Tunneled 6 games in a row today….

I have been playing DBD for 3 years now and the last 6 games I have been tunneled for no apparent reason other than I’m a good runner. Please start actually considering this play style toxic and penalizing killers. It wouldn’t have mattered if I had DS or not. You as a killer main or whatever you like to call yourself have to understand that you contribute to the game health and the people that play it. It’s just not right. You need to stop yourselves from ruining others game experiences just because you’re petty and hate a challenge. What sense does it make to tunnel one person the entire game and let everyone else escape?
Welcome to Dead by Daylight in 2021.
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Got tunneled off first hook and camped to death. No reason. One gen had been completed when the killer started doing this. Gens were popping around the map but the killer just wanted me out. Its not like I ran him for too long or that camping me would solidify an easy game. He just wanted to ruin the game for somebody I guess...
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Is it nemesis? I’ve noticed most of those players play like bubba or wraith. They tunnel right off hook, and it never fails.
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Sadly this is a thing, it has never been this bad.
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Yes tunneling sucks, but people are allowed to play the game anyway they like.
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The game running like complete ######### is more frustrating than being tunnled.
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I don't like it. Is there a way to return to the past?
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It depends on your definition of fun, I like being chased as much as possible, there's no fun for me if all I do is press m1 to repair a generator the whole match.
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BuT iTs a sTrAtEgY.. !
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I agree DS needed nerfed, but it has made the game a lot more unhealthy
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welcome to DBD
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it is actually
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I wish survivors stopped holding m1 all the time. Them doing their objective is ruining my experience.
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I think the definition of TUNNEL is vague and the term overused for situations which are not truly tunneling. In my 4.5 years & approx 1700 hours played as survivor (out of 3500 total hours played) -98% of which is red rank - I can count on my fingers and toes how many times I have truly been tunneled. So; without actual evidence I tend to think most forumites are simply being hyperbolic when it comes to claims of tunneling.
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this is fair. Sometimes I just find the survivor that was most recently unhooked by sheer dumb luck.
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I'm sorry that happened to you. Yes, I've had a few games recently too where it happened over and over.
Basically, what I call tunneling is after the first hook and the killer exclusively just chases me right down until I die on the hook. Doesn't chase anyone else, just looks for me. Pig is actually one of the worst people about this, I find.
Nothing to do but equip DS and hope for an escape or to waste more time.
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I got tunneled hard today by a leatherface. After i finished a gen I slowly went to another and forgot bubba has BBQ he saw where I was and got me on a hook. He sat there camping me and the SWF that were together finished the gens and left me on the hook and escaped. Points sucked. Messed up part was there was one person hiding maybe 5 steps from me and didn't attempt to pull me off and escaped. Soloing sucks.
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tunneling has definitely become even more of an issue lately. I suggest you try playing killer, it’s better than survivor as of now. No one can force you out of the match.
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I also look at the poster's history on the forums - very easy to spot killer/survivor mains - and their biased opinions.
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Getting tunneled isn't fun, but sometimes a killer needs to tunnel. The game's simply not designed to juggle survivors in such a way that they get 12 hooks. Also survivors tunnel gens pretty hard, do you consider THAT toxic as well? If they're sitting on that gen after I hit them so they can finish it?
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That’s not messed up at all. You can’t win against a camping Bubba, period. The only play he could do is just let you die unless he wanted to either join or replace you.
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I don’t normally find it to be an issue but over the past week or so it’s got horrendous.
3000 hours killers waiting near the hook within terror radius range and immediately tunnelling. Killers dropping a chase half way across the map to head back to an unhook. Wraiths in cloak wandering 10 metres from the hooked person and insta tunnelling. Outright face camping.
I put DS on instead of We’ll Make It for the first time in months. They just eat it and continue the tunnel anyway.
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while getting targeted constantly can suck, sometimes this just means either the killer finds you easy prey or your team is too altruistic that targeting the weak link gets them off gens to try and conga line body block, wich is a win/win situation for the killer, if you dont want to get tunneled, dont get caught, if you can run the killerlong enough that can cause him to drop chase or outright ignoring you the rest of the match, you wont get tunneled as much. Remember not everything the killer does is a personal attack to you, they are trying to make the decision they think will provide the best outcome, wich at the end of the day its a big part of playing killer, decision making.
As survivor is your job to answer acordingly, do gens efficiently, learn when you are in danger, when to take a hook for the team, map awareness and gen location, etc. dont fall into the trap of " i just loaded in to press m1 and get out" mindset because you wont learn anything, a lot of that frustration comes from the fact that you ignore what is happening in the game and just restort to yell camper/tunneler.
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Tunnelling is fun! Adept it and make killer lose for that.
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Sure do you want og freddy,ebony moris on 1st hook, iri head huntress with 3 hatchets...I would love that as well🤔
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I am Nemesis main. I am not camping, i do not need that but Nemesis is weak killer. So i can understand reason of camp and tunnel.
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I don't really care about 1 hook Moris or Iri Head, but OG Freddy. Ah, I would do ANYTHING to get my main back. Especially if we are talking about his sweet and perfect on-release version.
I want my main back. I need him.
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tunneling can be very annoying sometimes but if it helps my teammates survive than it's worth it. I know it doesn't mean anything to the dead survivor but still.
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I tunneled 6 games in a row today. Were like brothers :)
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Most of them were nemesis yesterday yes. Right after I was unhooked they were back on me at the hook and by the time I was dead my teammates were opening exits. There was a couple wraiths.
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I get that truly I do as I’m a balanced player. I don’t rely on survivors to let me have a fun or good game because I am great at multitasking and splitting aggro so everyone has a good game where they can get points but still get either a 4k or a mercy hatch if I notice they’re newer or ran me really well. That’s just how I play. I get everyone is different.
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Running is my favorite thing to do in this game and my favorite killer to chase with is huntress and chasing with nemesis is a similar play style. I enjoy it I truly do. What I don’t enjoy is barely breaking 8-15k a game just because I didn’t do anything but that. :/ coupled with queue times sometimes it can be extremely disheartening.
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Well as I’ve said I’ve been playing for 3 years since ghostface dropped and I have 3600+ Hours. Tunneling in my experience is when you’re unhooked and the killer is back at the hook and going for you even through bt and ds. You may have a different definition. Yes this happened to me quite a lot of consecutive games yesterday and made me switch to killer and be just as toxic but then I felt bad and started giving mercy hatches because killer is so easy to me that I really don’t ever see myself having to play that way to have fun or get points.
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I get this as well. I mostly favor playing survivor just because I like hide and seek and have always loved Michael Myers on COD as a kid. I’m a balanced player though and have the same amount of escapes as I do sacrifices. Everyone has roles they excel at and survivor I find more challenging and exhilarating. Killer has always been easy for me and the multitasking aspect of it can be tasking but rewarding as you always get more bloodpoints than survivor matches. It’s gets numbing though because it’s a lot easier to hack slash and hook than it is to focus on a gen for 80/40 seconds depending on team or solo without getting pushed off and then in turn remembering tile sets and how to break chase and run. I just find survivor harder and more fun than killer. That being said I still don’t think there’s any excuse or strat in what I went through yesterday at all
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I would direct you to tru3tallent/Dowsey vs oracle, but you wouldn't understand what's going on and just say KiLlEr bAd
Once survivors get to a certain level they delete 90% of the killers from the roster.
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I only know of tru3 out of the 3 you just mentioned and don’t even really enjoy watching him. I get what you’re saying though. It’s still a challenge for me to run a decent nurse.
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It's just killers following survivors advice whenever they get gen rushed: "just apply pressure"
Turns out, tunneling someone early out, creates a ton of pressure.
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this would make sense if the rest of the team wasn’t escaping without me….
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Then another one gets tunneled out.
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Had 3 games today and got tunneled in all 3 of them. Just decided to step away and do other things. I don't think they should penalize the killer for tunneling but they should reward the survivor if they are buying enough time for their team. I don't mind getting tunneled but when 3 or 4 gens pop and the exit gates open while I have been getting chased, it feels like garbage when I get the lowest amount of BP and a depip. They need to award points in categories after you have been chased a certain amount of time and objectives start getting done.
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Dude you don’t understand. I’m (not to toot my own horn but) a god looper. Most of my chases are at least 2-3 gen chases. They don’t have time to tunnel other people when you remember every tile set in the game….which was the case yesterday.
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That part! Truly! It’s really telling when the whole team has above 20k and you only have 13k because the killer overcommitted to you like a knob.
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Oh... then sometimes it's about getting that one looper out. Nothing else matters.
As the joker said: it's not about the money, it's about sending a message.
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When 3 gens are left with maybe 1 hook tunneling is the easiest way to make the game manageable 3 vs 1 with 3 gens is way easier then 4 v 1 with 3 gens.
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Objectively speaking, if you hit a survivor with BT or get DS'ed there really isn't a good reason to not continue to chase them down. (Unless they're running somewhere safe):
They're injured, another hook state will either kill them or put them in danger of being killed, DS only works once/Deep Wounds puts them on a clock, and if people bodyblock for them it creates split pressure. Plus you can always slug them.
The only reason to not tunnel, in most cases, is good manners. Because strategically speaking, unless the unhooker is a better target, (e.g. injured and on at least 2nd hook, or injured and running to a dead zone), you will get more value for your time out of the unhooked person.
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That only shows that running in a circle is too easy and your team took advantage of that.
remove all the gaps and the killers glow showing under walls so mindgames are actually possible, then you can complain.
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Tunnelling is not problem. I do not know why survivors complaining about this. Should killer companion you to exits?
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That was also Dead by Daylight in 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017...