Why is matchmaking so difficult?

Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

This is the third attempt at a test the devs have with this new MMR, and yet again, it's the seemingly same failure as the previous two attempts. From what we've been told, the system is supposed to take a range of variables, and if you pass or fail at meeting them, you go up or down in the 'hidden' ranking system. Which sounds like a more convoluted version of the emblem system in place.

What's so hard about getting it right? Or at least, in working order? From my experiences today, it seems like another flop. Either I'm thrown against sweat squads against my Trapper, who I haven't touched in months and just want to get a daily out of the way, or I go against survivors who just started playing yesterday, on my Plague, whom I play regularly.

I understand it may take awhile to perfect something, especially with all that goes into a decent matchmaking system. Yet this system was supposed to be working 'in the background' gathering adequate data. I would have thought there would be some improvement over the last test, yet I'm not seeing it.


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    The games rng?

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    The difficult part is setting baseline for MMR in a game with no winning conditions, tons of RNG while trying to ignore current ranks.

    Even tho ranks doesnt mean much, red ranks player should never be matched with brown ranks because those are people actually new to the game.

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 613

    The problem in this game is impossible to balance if the devs don't change the mentality, they need courage to saying for the community "if you're not good in chases u never can't be are rank 1"

    The most survivors are good to repair, rescue, purifying totems etc but when they face a good killer the skill comes in.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 945

    people with decent skill suiciding on hook because they were tired, having a bad day, made a mistake or there teammates did something stupid messes with there MMR