SWF and totems

So as we all know, a totem counter is one way to fix the gap between solo and SWF. While thinking, I realized something. SWF can call out totem locations and as such one person can stumble upon a totem and ask their teammates to cleanse it later. I don't think that's something that can be replicated in solo so here's my idea.
When a totem is within a survivor's FOV for longer than 2 seconds, a 15 second timer begins. If the survivor makes no attempt to cleanse said totem until the timer runs out, it will teleport to a different location with no survivors in a 16m radius. This timer resets when the survivor begins cleansing the totem and pauses while the cleansing is in progress.
As for totem auras? I personally think it's kinda broken that one survivor in SWF with Detective's Hunch can essentially result in the entire team knowing where every totem is while solo has no way of sharing said information. This however can be fixed by having auras shared by all survivors so that with or without SWF, this'll always happen. An added mechanic is that when a totem is revealed, if that totem is cleansed, all other totems that were revealed will teleport to different spawn points
I like the idea of letting the totems move, or letting the hex move between totems somehow.
I think, rather than having a FOV timer, it would be interesting if the killer could interact with the totem to make either it or the hex move -- maybe a limited number of times. So, if the killer finds their hex totem sitting in the middle of an open field, they can interact to move it and hope it goes somewhere better (or it might end up somewhere worse -- that's the gamble you take). Or if they know the person they just hooked saw their hex and told everyone, they can move it and take the same gamble. Maybe, if all the other dull totems are cleansed, you can't move it anymore.
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That's also a pretty interesting idea. Only problem is with Detective's Hunch. An entire team knowing where every totem is will be pretty crazy so I do still think the revealed totem teleportation should still be automatic instead of manual
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I'd prefer they just add contextual callouts. Walk up to a totem, "hey, totem here!" Ping goes up at the survivors feet
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Some times is hard to tell where a totem is due to how bland some maps are, it's kinda funny.
Friend 1: I found the hex, can you cleanse it? I'm hooked...
Friend 2: ok, where is it?
Friend 1: behind a tree!
Friend 2: there's a million trees? where exactly?
Friend1: I dont know? there's a rock nearby?
Friend 2: eh?
Frien 1: I'll go cleanse it when you come unhook me then. XD
Sure...sometimes i'ts obvious where the totem is but it can lead to funny situations every now and then...
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This is why in another discussion I mentioned that I only call out totems near landmarks like hills, buildings, or generators. It's still possible to call them out in other places as some tourney squads probably do but it's hard and takes a lot of game sense and understanding from the entire team
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shrug i've kinda given up on totems, between people with over 1k hours knowing all the spawns, SWF, Small Game, Maps, and the upcoming CounterForce, it's a cause for celebration if your hexes last past the opening minute. I've gone with Corrupt / Pop on allmost all my killers .... then bhvr decided they'd add a freaking LANDMINE perk to counter kicking....
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Technically it just cancels the first kick before it even happens. You can always kick the gen again to activate whatever perks you wanted to activate