Should Oppression's cooldown be reduced?

Member Posts: 399
in Polls
In case anyone needs to remember what Oppression does:
When damaging a Generator, up to 3 other random Generators also begin regressing.
- Triggers a difficult Skill Check if the selected Generators are currently being repaired.
Oppression has a cool-down of 120/100/80 seconds.
Do you think 80 seconds is fair? Or do you think the cooldown holds the perk's potential back? I'd like to read what you all think about this. ☕️
It needs both a CD reduction and a fix to the fact that kicking a generator will always proc oppression if it's off cooldown regardless if there are any other gens that have progress.
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If they don't reduce the cooldown they should add that it is double regression speed or something like that.