Does Killers still Hate/Tunnel OoO users?

Does Killers still Hate/Tunnel Object of Obsession users? Even after the recent rework?
People hate each other no matter what they do. Don't think about it just play the game using perks/items/add ons/offerings/killers/strats you like.
Just don't go out of your way to bm people, I mean you can do it too but please don't.
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Yeah but old OoO was so hated also old DS too, I will play as i like but i want to know killers opinion about it. Will they tunnel OoO users or not after the change? Did you as a survivor got tunnled cuz of it?
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Still someone tunnelling me. I do not know reason is OoO or because i am pointing, tbagging them.
Anyway killers can tunnel and facecamp. Nothing is wrong with that. They will lose game for that.
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I only used ooo a few times because I'm not a big fan of it and like some other perks more. In those games I didn't get tunneled any more than without it.
I was once a person that never used items/flashlights because I thought killers hated it but I was still tunneled and bm'ed by killers. So I realised I should just use whatever I like because most players are toxic no matter what you do.
Same goes for other side. When I played killer I gave a lot of hatches, tried not to tunnel and follow rulebooks but survivors were still teabagging and doing their thing.
After some point you just realise it is pointless like I said. l never bm but I definitely do whatever else I want these days regardless of what others may think of it. I think it is a good approach to have honestly.
Don't worry about being tunneled so much it is a good opportunity to practice and adapt.
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They might. I like object but you do kind of sign up for being the killer's focus when you bring a perk that shows them were you are every so often.
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The new OoO? Not at all.
The old one was probably the only perk in the game I would consider calling toxic