night practicing Nurse and she's kinda fun, but it'll be hundreds of hours before I get good enough to not consistently get destroyed while playing her so really it's just work.

So: What Killer do you find 'fun'? What's fun about them?


  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,372

    I personally really like Oni and Pig

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’ll never not have fun as clown. There’s something so satisfying about throwing the perfect bottle and hearing clown’s laugh when you hit someone

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170
    edited June 2021


    Nothing beats hissing and roaring at people while you chase them, especially when you land your shred from a mile away

    I wish we had more non-human killers like him 😔

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I find all the ranged killers fun because you're just playing an FPS and don't really have much to worry about apart from your aim. Deathslinger is pretty cathartic, it's just point and click. I'd consider Demo to be kind of a ranged killer too, and he's really fun and easy to play. Can't really go wrong with him, he's fun and strong.

    Blight in theory is really fun, but the maps make him miserable to play. That and I'm also tired of him being primarily associated with 'those' DbD players and that's put me off playing him even more.

    And what you said about Nurse: to me it sounds like you'll have the most fun in this game playing the killers that consistently win the most, so Spirit might become your favourite killer if you give her a try.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    Blight is really fun but also really buggy, so you'll probably tilt playing him.

    I think once you learn his anti-loop with tonics and antidotes, Clown is really fun. Getting those anti-loop plays is so damn satisfying.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    For fun - my go to is Doctor.

    Nothing more fun that hitting survivors at just the right time with Doctor's Shock Therapy to deny a vault/pallet...and the survivor reactions hehe. Hearing survivors scream randomly for some reason makes me giggle.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    Funny enough, I can't bring myself to like Blight no matter how fun he is. His whole aesthetic bores me and his bouncing just looks and sounds stupid. I have actually been playing Nurse; she's a lot of fun mechanically, but winning with her is impossible for a long, long time. Learning her is utter misery. I hate losing and I hate it even more when it's embarrassing defeat after embarrassing defeat just to get sort of good. As for Freddy, he becomes a non-threat once gens get done and his slowdown is nerfed into the ground so he's just another M1 Killer now.

    I just want a fun, effective Killer that doesn't make me feel like I just fought World War Two by myself every time I finish a match. Why is it that most of the Killer roster has so many of the same easily-exploitable weaknesses and the same boring counterplay? Why can't Killers get something cool and not have it ruined? I shouldn't have this much difficulty finding more than one or two Killers that are just fun.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Hearing survivors scream randomly for some reason makes me giggle.

    Oh my.. sounds like you're turning into Doctor himself.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627

    Blight is pretty fun to play as when your not sliding on stuff, but even then he's still awesome. If you don't mind playing weak Killers then I'd say Trickster is pretty fun to play, it feels satisfying as hell to completely shred a survivor.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Bubba. He's fun, strong enough, and you face less bully squads against him because the bullies know things can go sideways pretty fast.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Hag might not be that fun to play against for many who just loves a normal chase and loop game, but to play Hag, set up your net and using your brain in other ways is very rewarding and fun.

    Nurse is also fun to play and unique.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    I always have fun with Wraith. I never feel locked into a specific losing play with him? He has a built-in catch up when survivors make too much distance, he has a rudimentary Pig dash around short loops and windows, and most importantly, he's so fast that it's not too damning to say "yeah, this survivor is really pulling the moves on me, let's give up on them and find a different target." There isn't much down time in a Wraith game - you find people fast, especially because he doesn't give people enough advance warning to hide. Having a bong to bing is just the cherry on top of the sundae of fun.

    I also have a lot of fun playing as Doc. (haha survivors go bzzzt)

  • ryzen0849
    ryzen0849 Member Posts: 143

    Agreed. Really love his hit and run style. I'm still not used to how good he is. Most of my matches felt like the survivors were just throwing.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    For me personally its Mikey. He is very versatile with builds and play styles. Scream for Myers, vault master Myers, jump scare Myers, small terror radius Myers etc. I always have a blast with him.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    legion despite the stuff I dislike it's satisfying to play them also legion is a dc farm killer so it's hilarious seeing those

  • Avignon
    Avignon Member Posts: 133

    Hmmm this might make me sound like one of "those" gamers but Pig , Wraith and Ghostface are really fun IF you support them with addons. Without addons i'd say Wraith -> Ghostface -> Pig.

    I dono if it's the phatom of old design or bhvr actually knows to give weak killers strong addons but stuff like Tampered Timer + Crate of Gears is hillariouslly trolly on pig, even have 2 bear traps pop on ocasion. Wraith with an indoor map addon wallhacks and silent bell might actually make dbd a horror game. Also make your choice wraith with speed addons *chef's kiss*. Ghostface.... well ghostface kinda just needs his two cooldown addons but shrug. Saw somone play a Camera + Infectious Fright build on Ghostface for constant information need to try that.

    All that said aside stealth killers are.... in an interesting spot. Against actually GOOD survivors you'll usually get demolished but against survivors who THINK they're good they'll mind game themselves so often it's ... it's some of the most fun you can have in dbd. "Juking" someone on shack and watching them make like 2-3 loops trying to figure out where you are before you put them down is priceless. Also the amount of times survivors think they're being clever by staying at a loop to try and reveal me as Ghostface instead of just getting distance letting me chip some stalk in to an instadown, also lovely.

    Also Blight and to some lesser extent Huntress and Demogorgon because they counter hold W meta....

    Honestly i wish next update comes with like a "you have no terror radius but move 5% slower" perk. The heartbeat might have been a good idea but now hold W meta is just so frustrating on some killers and some maps really makes you feel like a bot sometimes. When survivors run off to a corner off the map the instant they hear the first beat of your heart / get a glimpse of you is... anoying. Like survivors on Shelter woods and some of the coldwind maps will literally Sprint to a loop, hop one window and then double back running in the bloody open because.... whatch'a gona do? When survivors that could loop you at shack for 2-4 minutes would rather run into a deserted part of the map and thank a hit cos it's more efficient, something's gone wrong.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    I personally find Pyramid Head the most enjoyable.

    Hitting people (or sometimes multiple) through walls is so satisfying, and using I’m all Ears with him can catch a bunch of people off guard if they wait at a corner

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Spirit ofcourse.

    She's the most fun killer to use against survivors because of all the moaning 😬

    But for real I love to play wraith, been using him for years more than I have used other killers.

    He's just fun to scare survivor, even before his buff.

    Letting them thing they are save and then all of a sudden, BING Bong you're down and hooked 😂

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    I'm always super relaxed when I'm playing Legion. I love the sound of those blips when I get my killer instinct going. I'm happily experimenting with lesser used perks like death bound/trail of torment/ blood echo etc. When I'm feeling evil I'll go for iri button with starstruck for map wide exposed status. I also enjoy spreading chaos with undetectable legion. They are versatile so playing them stays fun.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    Ghostface, going mostly for jumpscares 👻

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    I really enjoy blight and huntress atm both are strong and fun to play but takes a while to get those flicks.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I don't think i'll ever not have fun playing as Wraith, Doctor & Spirit.

    Wraith perfectly suits me, Spirit is too similar to Wraith to be unfun to me, and Doctor is just mindless fun to me, going zap zap on everybody.

    The #1 Killer i find most fun but not always is Oni, which comes from his slow early-game & simply not being experienced enough with him.

    And then all the others at least have something that would eventually make me say: Back to Wraith i go!

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Bubba is as long as you don't hit walls. Just put on bamboozle and eat pallets or get downs lol

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    Personally I prefer my mains Frank Legion, and Danny Ghostface, I know neither of them are S tier, but godamn are they fun to use, and can also be quite deadly to use when in the right hands. It's very satisfying to see a group of survivors together teabagging only to start panicking when I use madgrit or case them with feral frenzy.

    I also take great pleasure in jump scaring survivors with Ghostface, and I noticed its easier to mindgame survivors with him since he has no red stain and can crouch with night shroud.

    Besides, both are humans with simple masks, I like the realism they give off, it's not scary when some massive beast or unrealistic monster chases me, I like the realness of it!

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Billy. He has that 1-shot potential, great map coverage and he's just really fun to screw around with.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    My incredibly biased answers are nurse and huntress.

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    Trapper you'll laugh and feel good everytime someone gets caught in a trap and it'll never get old

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Pig, Doctor and Michael are fun. My favorite at the moment is Plague. I just get such a kick out of hurling puke thirty feet into the air and infecting everything I see. I'm such a child.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Oni is imo. He's generally fun anyway but to go with it he's pretty strong and has to be respected. Even if the match is heading south, he's still able to turn it around. Never a chore playing as him. Watched a twitch stream of survivors playing against me as Oni on game and they genuinely were really excited about facing Oni.

  • Zenro
    Zenro Member Posts: 319

    Blight for sure. I always have a blast running around bumping into stuff and trying to find angles to hit survivors. Next after that is probably oni for me for almost the same reasons. That Oni blade wipe is crack!

  • ShadowsVale
    ShadowsVale Member Posts: 61
  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited June 2021

    Last time I played The Doctor, I steamrolled a bunch of noobs super fast. One died on hook and the other 3 basically gave up and submitted when I caught them all healing together and knocked down two of them in rapid succession. I just shook my head at them and wandered off to let them get bps. One of them, however, decided to do nothing but hide in a closet so once I found him I tortured him for several minutes shocking him mercilessly until the others finished the gens. He couldn’t wait to get out. That was fun. I let them all live.

    I also really like Ghostface because his ability to teabag makes him very expressive.

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    I'll always have fun playing as Oni. I like running around the map and downing survivors with Blood Fury.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    I love wraith, demo, bubba, and blight when he doesn't slide of everything in existence.

  • ryseterion
    ryseterion Member Posts: 445

    BIIIILLLLYYYYYYY we need more billy players

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    I play survivor much more than killer so I feel a bit ashamed to admit that it's fun to play as The Doctor - because I know playing versus him a survivor is not fun!!

    Also find The Plague pretty fun to play as, and still quite fun to play against.

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723

    Pyramid Head for me.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    GF is really fun to play as but not so much against but I know everyone enjoys a sneaky Myers.

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    Nemesis is definitely gonna be my main, that PTB was the best time I've had in this game besides when I first got it 5 years ago. And maybe when they removed pallet vacuum. Maybe I'm kinda biased because I like RE and I've always wanted ai minions but I really love him

    But that's still 11 long ass days away and I have a feeling it's gonna be the longest 11 days of my life so in the meantime I think Trickster is pretty fun. He's kinda crap but slinging knives at people is fun, and him talking, laughing, and sometimes taunting survivors adds some extra flavor to it. Bouncy knives are extra fun, exploding and piercing knives are also fun sometimes if survivors group up for whatever reason. Unless throwing knives isn't your cup of tea or you're already tired of him

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    Doctor and Pig for me. Don't know why but Pig always feels nice when I'm playing her. And Doc well hes Doc how could I not love him.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    he doesnt feel overly punishing for not hitting your shot and yet you also know you gotta put work into him if you want to win.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    For me the most fun are: Wraith since the buff, Slinger, Blight, Twins, Oni, Billy before the rework

  • HR_Helios
    HR_Helios Member Posts: 189

    Demo hands down the funnest killer in the game rn imo. Prenerf I'd say billy cause I put a good 1000 hours into him and became really good at curves. Flick billy imo was the most fun way to play billy that was super strong but had pretty reliable Counterplay. But rn demo 100%. He's such a chill killer now. Throw on the pallet and shred cooldown addons with spirit fury enduring and like ruin and bbq and you have a brain dead walk forward until survivor dies build which, as a streamer, is really nice cause I can interact with Chat mid chase. He's not too strong and is a blast to play. Can't go wrong with demo dog

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    Demo, and surprisingly, Deathslinger.

    Playing Deathslinger and simply not caring about the outcome makes the buzzing in my head die down, also its just fun to scare the ######### out of people with Monitor