Stranger Things, who should DBD put in next?

Mushwin Member Posts: 4,620

As the title says, who would you like to see?

Stranger Things, who should DBD put in next? 18 votes

Robin Buckley
[Deleted User]JawsIsTheNextKillerP3ToxicLaurieCornpopers_EvanMooksHighwayCatalystNathan13kassamellkaty_denson 9 votes
Billy Hargrove
QwQw 1 vote
Jim Hooper
GRT_AlkalineBrokenbonesCheeseAntonNoOneKnowsNovaDoritoHeadpatchoulisun 6 votes
Joyce Byers
White_OwlGannTM 2 votes


  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882
    Jim Hooper

    I think everyone here needs to get in eventually, but I say Jim Hooper is one of the most influential characters in the poll not already in.

    To spoil Stranger Things

    He "died" in Season 3

    He took care of Eleven seasons 2 through 3

    He discovered the weird tunnels in season 2

    He (and Joyce) went to the upside down to save Will

    etc. etc., I haven't seen the show in a while

    Plus, he's just a cool guy.

    Joyce is my second choice, just because we got Jonathan Byers in so it'd be cool to have a Mother and Son in the same place in DBD.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890
    Robin Buckley

    You forgot the actual right answer: Barb

    but I guess you just didn’t want 100% for her, so it’s understandable

    Robin is a very cool character as well! And Hopper too, would have expected him actually..

    Joyce would be cool just because of Winona Ryder, not a big fan of the character in the show

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
    Billy Hargrove

    I actually really liked Billy.

    He redeemed himself in Season 3.

  • GRT_Alkaline
    GRT_Alkaline Member Posts: 226
    Jim Hooper

    Hooper for sure.. but as his own character and not just a steve skin

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247
    Jim Hooper

    Add him and we can have a full squad of cop survivors

    Tapp, Hooper, Cybil and Leon

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
    Jim Hooper

    He is a total badass, however I'd want him to have his own character because if he had Steve's scream, that would be...something.