Low tier perk buffs

What perks do yall think need massive changes/reworks because of how absolutely ineffective they are? Heres my list:
- Mettle of Man: oh god did they really butcher this poor perk, probably the heftiest requirements to activate out of any perk in the whole game with arguably mediocre payoff and a massive debuff (killer can see your aura when fully healed)
- Sole Survivor: Needs a buff really badly, its not even very good at what it does, which is help a survivor who is the only one left
- All of steves perks: They really gave my man steve the worst perks in the game and said ok ship it out
- Flip Flop + Buckle Up: Oh man these are bad. arguably all of ash's perks are on the same level of terrible as Steve's but at least mettle of man was good once.
- Distortion isn't the worst perk in the game by any means, but I think adding a way to gain tokens back could really do some good for this all around mediocre perk.
- Autodiact. What to say about autodidact that hasnt been said 100 times already. Well for starters its another hefty requirement perk, although in theory it should actually be really great. 50% on healing progress on one skillcheck? seems absolutely busted, no? Heres the problem though, 1st of all, you can only use it when you are healing someone else and are not using a medkit. It also does not work in any kind of self heal, even without a medkit. Fair enough, right? 2nd and biggest problem though is the fact that skillchecks like to just, not show up at all when you use this perk. I have gone games healing 3+ health states and not getting a single benefit out of this perk because I had 0 skill checks appear.
- Quentins perks: arguably not terrible but, hardly of use generally. They really couldn't stop themselves at just making quentin look like a goblin, they had to make his perks mediocre too.
- No Mither: Honestly I don't even know if this perk should be changed, its essentially the equivalent to killer meme/challenge addons like speed limiter. That being said, I wouldnt oppose a buff or two either
I'd like to see MoM get its requirement reduced to two prot hits instead of three during a PTB.
Sole Survivor should have its aura reduction increased to 36/39/42. 42x3=126. Should be enough to completely negate all auras once 3 survivors are dead. It'll probably still be meh, so how about we make it uhh... work for the other survivors? No stacking though.
I think Second Wind is fine, though I'd like to see it be given a token system where you heal a survivor to gain a token up to two. Token is consumed after you're unhooked, and yeah you probably know how it'll go.
Distortion isn't the worst perk, I agree, but it def needs a buff.
Honestly I don't want Flip-Flop buffed. There are so many scenarios as killer where Flip-Flop could have worked against me. I'm glad not many people run that perk, because if it were meta then oh boy. Buckle Up needs a secondary effect.
Autodidact could use a system where the skill check odds increase after each token. It's a really fun perk IMO.
Vigil needs to affect more status effects. Wake Up is incredibly situational. Pharmacy should allow you to rummage an opened chest if the perk hasn't given you a green medkit.
And uh, not sure about No Mither.
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Mettle of man being 2 hits doesn't seem that bad
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Predator, Territorial Imperative, Beast of Prey, Unrelenting, Iron Grasp, Distressing, and Monstrous Shrine.
Why those in particular? Well, its because at present, the Killer side has a massive artificial difficulty spike hit once both sides have scraped together enough BP to get perks from a few different characters but not really enough Shards to get anyone new yet. Survivors can get Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Iron Will, Adrenaline, and Kindred which are ALL amazing perks while only investing BP. Killers have Tinkerer which is amazing... but after that the quality drops off quite a bit.
Those perks I mentioned are the real stinkers in the set of perks Killers can get access for only Bloodpoints. They need help asap.