Devs, can you do me a favor?

Can you just nuke the ######### out of backwater Swamp, I mean like cut it entirely from the game. No one likes it please and thank you.
P.S. its my 100th discussion and I wish I had a better topic to talk about then this
LOL some of us really hate that map, don't we?
Let's compare the pros and cons:
- It is profoundly ugly. Muck, muck, muck, and more muck. Black everywhere.
- The design, while semi-unique (it's basically just an inverted Crotus Prenn asylum), is little more than a crater. You either hang out on the outer periphery waiting for a chance to go completely expose yourself, or you go completely expose yourself.
- Only a couple of decent places to hide, lots of shabby and ugly places that you can just get a short loop around.
- The map shows up WAY too often. There are 35 active maps in the vanilla game right now, why do I get this one five times as much as half the others?
- None whatsoever
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DBD would be so much better with no swamp.
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Preach brother, preach!
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Footstep noises make playing Spirit even easier
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Congrats on 100 discussions! Anyways...
Nuking the map would make it WAY more fun to play on. Like, who wouldn't want to survive in a crater?
Oooh... nvm, you meant remove it from the game entirely. Yes, please do.
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Still better than The Game map.
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swamp maps in video games always suck, change my mind
trick question, you can't
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You been to Blight town one too many times?
Me too.
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First reduce the Ream Beyond to atoms, and then we can talk about nuking Swamp.
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Delete Swamp.
Kill it with fire.
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I love you but NO!!!!!!
They're the modern equivalent of NES-era sewer levels.
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Least favorite map I hate it so much lol.
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Every time I wanna play dbd and read black water swamp I die a little inside
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Let the cute little animals burn with it. Hahaha
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I kinda like the swamp though :(
and I have very high hopes for the update, especially with the teased terrain changes
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I really hate so much new The Game map. That is reason :(
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I liked the swamp in Majoras Mask
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It's the pallets, right? All the killer mains hate the map because of the pallets. I'd be fine if they were reduced.
I love the map because of the aesthetic, the maze-like quality, the multiple floors, the loads and loads of random clutter (some of it's good, some of it's useless, you have to really look around). This is literally my favorite map in the game. I get killed on it more than I escape it but I still love it.
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I am Saw fan, there is so much similiar objects from movie. That is only part i love this map. But pallets... They are just so much and so strong. I have to destroy them because they are so strong for mindgames and actually survivors also not trying loop. They are just dropping pallet and running next. Boring map for me.
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I'd be totally fine with them reducing the amount of pallets by half. I'd still love the map. Maybe they can try that and see if killers like it more.
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No! I love the swamp maps. They're much better than The Game. I just want them reworked to include deep water that we have to wade through.
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Well, I used to love The Game. It was once a paradise for stealth killers. Now it is Pallet Town 2.0
You already know who is to blame...
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I actually don't. Do you mean the devs or survivors? I don't know when the map was changed but I've enjoyed it for the last three months, as long as I've been playing.
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And I will never forget or forgive them for that
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I mean the thing I hate most: The Realm Beyond.
The Game was once one of the deadliest maps in DBD. A paradise for stealth killers, and a very good map for the rest of the roster (except Oni and Billy).
If you want to look at the past:
Now, it is literally Pallet Town 2.0 For context, Blood Lodge used to be called Pallet Town because of its sheer amount of pallets. A trait which The Game now shares.
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Neither will I.
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But to be fair (and I like you so don't take this personally) your argument reveals a bias. You basically said "it was great for killers, now it's great for survivors, so now it sucks".
I pretty much only ever see killer mains complaining about it, which tells me that they just don't like that it's harder for them to get kills. That's a perfectly valid complaint, but it's also a one-sided one. That said, I would still be fine with them cutting back on the number of pallets if that made the map more fair. I like it because of just about everything else, I hate the looping crap so pallets mean little to me.
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Apologies, I've expressed myself poorly. I don't dislike the map because it is harder for me to get kills. I dislike it because I don't like the reworked graphics and because it reaches an insane level when it comes to pallets.
If I recall correctly, The Game can reach about 24 pallets, and some of them are completely safe. Revert the graphical changes, adjust the number of pallets, and the map is perfect.
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I hate that map too. Got it this morning first thing. Just trying to do a myers daily, and the two two-man SWFs hide out the entire duration making me want to RIP MY HAIR OUT.
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As a Trapper main, Swamp maps are the only one that trap spawn at the absolute corner of the map.
You lost a Gen to walk from a side to the other side in Mother Dwelling? I lost a Gen just to pick up a trap in Swamp.
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but the mud is soothing on my skin
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I hate that map as killer and survivor. Just an annoying map.
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My only issue with swamp is the totem placements. So many of them are tucked behind trees and logs against the walls where there is 0 safety and no survivor would realistically go.
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Hey, my Spooky Myers likes that map. It is one of the few outdoor maps which he really shines on! I like it better than Lerys actually.
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I love the swamp for both survivor and killer tbh.
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Nuke the swamp and somehow make it reach Badham too, thanks
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Resident Evil 7 and the DLC where you play as Joe Baker who bunches mold
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No need to apologize, I understand what you're saying. I just mean that the general argument that people seem to have against the map is that it's not as fun for killers, which (to me anyway) doesn't automatically make it a bad map. But some people really despise it for that reason which seems unfair.
However, like I said before, I myself would be fine with them lowering the amount of pallets if that meant that killers would feel that the map is more even. I would be much more in favor of that than cutting the Raccoon City PD map in half or some of the more dramatic changes that killer mains have been asking for.
Is it? I know it sure feels like it.
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Meyers IS really good on that map. That much is true. He blends in really well. Ghostface is also a complete pain on that map.
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I think there are more maps i dislike than the ones I like
Swamp obviously is among those i dislike
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I... I just want it gone man. In two days i've been there about 17 times.
I have been trying to get all my dailies done but no matter how much I want I get freaking Swamp.
Its like hell i'd even take Haddonfield over this BS
Even as Doc my games are long there and THAT just shouldn't happen I find people thats my JOB thats my POWER
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Swamp map is the only map I don't cleanse in because throwing up all over it is my privilege.
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You guys keep misspelling Midwich
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Pro: It's one of the only maps that isn't flat ground the entire way through. It actually has variance in the topography that isn't the result of a hill asset or flight of stairs.
I know they intend to address that, which is cool, but Swamp still sticks out to me for that reason. I don't outright hate Swamp, but I don't like it much either. The land not being flat, however, gives it that ONE quality that I can respect.
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I mean I like that it is unique but by god is it annoying
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Ya, it's cool that Swamp isn't flat like every other map in the game, it's just too bad Swamp is the map with that quality.
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I like the swamp. The maps are quite unique and the aesthetic is probably the creepiest we currently have in the game.
I can. Swamp levels are not universely bad, and suggesting this is just silly.
the swamps is MGS 3 for instance are pretty great.
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I can relate to that, if we talk about the past. Nowadays, Swamp seems to have lost the feeling it once had.
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I think the issue is that the borders of the map are quite... boring. There's nothing there.
At least on the salloom there's at least a few pallets.
If they cut down on the edges, the maps would improve a bunch