MMR showed STBFTL being too much

Save the best for the last popped up and ruined perfectly fine games too much for me. I'll explain how this perk is being too troublesome in hands of killers who know how to walk to kill survivors
It prevents any bodyblocking (killers have the Executioner's perk for this), it shortens chases too much (there are plenty of other perks that help with that), it allows camping at max stacks (certain abilities and perks already create such issue), you can even avoid loosing stacks by hitting survivors with special ability. Too much going on for one specific perk. It suits nearly all killers and doesn't have any drawbacks
After playing a while during the test I've noticed how many killers use it and get free hits for literally doing their job. They don't do anything special, they just hit survivors. Many survivor perks require extra actions like healing or unhooking but this one just does so much for free!
It's annoying to deal with, it promotes unfair gameplay that is unfun for survivors, something has to be done with it!!
You have to break chase multiple times to get all stacks, you lose stacks for hits and most special attacks like hatchets and such take a token away. They should fix it so certain killers can't use special attacks like Shred or Deathslingers gun can't keep stacks by using it. Then it would be alright.
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in hands of killers who know how to walk to kill survivors
That's a pretty damning accusation. I hope you brought evidence.
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Demogorgon is such a mess when it comes to him standing near the hook with the perk being maxed out
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I think STBFL is amazing on certain killers like Pig and Demogorgon but it's definitely a fine perk and not too OP. It takes time to power up and if you accidentally hit your obsession it loses a lot of power.
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For all you vets out there
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Just hit it with special ability
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wrong one
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The only killer I think it can be too strong on is deathslinger but otherwise it’s fine
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You sir are thinking of the wrong perk. OP is talking about Save the Best for Last. A Myers perk that shortens the M1 recovery time by 5% for each stack you have. Stacks are gained by M1ing survivors and 2 stacks are lost by M1ing the Obsession. Max 8 Stacks. You're describing Myer's other perk, Play With Your Food.
To the OP. I don't think anyone is going to try to claim that STBFL isn't a strong perk, because it is. However it is not anywhere near the level of broken that you seem to be thinking it is. If your chase prowess is based that much off the post injury speed boost that STBFL is wrecking you... then you simply aren't very good in chases. Also... maybe don't go for bodyblocks if you think the Killer has STBFL? Body blocking is not a necessary mechanic and is a high risk high reward thing to do. Sometimes when you try it, you get wrecked. Also, Forced Penance does a terrible job of punishing body blocking.
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Machine gun build.
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I got sidetracked but what yeah, that was what I was referring to. Its supposed to lose stacks for attacks.
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Ah yes, the "Machine Gun Build". It is sad that I wasn't here for that, because I would be lying if I said I wouldn't like to give it a shot.
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STBFL is a fine perk. Its in a good spot at the moment. A fair perk that takes time to build up and can be very rewarding.
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T3 Myer's in the basement was the best basement party.
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As far as I know Save the Best For Last has never lost tokens for hitting the obsession with special attacks, and has always gained stacks from hitting non obsessions with M1.
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Ye. does its job.
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I might be combining STBFL and PWYF xD I'm not feeling great today, honestly. I think I'm getting sick.
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Damn, I can imagine that. If only I had learnt of DBD's existence earlier, I would've probably had a blast doing all of those interesting things you could do in the past.
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What a problem lmao a perk that if anyone notices, the obsession quits and its gone. I did the match and if you have 8 stacks of STBFL and you get the first hit on a survivor and he keeps pressing w it takes 15-18 seconds to catch up to him. If you chase is being shortened by that, you just dont know how to loop the killer, killers have unfun games as well, there are keys, map offerings( especially haddonfield) hatch offerings, second chance perks and SWF squads that makes the game completely unfun for the killer, and it isnt by that that we remove SWF, Keys, ework Haddonfield or Remove Second Chance perks, so if you wanna compare any of the past items to STBFL then you call me and we can have conversation about how easy this game is to a survivor that plays minimally well with a squad. STBFL needs to get 8 hits at survivors who are not your obsession, what creates kinda shield to the obsession, I used STBFL for a lot of time and I know that its just a perk that makes you not be paused for so much time in the animation that takes 3 hole seconds. If you are annoyed to transform 3 seconds to 1,65 second with a perk, then you are just a baby survivor tat cries about DS nerf.
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That's PWYF 😂
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It was super unfair 🤣
But fun
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Yeah, I realize now. I'm not feeling too great today. Don't think I'm thinking straight like I usually am.
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They did. They want the DS rework reverted.
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Are you serious???
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YEP lol, baby survs
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Yes. Check their posts. They'll remind you of a certain someone.
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They already do remind me of them
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*It's annoying to deal with, it promotes unfair gameplay that is unfun for survivors, something has to be done with it!!* as if second chance perks werent annoying lol
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Classic lol
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Finally a survivor that is not baby, congratulations
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Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you'll feel better soon.
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STBFL at Nurse = Meta
Bamboozle at nurse = OP
( Quote from any survivor main at the forum lol)
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Survivor might as well DC
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That post reminded me the classic Sluzzy lol
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I loved your post, it reminded me from the SLuzzy posts
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It happens to the best of us. I think I have a sinus infection or something.
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"Many survivor perks require extra actions like healing or unhooking but this one just does so much for free!"
Borrowed time and unbreakable wants to say Hi ! And STBFL needs extra actions. Hitting survivors that's not the obsession.
Case closed.
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Yes, having a cool down by earning stacks for hits on the non obsession is OP, the killer shouldn’t have that ability. even as a perk the killer shouldn’t get a stack for hitting a survivor with endurance from bt. I vote STBFL for the chopping block. It’s more problematic than bbq obviously. My nerf to STBFL should be: every time you get a token, the survivor gets a 5% haste for each stack. There it’s perfectly fine now.
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That is 100% not a broken perk. Survivors have the upper hand in this game. In the current MMR, survivors will be winning more and more and killer’s games will be worse and worse. Nerfing any killer perks is the worst thing the devs could do.
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This might actually be proof that anything Killers do to kill Survivor is bad. "Knowing how to walk to kill Survivors" sounds like you're 100% mad that the Killer can kill you at all.
It's honestly laughable.
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And it shouldn't. Special attacks like Shred are harder to hit anyways. If this didn't exist, obsessions intentionally taking hits to remove stacks would be even more of a thing.
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Demo is the best STBFL preserver, but saves more time by just using his power, so its kinda a dead perk on him if playing right
Pig can keep it up, but she still has to W game jungle gyms
Gun still has to reload
Hag... yeah she's ######### dumb with 8 stacks, but she's dumb with a lot of perks
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If the killer is stacking up to quickly, that's on Survivors being overconfident and engaging in unnecessary chases. The perk is good as it puts counter responsibility on a Survivor and rewards for successful chases.
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If you're getting wrecked by STBL, the obsession isn't doing his/her job by taking center stage.
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You literally ask a person to be willingly tunneled.
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Isn't that... like... a good thing, technically? You want to keep the killer on you anyways.
Not to mention that if the obsession is being tunneled, the Killer loses their stacks. If the Killer refuses to chase the obsession, the obsession can punish this by bodyblocking the Killer and rushing gens when they know the Killer won't stop them.
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How an early kill can be a good result? That would basically leave 3 survivors against a killer too soon.
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You're assuming that the Survivor has to die early. Looping the Killer for a long time is possible, just punish by rushing gens if the Killer tunnels someone.
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Shh... dont teach them things have work around and strats. /s