More Variety for Killer perks

phyphrus Member Posts: 67

I think one of the huge reasons people see the same perks over and over is actually because of the cooldowns for killer perks. 60 seconds for deathbound? 80 seconds in some cases.

Some of the perks aren't that good or come with weird caveats that make you not want to run them. The result is the same tired strategies and perks.

Deathbound sounds cool and all, but to my knowledge it only causes someone to be oblivious. And why make the weird distance rule between survivors?

Of course, this is the main perk that comes to mind, but there are others.



  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Deathbound having a distance requirement can be used to your advantage since those survivors will now stick together giving you the opportunity to pressure two survivors since you get a general location

  • phyphrus
    phyphrus Member Posts: 67

    I mean kinda. I guess they're incentivised to, but is it that big a deal if 1 is oblivious and the other isnt? I personally don't feel like oblivious is that big a detriment.