Do you want any perk changes?

I absolutely adore those updates that come with fresh/reworked perks!
Last perk update was amazing. Yeah it wasn't huge, but I love actually being able to use perks that were too weak or too minor to use in-game before.
I get bored of running the same perks, done too many different build types and combos. Since the update, I've used many of the reworked perks for fun and they've been great (My favourite is Small game + Open handed)
We need more! They are exciting to to try out and gives the game a lot more discovery for new builds and combos.
Here are a few I would love to see reworked:
- No mither (Total rework, it's just a meme atm)
- Babysitter (Too weak and kind of useless in some situations, buff the seconds / change outcome))
- Better together (CHANGE THE AURA COLOUR! - Mistakes for Trail of torment on solo's + Perhaps increase the aura range / rework the secondary effect with something more relatable to gens rather than downs?
- Camaraderie (Remove the need to have a survivor near you for it to activate)
- No one left behind (People 99 gate more often - Change from 'when gates are opened' to 'gates are powered')
- Fast track (Increase the % from always 1 to 1/2/3% - Actually worth the while saving tokens this way)
- Hope (7% does not do much from experience - Buff the % to 6/8/10)
- Lightweight (Instead of the duration, change the brightness of them - Difficult for killers to then discern freshness, making it more usefu)
- Repressed Alliance (Shorten the time needed / Add a button that allows you to remove the entity before 30 secs)
- Premonition (30 second cooldown?! By then the killer could be on the opposite side - Decrease cooldown considerably to perhaps 20/15/10
- Sole survivor (Rework to increasing YOUR aura reading ability based on the amount of dead survivors?)
- This is not happening (Perhaps buff % to 25/50/75 / Grant + BP's to great skill checks - A great skill check perk needs to be more associated and useful in great skill checks)
- Poised (Never had much value out of it - Rework the effect to perhaps haste for a short duration every time / Include no grunts of pain + blood trails)
- Boil over (The hook auras is good...the wiggle effect, not so sure.. - Rework the effect to decreasing the wiggle timer by 10/15/20 % - Make wiggling out less frustrating when 99'd + good combos with breakout
- Buckle up (Pointless perk... - Dying survivors within 16 metres of you recover 10/20/30% faster - More useful for team players and encouraging teamwork)
Feel free to Agree / Disagree with my perk reworks... I am aware they're all survivor perks, I'll make a seperate post discussing killer perks soon! :)
This post is just my thoughts and ideas on how the Devs can encourage players to try out different combos and perks to avoid stale gameplay with the same perks used on repeat.
! Use this post to voice your opinions on any perks that need BUFFING or even NERFING to allow the devs to read through and listen to the communities opinions <3 !
Hope is fine.
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I want like half of the survivor perks buffed so I won’t list them all but some that need desperate attention are
- Sole survivor’s effect is okay but the requirement means you’ve already lost the game
- Poised is way too luck based for a mediocre effect that lucky break now does better
- Distortion needs more tokens or a way to get them back
- Solidarity doesn’t do enough to warrant a perk slot. I had a rework idea but the new perk bite the bullet kills that idea
- Autodidact needs more consistent skill checks
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I just cannot say its a good perk. Me and my mates take the mick out of it when we see it in the bloodweb lol.
I've ran it quite a few times and it really didn't have that much effect? In chase it did..well nothing. You're essentially going from 4.0 to 4.28, which seems good. But in gameplay it really is just not noticeable.
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buffing vigil to 30 or 35% 20% is piss poor
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Also include broken have they ever explained why not every timed status effect is on the perk?
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Distortion - I agree, more tokens are needed. I mainly use it to know if they have BBQ. But even when I know, I still hide in lockers just so I can save my tokens for any other aura perks they may have no revealed yet. Which kind of defeats the whole purpose of distortion lol.
Solidarity - I somewhat agree, it's not bad if you're both injured. But that's the thing lol, you both need to be injured to get the value.
Autodidact - YES! The perk needs to guarantee 1 skills check at LEAST!
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I'll give a lil feedback on yours with some of my own:
- No Mither: Agreed, maybe just like once healthy and hit, gain a token and become broken for 100/90/80 seconds, this token becomes used once fully recovered.
- Better together: I think it's alright, the color should stay the same as trail of torment would be slightly weaker without it. The secondary ability is nice IMO, I do use this perk now n then in solo queue.
- Camaraderie: I think that the need to have a survivor near you activate it is good, but the range is small. I think if the killer is within 16 meters for more than 3 seconds consistently, it should slow progression by like 5/10/15% or so though.
- No one left behind: Yes I agree, when gates are active would be VERY good. I used to run it often, not so much now.
- Fast track: I don't understand what you mean with this one? But I do think it needs a buff. Not sure what bc idc too much abt that perk.
- Hope: I understand your thought process on this, but this would be HORRIBLE for 110 killers to face. Imagine being hag and a survivor runs in a straight line and you cannot gain any distance for 120 seconds.
- Lightweight: I think lightweight is fine, BUT I do think it should reduce the sound of breathing when running/the length it takes to quiet down after running.
- Repressed Alliance: This one is fine IMO. It's pretty cool too.
- Premonition: Premonition is also fine. It's pretty strong in the right hands.
- Sole survivor: Sole Survivor is confusing for sure, but I think it works just fine rn. Basically, if I'm correct, it just generates a radius around you in which your aura cannot be read? And it grows with each dead surv. I like it.
- This is not happening: I think that it's fine as is, but a bloodpoint bonus couldn't hurt.
- Poised: I agree! I love this perk idea but it's awfully done. I think, in addition to hidden scratch marks, 7% haste status for the duration would be a good addition to grant a little speed and also indicate when your marks are hidden.
- Boil over: Eesh. This would be too dramatic for a perk. I think a wider hook hiding range would do the trick. The struggling is fine tho.
- Buckle up: Similar to what you are saying, I think that any survivors who go down within 16 meters of you should instantly gain 30% recovery progress.
- Babysitter: I agree with buff the seconds. But I think it's alright other than that.
Here's ones I think need changing, and how:
- Second Wind: No activation needed, however, increase entity progression by 4/3/2% speed as a tradeoff for the free heal.
- Flip Flop: Always have 50% recovery conversion, but also add 100/150/200% more bloodpoints for recovering.
- Kindred: Grant any survivors that are over 32M away from the killer a 15% speed boost.
- Power Struggle: Add a 100/150/200% more bloodpoints in wiggling score.
- (This is a nerf, and likely will not be well received) Iron Will: Mutes all pain sounds for 20/25/30 seconds after being hit. After this, reduces pain sounds by 50%.
In turn, I would nerf Stridor. And with that, I'll start my killer perk list:
- Stridor: All sounds of injury are 25% louder and normal breathing is 30/40/50% louder. Iron Will's 30 second period would overpower this as 0% increased by 25% is still 0%.
(I am now feeling too lazy to finish this. may come back.)
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That's a true point...
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It is though. You can infinite killers that are 4.4, and you can run 4.6 killers for much longer than normal. If you're playing efficiently, you'll notice it.
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Hope - I guess that a good point.
Fast track - Baso, rn its 3 tokens per hook. Max you can save is 27. When you hit a GREAT you get 1% progress per token. Maximum is obvs 27% progression.
But that's it... You spend a whole game saving up these tokens and then.. For what? A quarter of a gen? Not worth it in my eyes. And by then, everyone would be dead.
Realistically you get about 12 tokens. Which is useless.
I think it should be 3% per token. Making saving up all your tokens complete 3/4 of a gen. Which is great value for saving up such a perk.
Better together - The whole point of trail is to be undetectable and know when the gen you kicked is being worked on. Deciveing for one perk is not it's purpose, therefore I think should have a different aura.
If a perk scares survivors more than it helps, then why would you run it? Better together is the complete opposite in its purpose, you WANT help from others.
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I agree!
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However, that's if the killer isn't using their power to gain distance or have a tactical advantage to cut the chase down. 😁
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Yeah Fast Track is not good at all... I could see that being helpful though.
And with Trail of Torment, it's extremely weak and the yellow aura is only slightly helpful for it, usually it just makes it even worse. So if they remove the aura from it, I would be completely fine with Better Together getting an aura change. But in the meantime, it simply doesn't need it. The likeliness of these being run against eachother is super low since theyre not popular. But even if it does happen, it won't be the end of everything. Just watch for the killer and you'll do just fine.
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Hope is fine honestly it can be pretty glorious against 110 speeds
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There are way more perks I'd like changed than not. I'm not saying big popular controversial ones like BBQ and DS and all that, I mean all kinds of lesser, quirky ones. I mean, spending X amount of time within the terror radius so you can throw a pebble? Has anyone, anywhere, ever in the history of the universe, EVER said "you know what, THAT'S the perk for me"? Has anyone ever seen anyone actually running this perk?
Lol that kind of thing. I admire the creativity of the developers but there are so many ridiculously specific or circumstantial perks in this game, so many of them all but useless against the big dozen or however many most people actually use. That's okay for individual characters who have their own flavors and all that but shouldn't there be way more generic, all-purpose ones too? Where's "Friction" which reduces survivor vault speed by 20 percent? Where's "Parkour" which increases survivor vault speed by the same amount? Where's "Observant" which increases the killer's terror radius by 10 percent?" Where's "Grease Trail" which allows the killer to see the auras of all survivors who were working on a generator as long as he's within 4 meters of it?
I'm just throwing out random ideas. My point is that perks in this game seem to fall into one of two categories: Broadly useful, or too narrow to be of much use at all. I'd love to see some new generic perks that round out the middle, perks that do simple things that would come in handy anytime, for any character, but which are not so OP that EVERYONE relies on the same ones all the time.
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Solidarity: Make it a higher percentage, maybe even 100%. Because there's so many prerequisites already.
Autodidact: Give it a higher chance to trigger a skillcheck when healing. Just 15% or something.
Any Means Necessary: Give it no cooldown, and replace it with a certain number of tokens. Even that probably won't make it used though.
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Huntress, Slinger, and Trickster won't get LOS on you to use their power😁
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Survivor perks? More than can possibly be listed, but here's the big ones:
I would like Exhaustion to be completely reworked instead of being a bunch of free distance perks. That's the biggest issue I have with any perks right now, Exhaustion is genuinely addictive but not even as remotely necessary as info or slowdown like what people claim it is. At the very least they could make something like Sprint Nurse be base kit and rebalance chases around that, with Exhaustion perks changing how it works or delaying the activation.
DS needs an infinite timer, double activation and a few more deactivation conditions (flashlight stuns, pallet saves, being fully healed, etc).
BT should make survivors intangible instead of giving the endurance effect. Maybe even an increased timer.
Lucky Break is insane and should really just be permanent blood removal, not the free escape it currently is or the massive, free chase extension I use it for.
Iron Will should give breathing sounds.
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You have to be creative.
The killers you mentioned have ranged damage, they don't need to catch up with the survivor; they only need to get in range. Even with the survivor being 110% — staying out of line of sight is still difficult, especially if you're using mindgames to flush them out.
I'm not by any means pushing for a 10% movespeed Hope buff, just making the point that 110% killers can still catch survivors if it were to happen. If we were to buff Hope, I would just make the speed boost permanent.
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I would like a cooldown reduction for I'm all ears, thrilling tremors, surge, trail of torment, dragon's grip and oppression (and eruption). Also surge (and eruption) should apply 10% instant regression because it baffles me how a survivor messing up a skill check does more damage to a gen than a killer perk
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You CAN mindgame, but a good survivor will infinite you if they don't fall for it.
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im bored so imma give my thoughts as well
no mither: i dont really think it needs a rework, its entire purpose is to serve as a hard mode for survivor. i do think that the survivor should start healthy, but gets the broken effect (without it telling the killer) on their first hit, though.
babysitter: it needs a rework. there’s 0 point in running babysitter over BT, and i dont think number buffs can change that
better together: i agree with the aura change, and maybe the secondary action could be that you see the progress on every gen for 10 seconds after finishing a gen with someone else?
camaraderie: i agree with this change
No one left behind: i also agree
fast track: i dont agree with this one, a single hook would finish 9% of a generator which could be too strong in a group. i do think it needs a buff though, maybe just a 1% bonus for great skill checks? (like stake out)
hope: very bad change, you wouldn’t be able to a catch a survivor if you were a 110 killer. i think the timer should just be infinite
lightweight: i dont like that idea, imo lightweight should just reduce the noise made by footsteps + breathing by 25-50%
repressed alliance: change it to how much progress you did on gen, like Flashbang (because right now, if you duo on a gen you dont get repressed alliance faster)
premonition: i feel it needs a full rework. spine chill is 10x better and has no sort of drawback, i dont think anything could change that
sole survivor: needs a complete rework. It only gets good when you basically lost the game, and there’s other perks that outclass it
this is not happening: i agree with the BP bonus
poised: i like the idea of the speed boost. Maybe also hide auras too for that duration?
boil over: complete rework, and i dont really like the idea of decreasing the wiggle timer for free. im unsure of how to change it though
buckle up: i love that change, hell even give it a 32 meter range because 16m is very small
iron will: fix the bug that takes away breathing sounds while injured
distortion: give it more tokens, and/or make it so auras last for 1-2 seconds less when all your tokens run out. would also like to see it block auras for people that are 6m from you
vigil: either increase the recovery up to 30%/40%/50%, or make it so every status effect that is applied to you is timed, and shortened (except power effects, like exposed from myers/GF exposed/plague puke/etc)
solidarity: have it heal you to 100%. i dont see why it doesnt, its very niche to begin with
autodidact: healing skillchecks are now predetermined, you will always get 2 skillchecks per heal (one in the beginning, one at the end). but with this, maybe increase it to 6 skillchecks for max effect (this is to help give it more synergies with other healing perks, and make it less rng based)
balanced landing: after haddonfield gets reworked, i wouldnt mind if the stagger reduction came back (and also, buff sheltered woods and give it a drop down place)
lithe: vault speeds when you aren’t exhausted are increased by 25% (just a dumb buff that gives Lithe value if you cant use the speed boost in the loop)
lucky break: revert the change to hide scratch marks, and instead make it so it hides blood infinitely (i miss running it with head on :/)
ds: it activates after every unhook, and also have it pause in a chase
bite the bullet: have it block auras while healing too
empathy: revert the change that gave it a range limitation, just make it infinate at tier 3
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- Scratch Marks stay visible 1/2/3 seconds less than normal.
- Your Footsteps noises are reduced by 50/75/100 %.
Iron Will:
- Grunts of pain caused by injuries are reduced by 50/75/100 %.
- Overcome the urge to scream.
Calm Spirit:
- 100% of the time, Crows within a range of 20/28/36 metres are not alerted by any survivor.
- Other's Survivors within a range of 8 metres from you:
-Are not affected by terror ratius based perks/addons.
-Their grunts of pain caused by injuries are reduced by 100 %.
-Overcome their urge to scream.
- This effect persists on other Survivors for 15 seconds after leaving Calm Spirit's range.
- For each Generator completed, gain 2/3/4 % Haste Status Effect for 10 seconds.
- As soon as the Exit Gates are powered, you gain a 5/6/7 % Haste Status Effect for 120 seconds.
No One Left Behind:
- For each Generator completed, gain a stack-able 6/8/10 % buff to the Unhooking speed.
- Once at least one Exit Gate has been opened, gain 50/75/100 % more Bloodpoints for actions in the Altruism Category.
- When Lithe is active, medium-vaults become fast vaults, after performing a rushed vault, break into a sprint at 150 % of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.
- Causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
- Lithe cannot be used when Exhausted.
- The killer noises are 25/25/50 % louder to you (Footsteps/Breathing/Vaulting/Breaking/Opening Lockers/Placing Traps/Hits/Charging Powers/Etc.)
- When the Killer performs a break action, their Aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.
- You and your Allies within 8 metres of range recover from negative status effects 20/35/50 % faster.
- Your Allies within 8 metres of range are immune to Blindness and Oblivious Status effects.
- Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.
- Standing within the Killer's Terror Radius while not in a Chase for 30 seconds, you gain a Token up to a maximum of 1/2/3 Tokens.
- Press the Active Ability button while crouched and motionless to throw a pebble, which creates a loud noise notification for the Killer at a distance of 20 metres.
Inner Strength:
- Each time you cleanse a totem gain a Token up to a maximum of 5 Tokens.
- While hiding inside a locker for 10/9/8 seconds when in the injured state or afflicted by Deep Wound status effect, consume 1 Token and automatically heal you one Health state.
- Inner Strength does not activate if you are afflicted by the Broken status effect.
- Inner Strenght can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.
- After a Generator is completed, you leave no Scratch Marks for 6/8/10 seconds.
- When you complete a Generator it don't create the "Generator Fixed Bubble" to the killer.