Anyone having 1-2 second screen freezes on PS4 now?

It's getting ROUGGGH. I'm wondering if it's because I put DBD on my external HDD (thought it would be faster but idk I might switch back. I'm curious if it's a common problem with the patch for anyone?
My ps4 is also ancient and has had its HDD replaced at least twice. So it could just be struggling in that sense. Wanted to ask if anyone else has. It suuuuuucks dude I freeze for a solid 1.5 seconds in chase run into a tree. I was sandwiched between two zombies and nemesis and I froze :(
any input?
I'll get a 1 second freeze just because the killer hooks a teammate lol
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Best we can do is wait for a hotfix early next week
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yeah the notification of them screaming def freezes me but at least i'm not in chase!
I feel like i'm not having this problem on PC which is strange but also my PC rocks and my PS4 is elderly...
appreciate the input tho! i'm happy its not my shiz dying
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The worst part is that if it happens to you as survivor in a chase it makes you turn to face the killer like a hag trap causing you to run into them half the time.
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Can confirm this happens on Xbox One X as well.
This is basically just the same as it was before the patch, just amplified by the new Killer, I think.
It's only going to get worse until BHVR fixes their optimization
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It sucks, especially because I’m actually taking the time to learn Trickster on PS4. Can’t hit knives to save my life because the game freezes when I use my power.
On the flip side though, the game’s FPS seems to have improved (in game at least, it still hiccups during lobby transitions and stuff). When it’s not freezing, the game doesn’t noticeably stutter like it used to. Could just be superstition if someone else could confirm for me.
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It almost looks fake, dear god
I had it bad, but not THAT bad
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I'm on PS4 pro but it hasn't been this bad.....yet.
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Right up there at unplayable, but then again its console so the devs will probably sweep it under the rug like they did when people wanted optimization and people not dealing with it will tell you to just "Get a better system lol"
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I'm a pc player but occasionally I hop on PS4 to play with some old friends and holy ######### was it a nightmare , I really don't see how anyone on the platform can still play the game maybe I'm just spoiled with a pc but still the game barely even runs anymore on PS4, I hopped back on pc and made them join through the discord app on their phones it made me feel like I was gonna have a seizure with all the stuttering
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Trust me it's not because you have the game on an HDD. I play on the PS4 pro and I'm getting stuttering glitches everywhere. So too are people on high-end PCS and next gen consoles.
Once again BHVR released a new chapter without ensuring that it was adequately optimized for all systems.
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Go ahead ask the 51 pages of people asking for optimization
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Yeah,it's really fun :)
Tried to play survivor but it's just as bad:
Guess i'm gonna play or watch something else instead 😧