Scourge of the Purge

Whoever made this challenge 100% hates plague in general..
How the hell are we suppose to do this challenge when:
A: it's already hard to get hits on TWO survivors with One purge
B: Corrupted Purge Physics are terrible and can't connect half the hits,
Most likely i'll get it one day. BUT GODDAMN
this is quite literally a hard challenge....too hard in-fact,
I like Plague and have been playing her a lot recently but this one just seems like dumb luck. Maybe at exit gates it'd be possible
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I know farming is frowned upon but for this challenge it seems like a necessity
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I'd get it ifs like...One time you hit two survivors. that's fine...
that's already down to luck and bad play on survivors...
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The funniest thing about this challenge is that when it came out - I'm a Plague main, and I like to play normally at first and then stop playing seriously once I have 2 hooks on everyone. For a week after that challenge was released, whenever I'd turn friendly in a game, survivors would straight-up lead me to my fountains and politely stand there in a line, waiting for me to Corrupt Purge them.
It's that bullshit. Everyone knew.
Like, it's not impossible to get in normal gameplay and I've done it before, but it's not something that can happen reliably because it's wholly reliant on how survivors play. It says something that your best bet is to camp hooks, farm, or impotently spray all over survivors tbagging you at the exit gates. (Even the hook camping isn't a perfect solution, because Plague doesn't keep her power indefinitely, and survivors can wait it out and then go for the unhook when you're running to grab a new fountain.)
And I generally dislike several-interactions-in-one-match challenges, because you're not playing against bots, you're playing against humans that have actual intelligence (usually) and learn your tactics. Getting a pallet stun is easy, getting four pallet stuns is hard because the killer is going to start respecting the hell out of them instead of repeating the same mistakes ad infinitum. It's the same here; once survivors learn you know how to use Corrupt Purge to its full potential, they're gonna scatter every time that mapwide sound cue goes off.
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I have a very secret tactic. It requires using a BPS, hitting a generator when you see a survivor and nodding at them.
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It's challenges like this that make players throw matches to complete.
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Basement hooks are your best bet.
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Then they don't save... lol