I'm curious what do you see a win as killer/survivor



  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    Another problem with that would be that moriing everyone would be an automatic loss.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 934

    Moriing everyone would require the killer to have hooked 8 times though, so it would still be a killer victory, just not as decisively one as a 12-hook round. Devour Hope rounds could be more problematic under that win condition, but there could be special concessions made for it given that it is pretty much the only perk that can create such scenarios. And for Myers' Tombstone add-ons, I guess, but those honestly kind of need a rework anyway.

    The main problem with that system really is the fact that survivors can enter the next hook stage without being hooked again, and of course both killers and survivors can "abuse" this. In a hook-based win system, the hook timers could simply be removed. The killer here has no incentive to camp anymore anyway since they want to get as many hooks as possible rather than camp for kills, and survivors obviously have incentive to unhook other survivors since they are otherwise down in manpower.

    Hell, a more substantial change to the game within such a hook-based system could be that hooked survivors are actually transported to a sort of "sacrificial realm" and have to struggle their way out of it back into the trial, which could take 30-60 seconds, depending on how well they perform whatever tasks it would be that are required to struggle one's way out. On one hand that means other survivors do not have to spend time going to unhook them of course, but on the other the killer gets to take survivors out of the round for a guaranteed amount of time with every hook, whereas hooked survivors otherwise can potentially be unhooked instantly and be back to contributing to the round much earlier. Plus having to struggle their way out of such a realm would obviously be much more engaging for the "hooked" survivors too. And it would combat tunnelling to an extent as well, as the killer is obviously unable to chase that survivor for the time they are in the sacrificial realm (and that survivor could also re-enter the map at a random spot, making it harder for the killer to find them, as opposed to knowing exactly where they were hooked). Whether survivors would automatically be sacrificed if at any point all 4 are in the sacrificial realm is another question, it could make for an interesting game if they weren't, since then matches always would come down to whether the survivors can finish all gens before each of them has been hooked 3 times. Oh, and dying state bleedout timers would probably have to be reworked too.

    Either way, whichever changes would have to be made to the game, substantial or not, I think a hook-based win condition could be much healthier for the game, creating a more chase-centric and dynamic gameplay, and making killers feel like they've won even if they did not kill every survivor. Of course, it would also lose a variety of aspects of its current gameplay, and not all of them are bad through-and-through (camping and combatting camping for instance can also yield interesting, engaging and fun gameplay), but I think overall it would be a better direction.

  • icequeenalexis
    icequeenalexis Member Posts: 3

    i am new to the fourms but not this game.

    win for surivor.. 1 person left alive

    for killer. i am not the 99% of the player base. i let all 4 survivors alive. a win in my book is 4 hooks each(BBQ) rest is just trying to jumpscare them.

    i been loving this playstyle. everyone loves me. i get tons of BP. win/win

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    Judith's Tombstone is exactly what I'm thinking of, and I agree that it needs a huge buff. The speed penalty really needs be removed, or else the insane stalk requirement should (alternatively, the stalk requirement shouldn't stack, so it can be used with Fragrant without all gens being popped before it happens). It's a completely useless addon the way it is. Myers is a mid-to-low-tier killer, so his addons should at least be good.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Well, for a survivor a "win" is simply escaping. If you're SWF the more that escape the better that win is. More importantly though, for me a win is simply having a fun and fair match. As long as I had fun that is a win for me. Some of my most fun matches are ones I die in but the overall experience of the match was fun.

  • KettleWettle
    KettleWettle Member Posts: 149

    Well, realistically escaping as a survivor is a win. But to me, typically if I'm able to run a killer for 5 gens that's usually a win to me, very rare when I do but I have my moments xD. I really don't even look at escaping as a win though, if I just held M1 for 5 gens and escaped, I don't see that as a win at all, I more see it as it was just a very boring game and a less deserved win.

    As killer, I think getting a 4k is a win. But really if I had fun that game, then that's a win for me too. This is a very underrated opinion, but I absolutely love it when I get into games with SWF's because it just makes my gameplay much more fun and chaotic, and it's nice not playing against W key survivors all the time lol.

  • Soulpaw
    Soulpaw Member Posts: 290

    for me, i use Otz's rules. 3k with 1 escaping or 4k is a win.

    for survivors, its just to escape but to save as many as i can. I play more casually as a survivor but i want to make sure i can help as many as i can.

  • TroyXX
    TroyXX Member Posts: 69

    Killer = Kill all survivors

    Survivor = Escape

    Extremely simple and most people overthink it

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061


    -4K at 4-5 Gens = Perfect

    -4K at 2-3 Gens = Major Victory

    -4K at 1 Gen = Minor Victory

    -4K at 0 Gens= Draw

    -Any amount of Survivors escape via hatch = Draw

    -Any amount of Survivors escape via gates = Loss


    -Escape at 0 Gens = Perfect

    -Die at 0 Gens = Major Victory

    -Die at 1-2 Gens = Minor Victory

    -Escape at 1-2 Gens = Minor Victory

    -Escape at 3-5 Gens = Draw

    -Die at 3-5 gens = Loss

  • drpynz
    drpynz Member Posts: 247

    Killer = the doors don't open

    Survivor = Leave through the doors