I've been tunnelled by six different Wraiths today because of my pride charm.
I've played maybe eleven matches today, and in six of those matches, I played against wraiths. All six of them would tunnel me off hook, shake their head at me, and one of them stood on my body until I bleeded out. They did this to no one else, and yes, all six wraiths were different people.
I've reported all six of them and I'm 100% sure nothing will be done about it because that's how this game works.
I didn't know wraiths players were such scummy homophobes.
Oh, and I also had a pyramid head tunnel me the entire game for the same reason today. Hit me on hook, shook his head at me, and made sure I didn't escape the match.
Glad to know being a wraith main makes me a homophobe for some reason. Did they explicitly say in chat that they "tunneled" you because of the charm?
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Cause hell knows I have seen people lied 'bout they were tunneled cause of the charm to get the devs to remove it and any other lgbtq+ stuff
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How do you know it was because of the charm?
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Hey not all wraith players are like that.
I don't care to what genger you are attracted or what your genger is, neither do I care what charms you are using.
All I care for are multiple chases all over the map.
So don't say wraith players are like that, thank you very much 😉✌️
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Painting a group that enjoys a certain killer with a broad brush as hating on another group of people.
The irony.
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The doubt creeps in.
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Unless they explicitly said in chat that you were tunneled because of the charm, you have no basis to claim this.
Any sort of proof it was due to the charm and nothing else (like screenshots of them admitting it) would be essential not just for this thread but the reports you did.
If this was the real reason they done it then yeah that is just sad and pathetic and they need to get themselves a life.
I wouldn't bunch all wraith players together, as well thats just not the fact as you clearly see by some of the other posts within this thread.
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I keep getting killed by players who correctly assume that I'm heterosexual.
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I kinda have a feeling that this person (the op) was maybe t-bagging or something else to try and piss off the killer.
Than come here to cry about that the way the killer played was because of the pride charm.
But refusing to tell the whole story
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Tunneling, camping, and slugging, in the instance of a single match especially, are not reportable offenses, please do not report people for this. For more information on game rules, you can view them here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/139-game-rules
What does become reportable, is if they are engaging in repeated, targeted harassment over the course of several matches. For instance, if one of those Wraiths matched up with you again, went after you and only you until you died, and did this repeatedly over more matches, that can be reportable. You can report in-game, and a ticket with video evidence can be submitted to Support here: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/
Also, in regards to the pride charm, if they state in post game chat they acted negatively towards you because of the Pride Charm, that is also reportable.