Survs totem perks

WickPJ Member Posts: 46


From the anniversary live stream I was think about those new totems that they want to add to the game. These supose to be connected to new survivors perks category so they would also have some perks that would use totems from what I understood.

If so, then what do you think they could be doing? Like if a killer can destroy it then would it just delete the surv's buff from it? Give an temporary debuff on killer? To be honest in my opinion those perks should need more risk to be used just like Killer's hex totems. For example there could be a perk that buffs the spead of healing or repairing gens buf it the hex with it gets destroy by killer survs gets a debuff for healing or reparing. But not only the person that took that perk but the whole team. That would be a risk that comes with a big value. Also that could be a nice way to change the way SWF are "working" in the game. As we all know these people loves to play with strong perks especially cause they are on voice chats so perks like Object are actually thier typical pick. So, if an SWF would took a few totem perks and those totems would get destroy that would slow them down a lot, if not then thier games would be a bit faster. But in my opinion it would make SWF's need to more think about how they are playing, what they are doing etc.


  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Yes, a noed for survs. At egc survs are faster and you need to hit them 3 times to put them in dying state. Killers say noed is balanced, this could be a balanced perk for survs

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    Well that looks literially like you would be a dev spoilering new perks XD

    Anyways that looks and sounds nice but in my opinion there should be a bit of a risk. I mean I know killer could destroy those totems then surv lost a perk but the fact that he can then just cleans another one to get it back is not that good. When survs cleans hex totems killer lost his perk(perks) for the rest of the game so the same should go for those Boon Totems or for example if totem is destroy by the Killer survs that was using it for thier perks get a debuff, I'll take Swiftness as an example.

    Boon: Swiftness gives Hasted effect if it's working, so let's maybe add to it an effect that slows survivors movement speed or gives them exhaustion status effect for example for 1/3/5s only when killer destroys that Boon Totem and that effect can stack like let's say first destroy totem apply 5s exhaust, then the surv make another totem to get this perk back and this debuff is canceled if it wasn't cause he don't stop running or something and if it will be destroyed again then surv get 10s exhaust.

    In my opinion that would give a risk to those perks, of course also devs can just make them like killer's hex perks aka only one totem per game. But for sure in any way surv main will be crying and wanting it to be stronger.

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    You know, noed is picked only for fun or when you just want to get 4k after some hard games or games against toxic shits. It activates only after all gens are done so there's a risk that it will be just a waste of perk slot also it's a hex so if survs will destroy totems that they see before finishing all gens there's a chance that Noed will never work because there wouldn't be any totem. So crying about Noed is a bit like crying about Mori or Gen rushes. Just the difference is that Devs will faster nerf Noed or Mori(Like they want to do it again) than gen rushing simply because there's more survs mains just because the game is 4v1 which makes actually more of the players being those cry babies that can't addapt to the game's changes that would make game harder yet more fun for them. Of course not every surv mains are that type of people. Like not all Killer mains are tunneling or camping.

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    I'm from Poland so if there's not other Europe server then I spend all time of those almost 4 months on that server

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    I see what you mean. Well I am a killer main but I took a lot of fun from hard matches yet I wouldn't like to see something that would seem to be op for one side. Especially because it seems like devs would nerf that if it's on killers side after around 2 weeks but if on survs side it would take them longer to nerf it. That's one of the reasons why I get an idea of debuff for survivors if Killer breaks thier Boon Totem. There's just allready great perks that for example SWF can use to actually win almost every match. Just in my opinion for example that Swiftness even if it would work on in a small area like those 32m SWF probalby would pick it so there would be 4 people using it, take an offering to go on a small map like The Game or Hospital(The one form Doctor) then make 4 different totems on different places to be thier. And from that it would be very easy for them to just loop killer around it which really wouldn't be a great thing. Even if Killer would get a notyfication about the Boon Totem for sure SWF would do everything they can just to be sure Killer don't touch the totem and even if he dose then they would just run to another area with it. At least for me that sounds more like a typical Toxic SWF gameplay than a normal good or hard match.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    I honestly hate the idea of boon totems.

    The killer already wastes enough time chasing. Just playing the game at all gives the survivors plenty of time to do gens.

    Then they added breakable walls, some of which basically have to be broken.

    And now they're adding Boon Totems that will give at least one survivor a massive advantage if the killer doesn't go out of their way to actively look for them. Even if they add perks to counter boon totems, the killer only has four perk slots, and would be wasting one under the assumption that they're gonna be going up against survivors with boons.

    And if they give boon totems the same "hiding" treatment as Hex totems, survivors are barely going to run them, because it's annoying as hell to have one of your perks disabled within 20 seconds of the start of the match. That would actually make boons more powerful, since no one would be expecting you to run them.

  • WickPJ
    WickPJ Member Posts: 46

    I agree that will be fair enough if the effect applys only for the surv that is using the perk with Boon Totem just let's remember that actually this game is more balance for survs to have "fun" and being toxic. Of course as long as you are not Otz or know the game and how to play almost everything aka plays probably from 2016