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  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited October 2018
    Dudddd said:

    @ipochet said:
    i'm done with this game, they just made it almost impossible to escape on ps4. "i think we did a pretty good job so far"..............

    @Dudddd said:
    The games unplayable for solo survivor no skills required for killer now

    I love this. Survivors get minor nerfs, changes, with a few buffs thrown their way. While Killers receive a few nerfs, some buffs, and pointless changes and all of a sudden its impossible to play as a survivor and Killer is ezmode.

    F off.

    Ok angela since you assume killer is balanced let me tunnel you until i know you haven’t pipped and there’s nothing you can do because the pallets are all spaced out and all the loops are non existent also vaulting is non existent due to the fact if you fast vault you’re still vaulting slow when you’re injured and that’s all the time due to selfcare nerf and ill do this to you for every game you play. If you still consider this balanced your brain is non functional im sorry to be rude but thats the only logical explanation i can come up with.
    1. Grammer
    2. Injured does not force slow vaults
    3. 1 v 4.
    Post edited by ChesterTheMolester on
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    Rex_Huin said:

    What are you going to play now? (just curious)

    Planning a celebration of life party for my hubby. 10.23.2016 is the day I found him siezing with blood pouring out of his mouth. I thought is was an anerism. It was/is brain cancer. 
    I was in no emotional shape last year for anything as he was still doing chemo and radiation. 
    This year year I've planned a small surprise party to celebrate his life. That's what I'll be doing. Celebrating him 😊. 
    Trying to focus on the time we have together ❤️
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    @slingshotsurvivor said:
    Khalednazari said:

    To you, my friend!

    Means means a lot ❤️ this game got me through hubby's brain cancer treatments. 

    Thank you for being kind. 

    Can't tell if this is sarcasm or what but you can't post "I'm leaving" and not expect a bunch of "dont let the doorknob hit ya where the good lord split ya!" type responses without an explanation of why you are leaving. I'm sorry to hear about your husband and no one should have to go through that, but still...I'm trying to understand where you are coming from with this post and what you wanted to gain from it.

    Just to say thank you to all the nice folks I've met. That's pretty much it. I didn't expect anything, I just wanted to say thanks. 
    I can't control how people behave. If they throw hate that reflects on them not me. 

    Life is literally too short. Enjoy it. Enjoy your friends and family. That is all. 

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    I don’t even know why you’re leaving. If it’s some salty Survivor reasons then sorry you feel that way, but not really tossing you a fond farewell. 

    If its for other reasons such such as real life and responsibilities, I wish you well. 
    Real life reasons. A game is nothing to be salty over! Thank you for wishing us well. ❤️
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    Terrortot said:
    OP says bye to the community with no salt and a friendly farewell, almost every comment is toxic towards them.

    Can we get some kind of age verification for the forums and game in general?

    The couple of nice comments made my day 😊.

    Thank you for seeing it that it was about other stuff and I wasn't trying to be mean. ❤️

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    @Terrortot said:
    OP says bye to the community with no salt and a friendly farewell, almost every comment is toxic towards them.

    Can we get some kind of age verification for the forums and game in general?

    Welcome to the internet.

    It's okay though we all have battles and life to deal with. Some have seen my posting before and know my hubby has Brain Cancer. Given the nasty comments and grief others probably don't. 
    I don't begrudge folks who think my leaving is about the patch. I could have worded it much much better but that's okay too. 

    Life is too short to hate. 

    I wish all fog players well. ❤️ 

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    Bye slingshot. Imo I didn't really see a difference it just seems as it was before.
    I  could have worded it better. My husband has brain cancer.
    Thank you for being kind. Good luck out there! 👍❤️
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    scarsick said:

    A snowflake leaving is always great

    It could have been worded husband has brain cancer. 
    Your comment did make me laugh considering 😊
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    Lowbei said:
    Fishcat said:
    This is number one Bullshit
    seems like a gitgud issue to me. survivor is fine.
    No. But you are often wrong anyway j/k😝

    My hubby has Brain cancer and I'm focusing on that. Throwing a surprise party celebrating him making it to year 2.

    I have met great people here and was just saying thanks for getting me through chemo and radiation. It could have been worded better but I wasn't trying to talk about life stuffs.
    I see in hindsight some folks got it. Others are just venting and rightfully so, a lot of folks on here do post and whine 😏. 

    I am looking forward to the party though! I got t-shirts made special 😊! Making past year one was really big but year two is such a blessing.

    Keeping my fingers crossed everything goes OK. I keep feeling like I'll forget something and no one will have plates or napkins lol. 

    I will check in here though, there are great posts that make me laugh. 

    Be safe in the fog my friend ❤️  
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    edited October 2018
    Vortexas said:

    And nothing of value was lost.

    You are right. 

    However my post was saying thank you. 

    Thank you to the folks who got me through long nights of Chemo and Radiation. For the long sleepless nights of being frightened that my husband won't make it. 

    I am humbled by all the positive people who shared in my struggles. All because I played this game. 

    See my husband has brain cancer. AA3 to be more specific.

    At 36 years old we had start thinking about death. About wills and all that other stuff that comes with slow and painful deaths.

    We also had to think about how to get through it all and what that would look like after his brain surgery. 

    This game was a respite from all that. Good times and laughter. Worrying about skill checks and pallets. I am grateful for that. 

    I could have worded it better. I am just happy that I found this game. Lucky for those moments. Grateful that there was an opportunity to just be. 

    For you there is no value. For those who know my story or didn't and still were kind - this post was for them. 

    Thank you for giving others the opportunity to see that life is more than a mean and insensitive comment. Those comments have no value. 

    Have fun out there in the fog! Be well. Be safe. ❤️

    Edit: spacing, grammar and other junk
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    edited October 2018
    Oblitiry said:
    Oh... ok.... bye.....

    This made me chuckle 🤭

    I could have worded it better but I didn't want to talk about brain cancer... after a while it gets to feeling like reliving it all over. 

    I will be popping from time to time but for now I am focusing on my hubby. 

    10.23.2016 is the day I found him. Actually my pup alerted me. He had a Grand Mal Siezure but I thought he was having an anerism. He was blood ridden and siezing but I had never experienced anything like it.

    He has AA3 otherwise known as Anapalstic Astrocytoma Grade 3. He had a mass removed from his right frontal lobe removed. Radiation and then Chemo. 

    This post was saying thank you. Shoot I hadn't played games since OG Nintendo! 

    I have had the BEST time playing and meeting people from all over the world. Fun times with many belly laughs. 

    I am hoping to be back but for right now I am focused on celebrating his 2nd anniversary. That's this Tuesday ❤️! 

    Thank you for the laugh and for being kind.

    Everyone has battles.

    Sometimes we are fortunate enough to have found something that makes us have moments where belly laughs are common and making mistakes lead to more laughs.

    This game has been a bright spot these past months. I am more than grateful to having it be part of my journey through a tough time. 

    Be safe in the fog my friend. Continue to post as I like reading your comments. May you always have something to laugh about. ❤️
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    Bye!!! See you next chapter release!!!
    I hope so! For now I am focusing on my family. Brain Cancer has a way of doing that. 
    Be safe in the fog! 
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    Boss said:

    Alright, see ya' back soon!

    I hope so but for now my family is a priority. 
    Be well ❤️
  • MuttonChops
    MuttonChops Member Posts: 55
    Terrortot said:
    OP says bye to the community with no salt and a friendly farewell, almost every comment is toxic towards them.

    Can we get some kind of age verification for the forums and game in general?

    People here are sh*tty. A nice freaking post and all these a$$ hats commenting. Bunch of pansies. 
  • MuttonChops
    MuttonChops Member Posts: 55
    Vortexas said:

    And nothing of value was lost.

    You are right. 

    However my post was saying thank you. 

    Thank you to the folks who got me through long nights of Chemo and Radiation. For the long sleepless nights of being frightened that my husband won't make it. 

    I am humbled by all the positive people who shared in my struggles. All because I played this game. 

    See my husband has brain cancer. AA3 to be more specific.

    At 36 years old we had start thinking about death. About wills and all that other stuff that comes with slow and painful deaths.

    We also had to think about how to get through it all and what that would look like after his brain surgery. 

    This game was a respite from all that. Good times and laughter. Worrying about skill checks and pallets. I am grateful for that. 

    I could have worded it better. I am just happy that I found this game. Lucky for those moments. Grateful that there was an opportunity to just be. 

    For you there is no value. For those who know my story or didn't and still were kind - this post was for them. 

    Thank you for giving others the opportunity to see that life is more than a mean and insensitive comment. Those comments have no value. 

    Have fun out there in the fog! Be well. Be safe. ❤️

    Edit: spacing, grammar and other junk
    That's the CLASSIEST f you :D ever. Wait what's that sound I hear....