I truly hate going against mobile killers with Tinkerer.

Title pretty much sums it up. Billy, Blight, Nurse, Spirit sometimes, any mobile killer using tinkerer is annoying af more often than not. Mind you, I play solo Q so that might add to the frustration. 90% of killers I see running it will often leave chase to push survivors of gens, even when there are 5 up. Just gets annoying. Not to say there aren't survivor perks that can counter it, I know there are, but I don't always have those equipped. I also am well aware some survivor perks seem like absolute crap to killers, and that's totally fair too. Bleh. Rant over.


  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Not that I think you have no valid complaints in this post, because you do, but ultimately I think what you said about it being solo-queue is probably the real killer here.

    I think theoretically, even against mobile killers, if you can get a high value gen (usually a middle gen or something) done and split up a 3 gen, and then start splitting up on gens from there, there's only so much that even a high mobility killer can do to stop all the gens. There's a lot of factors that are going to play into it, like how good you are at looping, how good your team mates are at looping, whether your team mates are actually on gens or just sitting around stealthing, etc. Some games it's definitely going to feel like there's nothing you personally can do, and that's the sad reality of this kind of game. But I don't think tinkerer on mobile killers is busted to the point of being uncounterable, just pretty strong. Not to say that's what you claim either.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    I wouldn't doubt it. Solo Q can be an absolute nightmare. Usually is haha. Just adds to the frustrations of everything else 😅

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    One piece of advice, that admittedly might not be the best, is if you're solo queue, try to play like you might imagine a solo person might act in this situation. You're in a realm with a bunch of people you don't know trying to survive against the entity, so looking after your own skin, as obvious as it might sound, is probably one of the best ways you can reduce stress on your solo experience. A lot of randoms I play with tend to be very altruism-hungry, so as long as I try to do my best to clear out middle gens to widen the gen spread, try to stealth when I can, and try to loop well when I'm forced, the games usually go pretty smoothly.

    The majority of the time I find myself getting stressed is when I let myself start caring about what my team mates are doing. Ultimately I can just leave everybody if I'm fairly confident that they aren't very smart, and just look for hatch instead. When I start caring and thinking "oh maybe I should try to be a good person," is when things usually go downhill and I end up getting killed in 1 hook when I should have just kept my survival in mind.

    Yea, long story short: try to save your own skin a little bit more. That usually helps me feel less stressed during solo runs.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Yeah, I feel you. Everytime I go against a Blight I expect him to have Tinkerer because I don't remember the last time I've went against one without it.

    With that being said, I've been running Spine Chill & Repressed Alliance lately to try and combat that. I know you don't want to always rely on perks but I've found this combo works pretty well.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    I'll give that perk combo a shot and see how I do ☺️ I appreciate the advice!

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    I definitely am a bit more altruistic than I should be in Solo Q. I've saved people and they've turned around and let me get 1 hooked, even when it would've been safe to rescue. I'm going to play a little bit more selfish for a bit haha.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    Fact. As stated in a other response, I should probably try to be just a bit more selfish 😅