You guys are breaking your own records on Steam today

Check this out, we haven't had this many people logged in at once on Steam ever. I believe you guys can take a moment to give yourselves a pat on the back for that
Of course, I realize that holding those numbers is another story. But let's just take this in for a moment just how huge this chapter has been today. We have enough negativity around here, let's just take a moment to be positive.
Sadly console doesn't have these type of numbers visible
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Those people are going to learn very quickly what BHVR is like in terms of quality. Best to teach them that lesson very early on.
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And how many of these new players will leave once they see how buggy and grindy the game is.
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Imagine, with having so much people (and a lot of new people maybe for the new dlc), having to disable the map, LOL.
And in other maps also the stutters and freezes. Good PR!
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Almost 100k people playing rn, could be more than double that amount with all the consoles. #########' awesome.
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LOL @ everything I see above. A moment of positivity in this forum is like trying to feed Vampires garlic apparently.
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Unless a lot of changes are added soon to make the game somewhat more enjoyable, that number won't last for long.
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Hard to be positive when everyone's had to put up with BHVR's BS for the past 5 years and the game has regressed this patch in terms of performance yet again, which was already terrible on console and has been since it launched on there. It's now unplayable for a lot of people. It's fine to act positive but don't go and insult others because they're not sharing the same positivity that you are.
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Most of the new ones playing will leave within a week lol. When I came into this game I imagined I would be this unstoppable guy running around with survivors fearing me. But I quickly found out that is not how it works out 🤣 same thing happened for the silent hill update peaked around 80k and half of them left within a month. This game is it's basically you like it or not, based on what I seen. There is no middle ground.
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Now redirect the profit towards improving performance & quality of life.
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It's incredibly sad though that to get these numbers they have to abandon their own concepts and rip characters from other games. The players are there for Resident Evil content, not for DBD. Now that the map has been disabled, those numbers will drop, sadly.
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What's there to be positive about? Yet another paid DLC that introduced more bugs than fixes?
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They won't lol
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RE fans are flooding to play RE in DBD, and guess what? They just disabled the new map at release. Not for a bad reason, but it does show how buggy this game is.
I wonder how long they’ll remain..
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After 1 month we're gonna see they bought a Pony and called it "Butt Stallion"
Out of diamonds of course.
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I'm pretty sure some will stay. But most will probably play it a couple days and not even touch it again. Even if you look at the trophy stats only 50% of players have gotten the easiest trophy which is getting 8k points in a match. One of my friends who used to play dbd came back today, and played for like hour... before he said the game is still boring for him.
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Hard to be positive when the game barely functions.
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Point to where I insulted anybody please. I insulted nobody at all. If you are offended I'm amused at the fact that certain people on this forum can't take a moment to appreciate a good moment for this game, that's on you and you should maybe reflect on that.
Frankly, I don't understand why people have to come into a thread saying "Hey look, they broke some records" and be a bunch of wet-blankets. We already have a couple dozen negative threads all over this forum complaining about bugs, performance issues, NOED, Campers, looping, and everything else we see regularly.
I'm sorry you all are such a miserable bunch you can't let anybody have a moment of positivity.
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I know! This chapter has been like getting halloween in June! 🥰🖤🖤🖤
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I agree with your sentiments. Personally I barely post on here because the mood on this forum is so often rotten.
I remember a thread where the game was rereviewed lately and had a great score and everyone went "pfff they're wrong, it's a 5/10 at best". And that coming from fans of the game? With fans like these, you don't need enemies.
I know this company has a bad track record with patches and all but to downplay the entire game and its staff because of this is just foul to me. This game is still really fun and I feel people have overwhelmingly unrealistic goals concerning it. If you want the game to be the way you want, you'd literally need a new development studio to take over the game. Because we're not gonna get it with Behavior, for what it's worth.
Is it good or bad? Personally, it is what it is. Sometimes things are better when not looked into so hard. I enjoy the game despite its flaws and I hope many more people will play and like the game for what it is.
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It's a temporary boost. BHVR secured RE for a chapter, but that's the extent of their accomplishment this time around. Once these new players get tired of the game (sooner than later), they'll cut their losses and head for the hills.
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Who cares? I'm far more concerned with the game actually functioning properly.
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if it's so terrible, why don't you quit the game?
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Why does a drug addict keep smoking meth even though he knows it's bad for him?
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hahaha! you're right!!!! g g bro!
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Don't compare video games to dangerous drugs designed to keep people addicted. They're not remotely the same and you should know it.
You can uninstall a game from a PC and console and you'll stop playing it. You can't uninstall a drug addiction just by snapping fingers.
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Nah man, I'm just built different.