I hate SWF's

PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

SWF after SWF after SWF

Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal fun



  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    I didn't know game told u when the survivors are a SWF group, being confirmed if they play coordinated or fine

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    I'm playing the killer and I do not have problem with them if they're better than me they deserve the win unless they're being purposely toxic I'm fine losing to decent swf which let's be real isn't the case in 60% of times because this game lacks of decent survs big time and u do have info u need the items they are carrying unless they ofc switch last second Which that gives you full right to tunell them out of game and as matter of showing they are swf that Would be worst thing possible because killers would colossally dodge lobbies and they wouldn't be able to find one

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Don't worry. MMR is off for a while again. We can actually have relatively balanced matches again with the occasional toolbox squadron.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    It isn't about losing or winning, you state just adapt and handle them. Yet you get no information about what you are dealing with and not everyone has thousands of hours of experience to just rely in their m1 skills to just handle anything in the game.

    They would massively be dodged is a strawman based on an assumption. If you claim 90% of the game depends on SWF then the killer would enter a full cycle of joining and dodging. Many people would still be fine with playing against them, but might not want to use a meme build or no/bad add ons.

    Just handle them is an elitist mentality of just play meta and sweat every game. If they turn out to just be solos well though luck on them. This is why after 3 matches I just slug, tunnel, camp and sweat regardless of WHO I face. No slack or cares given, because I don't know if they are a SWF or not and if dealing with a SWF coming out swinging is pretty much a requirement. I have no issues facing a team and if they clap me that is fine, but facing them versus a solo team limits my builds and having no clue what I am against just means I use the same ones always.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    It's not based on assumption it's the truth because naturally everyone wants easy mode and anyone claiming they like harder games is lying no matter how competitive they are I see dodging even now based on survs outfits thinking it's full swfs when it's not etc imagine what would be if they showed who's solo and who's swf and I would accept this change only if they give info about which killer we are facing as survivors so we can dodge sweaty spirit or nurse too

  • MMRSweatQTimeGunBLUL
    MMRSweatQTimeGunBLUL Member Posts: 36
    edited June 2021

    wait until you hit the Elo Deadzone 3 or 4 months into mmr if you haven't been idling in between actually playing to offset any decent matches lmfao. it will be nothing but swf that you can almost catch but just can't quite and not any harder to catch nor easy enough to make it fun once in a while if the mmr works as it's supposed to and they haven't offered a final solution to handle swf advantages by then. Frustrated solo will eventually leave or form moar swf, and moar killers will either leave, or frequently idle or just move the killer around to still get rift xp while attempting to reach playable elo lol.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,767

    The best hope we have imo is a functioning mmr that will only put strong squads against a killer that has much skill and experience, players who have practically mastered their main.

    That is not me. I'm a fairly competent surv but by no means a good killer, reaching rank 14 or 13 at best with my Piggy and some Myers. When I got the game 1400hrs ago I attempted Nurse (the first killer i got to 50) for many weeks but finally gave up on her on my Xbox.

    I am one of those convinced the vast majority of killers, including me, would dodge the hell outta all known SWF groups, to the point they'd never ever get a game.

    So can't separate or advertise SWF before a match, devs won't debuff them in any way, and any buffs directly to killers would squash poor solos even further.

    The only sane method imo I can see actually happening is to get solos the info & coordination capabilities to raise them toward SWF level, and then rebalance killers and maps around that new reality.

    None of that means shyttt though without a proper mmr keeping players relatively in their lanes.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    What proof do you have? It is an assumption, are there people that will dodge yes... but as you state it already happens. There are also those that won't... you cannot claim it is true without evidence.

    You claim people only want easy games, isn't that same argument the same as keeping them hidden, you don't want killers to be prepared? Some perks are deemed useless against SWF, apply a blind effect... who cares you just tell your mates where you are, etc.

    Your claim is that 90% of the game is based on SWF, it means that dodging them is impossible. You claim they already dodge all the time based on names and outfits and so nothing changes? You claim that killers misjudge them, meaning they dodge or need to assume that it is the case and sweat. Therefore solos need to pay the price for those who play together and you are surprised they have to deal with sweaty killers.

    Killers might also want a chill game, but they need to play as if they face squads... and handle it.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Ofc u understood my words on ur own way lmao because why would u understand it any other way but ur own lol I never said 90% of game is swf but that they're 90% of reason this games keeps being alive but u do u

  • Morpheus_7_
    Morpheus_7_ Member Posts: 348

    because there are also people like me who like to play alone!

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Maybe it wasn't so much about SWF and you were just matched against people with much more experience than you.

    SWF is not the deciding factor of whether a killer wins or not. Rng perhaps. But if you are losing more than winning, perhaps you are not in the correct rank.

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    I hate it too friend but what can you do, nothing. you just got to play the game and hope you have a fun game.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    As long as they aren't being overtly toxic, why do you hate them? A well coordinated team isn't something to hate

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    You cannot state the game lives off these groups for 90%, but somehow they are not that present in the game. It means 10% are killers and solos... you simply are making up numbers, assumptions about what will happen and base your entire opinion on nothing solid. Then claim it are killers who want an easy game, but isn't SWF and their hidden status not simply having the strongest setup and made easier by having unprepared opponents not exactly the same thing.

    Like what harm could it do to have them try it out... instead of just fear mongering.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459


    Don't you know that it's forbidden in this community to think SWF needs tweaks?

  • MMRSweatQTimeGunBLUL
    MMRSweatQTimeGunBLUL Member Posts: 36
    edited June 2021

    You don't think that those kilelrs are gonna get tired of it and quit or afk even more than they already do now sometimes? LMAO

    All mmr will lead to is eventually solos realizing they need to form swf too or quit and play a better game, while killers will be matched up against swf that from their perspective at their levels feels sweaty for them and the game will become a tedious chore to deal with. Eventually mmr will kill it, it'll start bleeding off players once they realize they'd hit the point where that's as good as it gets and games like evil dead and back 4 blood have been out for a while and are probably much more fun to play. Still 'preferring' dbd at that point will be like voting for inflation and unemployment just to spite the people you don't like or out of blind fealty to a brand. They'll deserve the game they chose to be stuck with and will have no right and be in no place to complain once they have it.

    I look forward to mmr for this reason only, since it'll bring me more entertainment than the game ever has before reading about it's decline once mmr's honeymoon phase is over. They need to fix the game before they do mmr lol. But devs, please don't, I'm past the point where I'd feel I'm having as much fun playing it rather than reading about the unavoidable disaster to come that will probably make recovery impossible once it is allowed to go too far lol. And then the playerbase can split off to other games and give them a chance to live for once, better games.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521
    edited June 2021

    But it does live of swf groups they're the ones buying all those fancy cosmetics solos are playing along they don't care how their character looks and as far for killers it's 50:50 only half of them I actually see using cosmetics swf is only reason ppl play this game understand that it keeps it alive and ur expectations of bhvr to do anything about swf are unrealistic do you think they will nerf or make something that harms their cash bags? No they wont put ue expectations on low about this game and u won't get disapointed otherwise u will be making threads like these forever... Admit it or not solo players +killers together doesn't give them enough money like swf does and they not gonna ruin their source of money

    For us this is the game for them it's money earning

  • helix43
    helix43 Member Posts: 180

    You can literally check out survivors friends list on pc and console to see if they're all on each other's friends list. It's not that hard to figure out they're a swf.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178
    edited June 2021

    It can get incredibly frustrating in this game, especially since the game is so clearly not balanced around survivors having constant communication with each other. Even if it's not Seal Team SWF, there is a very big and clear advantage to survivors being able to talk to each other and unfortunately there is not a whole lot a killer can do about it until BHVR decides to do something about it.

    It sucks and I imagine it's a large part of why the game bleeds killer player base from Red Ranks but BHVR seems content with it so shrug.

    EDIT: And can we stop with this absolute cop-out argument of "How dare people play with friends!?!?" BS? Like...yes, there is a difference between Seal Team SWF and Four Friends wanting to play with each other but four people who are even remotely competent at this game being able to communicate with each other is damn near impossible for a killer to take on unless they are REALLY bad at...everything. Something as simple as "Hey, the killer is chasing me" gives all the other survivors the greenlight to start working on gens and not have to worry about the killer showing up to stab them in the butt. That is a HUGE ######### advantage that the SWF crew has and that's the very most basic form of communication between four people. Once they start actively coordinating with one another, there is very little a killer can do about it. The game is not balanced around survivors being able to share communication like this and to pretend like this isn't a HUGE advantage to survivors is absolutely ludacris...

    Post edited by tippy2k2 on
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,076

    I can guarantee you that you dont go against multiple Deathsquads in a row. They are so rare, it is even more likely that you never faced one.

    You are most likely losing to casual SWFs or Solos. But certainly not Deathsquads.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    Lmao, the audacity of people having friends.

    In all seriousness though, if we didnt have SWF's the game would die out, thats the majority of the playerbase. If you are struggling that much with SWFs you need to change your playstyle, yes some SWF's are strong, but not all of them are what people call 'toxic' with flashlights and that. Most SWF's are casual.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    Or the devs can buff solos to SWF level and then balance the game around survivors working as a group?

    Why is that so hard?

    Solo survivor is in a terrible spot right now and not enough people want to play killer for how many are needed.

    Why can't Behaviour solve both problems by closing the solo-SWF gap? I don't understand.

  • Midnght
    Midnght Member Posts: 65

    LOL swf? whats that mean lol

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Yet having no killers for them to face is going to be great for their experience. Surely you don't believe that the developers only care about SWF teams. Solo and especially killer are still vital to their game.

    Directly punishing a SWF for playing together is not something to expect, simply showing the killer what they need to prepare for isn't harming the gameplay of a SWF.... it isn't like you can change killers or that their own gameplay is affected.

    Whether someone cares about cosmetics in a game is really just a personal preference. Ths uniqueness of the game is what keeps it successful and the licensing of major franchises is what will keep them the top dogs. While they might be a bit complacent, slow and all that, the developers in the end do care about each of their demographics, the solo, the SWF and the killer.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Uh good for you???

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Showing who's swf in lobby isn't possible because it would affect solo players too as like killer can target solo players during match because it would be easier for them to kill solos first second as I already mentioned it would be endless dodge play and plus it's not that hard to see who's swf just check their profile u have full minute to see if those ppl are friends on steam or if ur console than on console

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    lmao. on these forums try having the opposite opinion you mean

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,242

    You're not running into actual death squads in pub matches. Take a look at your gameplay and see where you can improve. SWF and comms aren't the reason killers lose.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    That's actually the exact opposite opinion the majority have, at least on the forums.

  • HuDawg
    HuDawg Member Posts: 312

    Me too bud

  • Stryker
    Stryker Member Posts: 220

    and this is why i check every player's profile in the lobby, before starting a game.

    No, i don't care about getting "better" at the game, i want to have fun....

    Besides, DBD is so damn unbalanced, that "getting good" isn't even a valid argument....this game has too many factors that can influence your gameplay/preformance, like, the fact that this game is too much RNG based,too many bugs, and a lot of other stuff, such as many, many bugs, old mechanics, and SWF..... a feature that the game wasn't designed for....

    solo Q surv aren't that bad, the real problem are SWF squads that are too advantaged, in a game that was originally designed to be played by 4 alone players, unable to communicate...

    so no, "getting good" or "be competitive" isn't a thing...

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    yea then people can check before the match begins and don't complain

  • ashtonisfarout
    ashtonisfarout Member Posts: 101

    It's bad on the survivor side of things too. I can't count how many times I've had a swf team use me as bait or take my game hostage.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    edited June 2021
  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

    Season reset just hit me, was rank 9, now rank 10. Because I've lost every single match to a death squad 4man swf. Fun. I have NEVER, EVER, EVER de-pipped at green ranks before. Come on. ######### is going on

  • eloise
    eloise Member Posts: 528

    Swf I'm ok it's just discord help them to chat and that it's not good, if dead by daylight don't give the possibility to chat in vocal it's for a good reason, for me when the swf are in vocal it's cheating and normaly you can said to the dev that it's cheating so ban them for 20 min, I remember one day I make like them, I was play the killer, I saw a surviver name and I looking on twitch and I saw they are a team vocal so I decided to watch the stream in same time I played , if it's was not au chat vocal swf I'm not watch the stream until the end of the game and said gg, so they cheat I cheat

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    SWFs hate you too. Specifically. They mention you all the time.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    "Survive With Friends". It's what team games used to be called before they simplified it and just added "custom game". It generally refers to groups of players who know each other and thus play with each other to the detriment of the killer (and sometimes even any other fellow survivors that they aren't familiar with) by playing in a coordinated way through things like Discord, using communication and other tools to gain an advantage over solo players.

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

    And then you use a Game map offering with the Doctor that took 300,000 or 400,000 bp to get and they use a Coldwind offeribg and you go to Coldwind

  • MrPsych
    MrPsych Member Posts: 265

    I don't think friend lobbies are the cause of your defeats. SWF groups do get some advantages over a typical solo player but let's not go that overboard and pretend they're unfaillable. You need to improve your killer gameplay.

    Just record a game or two and post them on the forum to ask for critiques. That'd be a good start.

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

    And yeah, I bet they do, I hoped they would