Losing to a spirit using MYC and stridor feels real bad.

Just played against a rank 4 Spirit (I'm a rank 11, I hate matchmaking.) The spirit was using make your choice and stridor. Absolutely garbage feeling that everytime anyone unhooked, spirit immediately phased back to the hook and found the unhooker and downed them immediately. Couldn't hide, couldn't run because she would track you. The killer almost always tried to hook in or near a dead zone.

I can lose and take my lumps fine if it feels like I was the one who messed up. In this case, I felt entirely powerless to help my team or do just about anything. We managed to get 4 gens done, but the spirit eventually slugged, found everyone, and killed us all.

Just needed to vent. I've played against spirits before and had a tough time but felt like I could still scrape by and survive. This game felt like a loss from the second I realized the killers entire tactic. It worked, but holy hell did it feel terrible to lose to that spirit.

Anybody have any suggestions on how I could've countered this spirits tactic/build? I'd appreciate any advice :) Thanks!
