Disconnects almost every game?

Hi all,
Is it just me or are there wayy more disconnects than usual? Anytime someone goes down early they dip, and it’s really frustrating since it often means an auto loss/depip. It’s really disheartening, especially the killers still sweating after the disconnect. You don’t need to farm after a dc, but there’s no reason to play like an #########.
I had one game the other day with an instant dc, I assume because it was the swamp. After a long chase, I was hooked in the basement and camped to death. There’s no need for this, have pity on the people who are actually willing to not dc and have a decent game. As I said, you don’t need to farm, but you also don’t need to make the game miserable for survivors because they’re ######### teammates dc.
yeah i've seen that. a yui went down and the moment she did she dc-ed only 1 gen I went oh were #########
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the game is pretty broken at the moment and is causing a lot of crashes. Seems to be particularly when playing as/against Nemesis.
This is also the reason RCPD map was disabled.
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They turned off the dc penalty.
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Nah, these are legit dcs. Happens whenever someone goes down fast
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Yet another game of an early dc, and a killer sweating like their life depends on it. Shocker that it was a twitch streamer with 100+ viewers.
Rank 5/4 is literally elo hell right now because of this
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I even have decisive on right now, but it doesn’t really help when you’re constantly dying on your first hook
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I’ve seen a lot but I understand too. The maps are seriously lacking since they removed so many pallets and windows. Throw that in with killers who are sweaty and using busted builds, and survivors are over it. Game should be fun, but it’s been more miserable lately. I think it’s due to devs only hearing from killer mains and red rank streamers, and building killers according to that. For casual players with outside lives, it makes the game unplayable.
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No, it’s always after they go down, it’s rage quitting
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Just had yet another awful ######### game. I was doing a gen at the start, then a Leon comes right next to me and sabotages a hook without the add on that keeps it from having a notification. Shocker, killer comes right for me and eventually I go down. I reach struggle stage on my first hook **WITH KINDRED**. Once again, the same Leon brings the killer right back to me by sabotaging a hook, and despite having a really good chase, I eventually go down and there’s no hook sabotages in sight to save me.
I’m literally going between rank 5 and 4 for days because of this constant dcing/######### teammates, when I usually play at rank 1. Whenever I go against a purple rank killer that isn’t tunnelling and nobody dcs, it’s an easy escape. This is so obnoxious, rank reset is such a pain.
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It sucks. I’m stuck on my rank too due to crap teams.
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It’s such a pain. The difference between rank 5/4 and 1 teammates is massive.
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Seems to be the case with killers this entire week. Cuz that's literally all I've been dealing with at rank 5. :/
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Finally had a decent game (although my teammates were mostly rank 9 against a rank 5 killer so I had to carry), and gonna leave that as my last one for today since it was fun.
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I've had tunneling Nemesis players a lot lately, so that combined with the near-constant frame drops is getting really frustrating. 3 games in a row, my team went up against red rank killers who sweat like it's a tournament.
One was nice enough to let me do the gen and didn't kill me until there was 1 gen left, so that was pretty nice of them. The other two tunneled me off-hook.
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We’re just going to have to make DS meta again, killers don’t respect it at all anymore
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Time for Up The Ante + Slippery Meat + Salty Lips, and then you can DS these jerks.
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I watched a teammate get tunneled by Nemesis, they used DS and Nemesis continued to tunnel them. Got 4 gens done in that time. Might need to buff DS at this rate.
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Why should i not sweat after someone dc? The point of playing killer is to kill and I need all the bloodpoints i can get since im trying to p3 all killers.
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I don’t have Ace’s teachables sadly, he’s one of the few I’ve never levelled
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To not be a toxic ######### making life miserable for others for zero reason. An early dc guarantees a win, letting survivors have a chance for some BP and to safety pip isn’t asking for a lot. It’ll probably help you earn more BP + pips too, there is zero reason to be a camping, tunnelling ######### to people who probably already feel defeated.
Don’t be a dick when you don’t need to
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Do it. Open Handed is one of the best team helping perks for solos in the game.
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And you could still just try Slippery Meat with your strongest luck offering.
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There are constant disconnects and they are NOT crashes. They are people just abusing it because they can.
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I’ve noticed nemesis is big on camping and tunneling right off hook. I hope it’s just because he’s new and not that killers play style (like bubba).
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So well said! Thank you.
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All the years of swf bullying killers got them giving it right back...bravo I say 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
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Nobody cares about the killers fun...do you message your teammates that DC? Give them crap for it? It isnt the killers fault...they deal enough with bully squads😎
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Statistics and kill rates say opposite. Maybe you’re just not very good at the game? 😂
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Where? Red ranks? What snooty the other 16 ranks? Like most killers you see only one perspective and it’s a selfish one. 👏
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... I’m literally solo queue you dumbass lmao
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Kind of like every killer mechanic and play style. No thanks. Crap gets so old.
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Doesn't mean they weren't abused before they got to you...blame swf🤑 and name calling for making a valid point bravo 🙄
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They DC they left you in the predicament therefore your angst should go towards the offenders🤔
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dc penalty is off so people are taking advantage of that.
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I do fine... just think it's funny that "my teammate DCed darn that killer" is your mentality...I am doing you a favor by getting you to the next game quicker😎
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It's because people care about their own fun more than the 4 other people playing the match usually.
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Yeah don't say anything to them so they do the same to other players...sound logic and if you are playing solo you might get them as a teammate again and they can do the exact same thing😏