How do people enjoy this game anymore?

I have 1100 hours into DBD. Ive been playing since the beta, while taking many breaks when the game was unplayeable in the last years.

Currently, Ive had little incentive to play the game, and like many I'm very sad that they still did not account rank rewards or anything with the 5 year anniversary stream to actually give more reasons to play the game, but whatever, we're talking about DBD devs after all.

I'm not here to just sh*t on the game. It has good points but so many terrible counterparts.

Through pain, blood and tears, after leaving the game for several months a couple weeks ago, I went back from rank 17 to rank 4. Solo. It was HELL. Took me like two weeks of playing quite a lot, y'all know how solo surv is terrible, won't elaborate on this, thats why pretty much everyone plays SWF now(another big issue)

Recently I was hyped for the RE DLC, bought RE2 and did it last week, very good game which hyped me even more for the DLC(never played a RE before). Now today I boot the game, figured I could at least get back to rank 4 before rank reset so I don't bounce to like 10 or something.

Game 1 : 10 min queue. Killer ends up hardcore camping and tunneling any survivor he can. I realize team mates are not very good and still do 3 safe saves while they don't do much and try to pip. No pip. End game board : 10+ rank disparity, you wait 10 min and get hideous matchmaking. I'm rank 6, the other survivors were 12, 14 and 17 and the killer was 15.

Game 2 : Long queue again, one team mates DCs 30 seconds into a match because it's a blight. Terrible from this survivor but I can understand the feel when you wait 10 min to get billies, blights or nurses. I played like I was playing for 1Million USD, depip.

Game 3 : Cheating billy, Ive been seeing quite a few of these guys recently. With 1K hour you can easily tell when someone is cheating especially when they find you out of nowhere 3+ times per game, and runs exactly to you, every single time, even when he has zero clue helping him.

Stuff like this has been going on for very long. The only thing the player can do is turn on cross play, which makes the game even more unplayeable, I'm sorry but the skillgap between console and PC players is immense. I would probably not be much better with a controller but if you're trying to rank up, just don't turn it on.

Also I mostly talked about survivor(solo) stuff here, game is a hundred time easier as killer, hence why I don't play killer too much because you can double pip every game from low ranks to like 7-8 and it's just easy to reach red ranks on killer, the amount of points you get is so high it's almost impossible to depip or not pip before red ranks, and I'm a pretty good killer but nothing crazy.

They really need to adress all this stuff and make solo surviror more enjoyeable and playeable. Stuff like this is why people go SWF+coms on discord, and killers get mad and feel entitled to camp and tunnel. There are a lot of wrong things coming from both sides but the devs are not helping at all.

What do you guys think? How do you still enjoy the game?


  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I enjoy playing killer. Even if I lose I know it's my fault and I deserve it.

    When I lose as survivor it's most of the time because of teammates. I'm not a good looper, so I often end up on hook. Random teammates are rarely decent. Most of the time they are so braindead, I can't enjoy it a bit. I understand if they don't know how to loop or wasting pallets because they freaked out. But I hate when they can't find a ######### gen, or they just waste their hook stage because game going too hard for them. Playing solo survivor is nearly impossible to enjoy. I never mad at killers that camp or tunnel. They just insecure of they can win a fair game. But fellow survivors make me hate them way too much.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    The reason why I still enjoy DBD is because I lie to myself.

    The game doesn't even look like that game which I fell in love with back in 2018, but I keep maintaining the illusion that I will have the same experience that I had back then. I almost never succeed, but my love for what DBD once was is strong enough for me to keep trying.

    I've already lost my favourite killer and my favourite maps. Who knows what else am I going to lose next. At this point I just want to go back. Back to what 2018 Dead by Daylight had to offer, or even further in the past.

    I want my game back.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Taking breaks from the game is something normal. Most people do it. Nothing wrong about it.

    • survivors have long queues (as you experienced) because there are not enough killers around. The matchmaking simply puts the first killer it finds into a match with whoever was waiting the longest time.
    • while there are cheating/hacking people, they are pretty rare. Usually its just experience or some addon/perk that gets confused with cheating/hacking. When in doubt, record it, report it and send it to the support.
    • skill gap between platforms is non existant. Console survivors are as good and as bad as PC survivors.
    • if killer is a hundred times easier, then i recommend you to play killer. Since we have a general lack of killers, you get instant lobbies and improve the queue times for other survivors. Win/Win for everyone.
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Different strokes for different folks my guy.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    I just have fun playing the game?

    i am a casual player, not a super pro looper or gen rusher and definitely not a pro killer. I am playing a mix of pretty much every playstyle, sometimes with successes sometimes with fails. I try different perks and usually go for challenges, daily’s and achievements. If I don’t have fun I stop playing. I take breaks now and then.

    of course survivor gameplay can feel a little bit dull some times. Killer can feel stressful when the survs know what they do. But those are just some of the matches, and definitely not the majority for me. Often I accomplish something for me even if I lose.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited June 2021

    If the team fails me I have plunders to bail me out. If the killer tunnels me because I'm holding an item I have ds to back me up. If the killer counters my ds by slugging me I have adrenaline to lift my spirit, and lithe just keeps me going.

    In short, I just found what fits for my survival from the whole experience. If I die, then I most certainly deserved too. If my team turns on me I just concede and move on. It's not easy to avoid Dbd toxic waste, I just check out if I don't feel welcome and try again later or next day.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Why are you shocked you're bored with a game after playing for 1100 hours? Sounds like any enjoyment of just playing the game is gone and now you only care about ranking up... which of course is going to tilt you in a game where you need to rely on teammates.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm still having a blast. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here. I would have already set out to find the next game. The more important question, since you are so unhappy, is why are YOU still here?

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    You can't take this game too seriously.

    I agree though, long ques and short frustrating mtaches just to go wait through another long que is why I can't play very much anymore.

    The Devs don't seem to mind and, with an attitude like that, in a game with many broken flaws and stale Meta, good luck retaining players!

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    Stockholme Syndrome

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Not taking it seriously actually makes the game enjoyable

  • HeavenRoad
    HeavenRoad Member Posts: 78

    Thanks for the answers lads. Yeah maybe if I was taking it less seriousely, but that won't help with camping/tunneling killers and survivors who DC. Problem is I'm allergic to low ranks because playing with low ranks survivor is really hard.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I enjoy the game because I play it to have fun. * Shrug *

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Yeah that's the mindset that I had to start taking after A LOT of frustrating games against red rank sweatlords who are beyond my skill level. Now I just play to have fun and if I see that I'm in a game against sweatlords who are gen rushing and avoiding me to the point of not even engaging in chases, or if I get in to a game against a bully squad I just find a nice quiet corner of the map the stand in, face the wall, and queue up something on YouTube on the second monitor. If a team wants to play gen fix simulator, then ok I ain't gonna stop them. Or if a team wants to bully then I ain't gonna give them the satisfaction. It's not like as killer I won't have to wait very long for another game anyway.

  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    When you lose as a killer most of the time its the map fault unless you play nurse then its your fault. I agree on the survivor part most of the time its the team fault or the guy who kill himself on first hook

  • DbD_Enjoyer
    DbD_Enjoyer Member Posts: 459

    I've played over 3000 hours of Killer ONLY. Profile comments and SALT on the end game chat is what keeps me playing this game, they are so satisfying!

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636