New Gideons Meat Plant Is A Problem

Star99er Member Posts: 1,470
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

Gideons Meat Plant Use to be my favorite map to play but ever since the map rework I've found the amount of loops, breakable doors, and safe pallets unbearable to play against, it's like old Haddonfield on steroids. I've literally only found success on this map with Hag and Spirit, any other killer seems extremely easy to loop and get looped with on this map.


  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    Been doing fine with Bubba, legion and Plague there, myself. Maybe try changing up your approach on this map?

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    what I find funny is how the pallets by the washroom didn't change or the ones above it aren't the loops above the washroom the same length?

  • Archon
    Archon Member Posts: 43

    Im not a fan when I play surv or killer here. Far to many breakable walls for a start.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,822

    it's the dang safe pallets and breakable walls that drive me insane.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited June 2021

    Agree not just this map is really strong for survivors, it is also just really boring to play as Killer on this map. Its very easy to hear and find survivors but you will barely catch them because of all the safe pallets. Also it is very frustrating to see some of the loops beeing so insanely wide and open. Also hearing survivors at a different floor and knowing that you will never catch them because the time until you go to stairs or drop downs the survivor will be already at the other side of the map.

    I really love the graphical aspect of the map but I must say it is one of the worst maps in this game.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,470

    I think if they were to reduce the number of breakable walls by like half It'd be a lot more enjoyable for both sides.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Why play dbd when you can play pallet kicking simulator instead?

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Those are all killers that have some ability to play around pallets. Bubba eats pallets fast with his saw, Legion can vault in Frenzy and bait a quick stun out of their power to bypass fatigue (and gets amazing info from their power on such a compact map, similar to Doctor), and Plague can predict pallets and either load a lot of infection into a survivor or hit them with Corrupt Purge the same way Huntress gets a free hit on anyone dropping or vaulting a pallet.

    Most of the loops are very safe, so many killers have no respite but to play pallet breaking simulator a good 10-15 times before they can have chases on the map. Good survivors can waste too much time to salvage the game; the map kind of requires survivors to get lost to slow them down at all, because the first half-dozen chases on this map have so many easy resources to burn.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Never break walls, all of them dead ends for survivors. Only pallets, if they drop it break. That is only way win on this map

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    The Game has this design where the devs barely made any windows so they added a ton of safe pallets,y'know instead of making more windows and less safe pallets

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    I believe in the next chapter patch, The Game is receiving a huge buff for killers. That is if you don't break certain walls. Instead of having those extremely safe god pallets, they're a dead end now. If a survivor drops one, they run straight into a room of purely breakable walls with the only exit being the pallet.

    So, soon The Game will have far less safe pallets if it helps your case at all!

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    I saw it, played a round on The Game and those pallet spawns were complete dead-ends. Not sure if it's 100% chance but it best be, that'd make it more logical IMO.