Console Killers

Where are they seriously? I am facing with them so rare. Most console players are just survivor main or they just disabled cross-platform?


  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I'm there, just not right now. Maybe later.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Just been busy with real life stuff

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Theres not a ton of us (atleast on Xbox) but we are here every now and then. I'm just waiting for Nemesis to come out though.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    Alot turned off crossplay. On ps4 my waits as survivor are pretty quick, at most maybe 2 minutes, because so many killers have turned off crossplay.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Is playing survivor has same problems or better experience on console?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    probably in another server...

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    I'm still around but playing less and less.

    Last few days I'm leveling up my freddy because i want to be a freddy main again (stopped playing him after rework) but I'm less motivated to play this game

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    Survivor has FPS drops too but they aren't as game changing as killer. As killer you're more likely to lose survivor in chase/miss a hit. As survivor you will miss skill check or when in chase will miss vault/pallet drop or end up running into a tree thanks to the freezes. Survivor with old button mash when on 2nd hook used to have way more deaths because freezes from triggers like gens popping would cause the game to think you stopped hitting the struggle button.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I hope you guys get better experience.

    After All Kill chapter i had low fps for month and it was seriously so annoying.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Console here. I have cross-play enabled, but when I play survivor, the huge, huge majority of the killers I go against aren't console (or at least, aren't PS4/PS5 like myself).

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    Omg! Seriously it is bad like that...

    And BHVR still did not fix it huh, seriously wow!

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    Nope, haven't fixed it. That's why we have that huge post Pulsar started. There are videos posted in the thread from both killers and survivors showing the freezes. It's a pretty long list of triggers that cause the FPS drops - status effects like sloppy or exposed, perk icons popping up like leader or thana, notification bubbles, certain killers powers like Mikey entering tier 3 or Ghostface going stealth, entering Freddy's Dreamworld... I could go on. Bloodlust for console killers hurts more than helps because everytime it activates you get fps drops. The weekend without Bloodlust was so noticeable even as a survivor, killers in my matches were downing survivors much more often when Bloodlust would've normally screwed them over.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I play console around midnight GMT, its an evening game for me. I play Oni too so I'm even more exclusive lol

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    There are a few of us about. I play 50/50 with survivor, so if you spot a killer with a oddest of perk combinations, that's probably me.

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    My boyfriend is a console killer, but has cross-play disabled so he only plays against ps4 players (or other console players) since playing against pc survivors is a hell for him with the flashlight aims, the 360's etc. As a controller player you cant do such things that good unless you train for it for long.

    I play console killer too but with cross-play enabled and streamed it a couple days ago. It's hard but managable for me. Still not very fun with the random 360's etc but its do-able for me

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    I have crossplay off and it's staying that way until they improve the horrendous frame rate.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    It's not as bad as survivor but dead hard won't work most of the time.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I find a decent amount of killers on console, I guess it's just one of those things

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407
    edited June 2021

    I play always with crossplay as survivor. But as killer? Im not insane, if i get a survivor who spins i will never hit him. On ps4 i get always fast matchmaking with killer anyway, so there is no reason to enable crossplay.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I play on Switch, but mostly on weekends and nights. Ive been playing survivor more rn, but I'm like 65% killer main

  • crixus006
    crixus006 Member Posts: 383

    I play almost every night, and I win 10 and lose 1, I have the Cross play activated

  • DraconDirnc
    DraconDirnc Member Posts: 121

    I have to work to pay for things that keep me subscribed to life. When I have a day off I may get on my PS4 and suffer the unoptimized DBD for console and my cross play is always on.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Sorry I'm late, I'm supposed to be fast but my game froze so I missed the wall.

  • Buff_DeathslingerPls
    Buff_DeathslingerPls Member Posts: 32

    Im here, I exist! Idk where my bretheran are tho

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    We need M&K support for consoles so we can play all and any killers without being held back by controller limitations

  • NoTerrorRadius
    NoTerrorRadius Member Posts: 201

    I bought the game in February, and I disable cross play 90% of the time. It's faster that way. Less waiting in lobby. Especially playing killer.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    That is reason i do not like consoles so much. I only buying PS for exc games, i seriously do not know how people playing online games on console. Like Pubg, DbD, CoD etc

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    Im console and not only do i play a few killer matches a day, I go against other ps4 killers a few times a day.

    But i would agree that PC killers are more common.

  • DrJohn
    DrJohn Member Posts: 223

    Console survivor and killer. I see a ton

  • StableTony
    StableTony Member Posts: 7

    idk the comments about console being horrible expirence as killer I play both pc and console and can't tell much difference at all, honestly rather play on console when I play dbd more then pc just to lay back, I don't play killer as often unless I feel like trolling, survivor just feels more competitive and difficult to win, majority the time I play killer it feels rare that I'll be up against a team that even go for generators even in high ranks feels like im against a solo que everytime hook 1 by time i get to the first generator I've seen the other 3 all coming for the 1 on the hook feels more of a challenge to play survivor specially now compared to back in the day I just recently came back and with that change to the hatch being it opens for the last alive no matter how many generators are done I catch people all the time now just waiting by the hatch for everyone to die its sad, it sucked for the killer tho if it was one person left with 5 generators and they managed to get the gens and then escape threw the hatch but for the survivor was awesome feeling to be on edge that long an win, now you have to worry if your teammates are going for a easy W

  • 4eyed
    4eyed Member Posts: 51

    I’m not sure how to turn off crossplay on ps4 but the only advantage pc players survivors get is being able to turn more rigidly. I hate it because it takes me out of the game but also because when I’m in frenzy they’ll just slip past me because of the lagging frame and connections. Outside of using legion spins just get add a second to the chase because they’ll pause for a second before rotating again.

  • Iudex_Nemesis
    Iudex_Nemesis Member Posts: 326

    I'm still around but I haven't played the game a whole lot so my rank has plummeted back down to 20. The last three chapters have been a big pass for me. Blight is just too clunky, then there are the twins and trickster who don't suit my playstyle. I will be coming back to try Nemesis.