Losing to a spirit using MYC and stridor feels real bad.

Just played against a rank 4 Spirit (I'm a rank 11, I hate matchmaking.) The spirit was using make your choice and stridor. Absolutely garbage feeling that everytime anyone unhooked, spirit immediately phased back to the hook and found the unhooker and downed them immediately. Couldn't hide, couldn't run because she would track you. The killer almost always tried to hook in or near a dead zone.
I can lose and take my lumps fine if it feels like I was the one who messed up. In this case, I felt entirely powerless to help my team or do just about anything. We managed to get 4 gens done, but the spirit eventually slugged, found everyone, and killed us all.
Just needed to vent. I've played against spirits before and had a tough time but felt like I could still scrape by and survive. This game felt like a loss from the second I realized the killers entire tactic. It worked, but holy hell did it feel terrible to lose to that spirit.
Anybody have any suggestions on how I could've countered this spirits tactic/build? I'd appreciate any advice :) Thanks!
spirit cant be counterable. just accept it and move on.
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Don't feel bad. Winning with that build doesn't take any effort or skill. You didn't get outplayed, you got screwed by unbalanced BS.
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before any spirit main come here i will share some part they use most.
Spirit is strong on 1v1 - is there any killer can chase more than 2 ?
Spirit can be countered by pre drop pallet etc - i'm sorry but this will work with other killers and you still can escape but not with spirit.
Imagine this is fighting game but since spirit attack so strong you cant block it. but you can evade her attack. sure you can win by evading every attack of her. is that OP ? is she needs nerf if only that character do that way ?
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honestly make your choice is the scariest perk to go against imo
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Not a spirit main, but lots of hours regardless.
Many killers are able to deal with multiple survivors at once. Spirit cannot. Nurse is able to because her cooldown is so short. Wraith is very good at the hit and run style. Legion is ONLY good against multiple survivors. Twins can actually chase/pressure 2 survivors at once. Pig can take someone out of the game with her traps, not directly chasing them, but still takes them out of the game where they have to get traps off.
Every killer is different and has a different style. Against a spirit, you can't just loop. You need to stealth around, and try to bait her out. Spirit still loses against survivors who focus gens hard. She can't get downs fast enough if everyone pressure gens because her power is not that great at map traversal, as you want to be using it in chases.
Also, i come from fighting games. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo and MvC2 are my jam. And in those games, 1 mistake means you get ToD'd or infinite combo and you lose. With spirit, you get 6 chances. Which is lucky, because i come from a world where you get 1.
Now, this isn't to say that i think spirit doesn't need changes. But i don't think a direct nerf is the way to go, the reality is at the highest level, nurse can barely compete, and spirit still gets blown out by organized depip/tournament level squads.
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thanks for your detailed explanation, while what you said about most killer is true. people tend to forget that looping is basic of the game as we can compare in the fighting game where block and evade is one of the crucial element of the game.
so 1v1 will always be part of the game in how you escape or evade the killer. In tournament people still can win or lose depending on the teams but some rules apply on tournament on what can you bring or which perk you cant use and so on.
while i agree that spirit can still lose but OP or not is not based on whether she still can lose
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I believe there are a few killers you can't loop easily - Deathslinger is tough on most, nurse, doctor is tough if skilled just as spirit, huntress....
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True, looping is part of the game. if you want to continue the fighting game comparison of looping being blocking. Then spirit is a Grappler like Zangief where blocking all the time against him isn't going to work out in your favor. You need to zone him out (stay stealthy) and not let him get close to you. When he does, you can bet you are probably going to lose.
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you cant loop them easily but if they miss their power you can escape them since they will need to be slowed down when they use their power unlike spirit she will just run with normal movement speed
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I appreciate the sentiment. The matchmaking being the way it is and the very annoying build just really had me feeling crappy :( I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who dislikes this build.
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Looping is part of the game, but please stop pretending its the only part of the game. There are different playstyles (like stealth), but there are people that dont like that.
doctor is a killer that mostly negates stealth, spirit is a killer that mostly negates mindless looping. I like it when different killers attack different aspects of the game, because it doesn´t become stale too fast that way.
However, lots of survivor players only learned the one aspect and didn´t care about the others, and now judge balance around that one aspect.
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stealth apply to all killers you can also stealth doctor. but you cant loop spirit, that's the point
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It is exceedingly difficult, bordering on impossible, to stealth the Doctor, unless you always use Calm Spirit or are near a locker. Each killer requires a different playstyle. That's a good thing.
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Doesn't doc have the add on that shows auras making calm spirit irrelevant?
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Yes. I was only taking into account the base power.
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You cannot loop her, but you can still escape her in a chase.
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Honestly I swear it must be required by law for someone to make the same argument about spirit daily. These posts are getting boring...
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where's some hag and nurse hate threads I miss those
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You need teamate who can run over your scratchmark solo its close to impossible. Pre drop pallet too and walk in another direction.
Your team did 4 gen againt her and you felt like the match was unfair honestly the was i see it is you guys did 4 gen in 5 minute against a spirit who had a lot of pressure againt your team so i dont know what you want more because i think you guys did well.
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Why even come into the thread if you dislike these discussions so much? People are going to keep making posts until she is a balanced killer.
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Nerfed. They're going to keep making posts until she's nerfed. Let's not mince words. The same thing has been done with virtually every killer.
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by doing what ? even tournament survivor cant escape spirit
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Except that it's just MYC at that point, Stridor doesn't really do much against healthy survivors.
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Stridor is pretty good against healthy survivors. They already breath more heavily when running at base and keep panting for a few seconds when stopping. Add Stridor to the mix and you could track them even they try to juke the phase by walking away with Fixated.
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Honestly Spirit in general just needs removed until they finally fix her, make her only available for kill your friends. It feels like grief at times lmao, you wait in a queue for a match where if you aren't running meta perks and are trying to have fun you are basically stepped on.
I basically commit to deafening all spirits by using locker spam to annoy them, then head on them when they come to stop me atm.
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You can do that very easily without Stridor.