This game actually is survivor sided now.

Was playing a round with hag keeping good pressure short chases and having hex ruin in play the entire game. The survivors just ignored every game mechanic (healing cleansing etc) they traveld in a group rushing gens with prove thy self(I think). My issue with this is it proves survivors can garuntee an escape alsong as they stay on gens every sec an ignore the rest of the game. They were finishing a gen like every 30 sec there was literally nothing I could do. If I had pop they would have completed every gen before I smashed it. Yes this was a good swf group but still it felt like the only counter was somehow end everycahse in 10 sec. I ended up camping the hell out of the last guy bc it was literally the only tactic I had left. still got a 2k cause I grabbed another guy during hook save then kept him slugged by the hook. I didn't want to do this but it was literally the ONLY thing I could do other then watch them escape.

So basicly if the games RNG makes it impossible for killers to get "objectives" done they will resort to other tactics like camping making the game no fun for anyone.


  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    RNG can ######### up either side. Just because you got bad RNG once doesn’t make the game automatically survivor sided.

  • Wazzup
    Wazzup Member Posts: 88

    The game has pretty much always been survivor-sided at the top level and especially so if playing against SWF. A working MMR system would in theory sort this out by matching survivors and killers of equal skill but let's see what happens in practice. I suspect that what is most likely to help would be a buff to solo survivors that only affects communication abilities (and so won't change the strength of SWF groups) and a buff to lower tier killers.

  • nutmilk420
    nutmilk420 Member Posts: 153

    The RNG is 3 survivors can do a gen in 30 sec a the avrage chase last about 15sec to 1min anything longer your should end it(i said 15 sec for the higher ranks but let's be real here its more like 25+ then you have to carry and hook). So to sum up, survivors objective takes an avrage of 30sec (when playing well) the killers objective of hooking survivors takes about 45 sec (on avrage) so already survivor > killer. The killer also has to go to the gen and hit it so let's say the killers objective time is at 50sec now. So the killers has to stop something that takes 30 seconds by doing something that takes 50 seconds. So Survivors have about a 20 sec advantage. Times that per gen survivors have a 100sec that gives survivors a 1min 40sec time advantage over the killer in any given match.