Perks in the bloodweb

Dhurl421 Member Posts: 154

Has anyone figured out how the bloodweb picks the perks that show up? Does it just screw you? Got the login 300k bloodpoints for the new map being unavailable, pouring into Elodie currently, she started around level 12.

2 bloodwebs only had Buckle Up as the perk, I skipped over it for good medkits and an escape cake. For the 3rd bloodweb in a row, Buckle Up was the one perk there. I know the low level means only 1 perk shows up. But does the bloodweb continue with the same perk until you buy it?

I can deal with sucky things on both sides of this game, but the bloodweb giving you crap perks first is where I draw the line lol. Any insight would be great. But I have a feeling this is just how it goes for all of us...
