The pig character model.

Onykron Member Posts: 62

Does anyone else feels like Pig is the killer who needs a model update the most? specially since she seems to have a weir skeleton wich makes her legs , pelvis and shoulders look weird, also the overall presentation looks taken straight out of a ps3 game.


  • Gaffy
    Gaffy Member Posts: 222

    If you want outdated survivor/killer models, just look at the original 4 and wraith/billy. And I don't know exactly but I'm pretty sure they would need to get permission from the SAW copyright owners to change how she looks in-game currently.

  • Onykron
    Onykron Member Posts: 62

    Of course permission would be asked but its not like they need to re-negociate their contract or anything, i am pretty sure they expanded creative freedom when they negociated cosmetics. But back to your point, i dont think wraith or hillbilly are particulary in need of an update since those are original character with no point of reference, Amanda in the other side is downright deformed for someone who is supposed to be a regular woman and not a deformed freak.