Chapter idea: Five Night's at freddy's

# CHAPTER: Five Night’s at Freddy’s
Killer: The Machine/Springtrap is a killer based around chasing and downing survivors as fast as possible.
Killer Bio: William Afton was a man who on the surface was a business owner with a happy family but soon that would be proven a lie. As children flooded his business place, Freddy fazbears pizza, he used it to claim victims and with that so many children were lost but the animatronics that inhabited that place found them, their souls bound in the metal of the machines they began hunting for William seeking revenge for lives he took from them but he found them first, he destroyed the machines hoping to end the nightmare but soon enough their souls chased him down and he was forced to hide in one of the horrible suits hoping to fool them but the mechanical parts snapped into place and he was forced to suffer the same fate caused so many others, to be stuck in a terrible machine.
Stats: Normal but 2% slower.
Weapon: His mechanical fist.
Ability, Rotting Machine: Your visage can turn the bravest man into a fear full child like them…, you can hold down the ability button which will cause you to charge up an attack (for 1 in half seconds) that if a survivor is in range (half of Myers stalking range) will slow them down by 3% for 3 seconds and Springtrap gains a 3% speed boost and one hit downs for 2 seconds.
Add on’s
Rusted leg joint: It’s old and barely possible: increases survivor slowdown by half a second.
Bear mask: you always hated this thing, speed boost is increased by 1 and half%.
Old leg joint: It’s not the newest model but it’ll do, survivor slowdown is increased by 1 second.
Bunny mask: Another one of those monstrosity’s mask, speed boost increased by 1%.
New leg joint: It’s the newest version allowing for a wide range of movement, survivor slowdown is increased by 2 seconds.
Chicken mask: This was one of the first designs, speed boost increased by 2%
Very rare:
Cable leg joint: These designs were perfect allowing for perfectly human like movement, survivor slowdown is increased by 3 seconds.
Fox mask: He was always your favoriate, speed boost increased by 3%
Ultra rare:
Golden bear toy: you still miss him, it takes 8 seconds to charge up Rotting Machine but it last for 60 seconds and requires no survivor for a charge.
Perk 1, Mechanical problems: Machines are second nature to you, when you damage a generator the survivor who last touched it will be revealed for 1/2/3 seconds If they have been damaged before. If there were multiple survivors on a generator the last one who touched it will be revealed. ~ I were forced to sing those same stupid songs for twenty years and I never got a bath? I'd probably be a bit irritable at night too. – Phone guy
Perk 2, A bloody past: Your history is filled with blood and tears, if a survivor is rescued from the hook their next failed skill check will reveal their aura for 1 second. The failed skill check will need to occur within 60 seconds of being rescued. ~ “Let's see how many pieces I can cut you into.” – Scrap baby (Elizabeth Afton )
Perk 3, Hex resurrection of evil: every time you damage a generator you gain a token with a max of 4 tokens, when the first 2
generators are completed your tokens will come into effect: with a token every survivors next skill check success zone will be decreased by 1% with 1 token, 2% with 2 tokens, 3% with 3 tokens and 4% with 4 tokens. ~ “Seeing you powerless is like music to me.” – The puppet
Survivor: Michael Afton is a survivor based around repairing generators faster and slowing the killer down.
Survivor bio: Michael Afton was part of a seemingly happy family but in reality his father was an evil man who tortured and experimented on the innocent and when he was caught Michael investigated and quickly began his quest to undo his father’s evil even beyond death.
Perk 1, Inner machine: Machines have become your savior… and your tormentor, after completing 2 skill checks consecutively The next skill check will boost generator repair speed by 3% for 2 seconds but if a skill check is failed the generator will have a 3% slower repair speed for 2 seconds and your aura will be revealed for 1 second. ~ “Hello? Hello hello? Well, if you're hearing this, then chances are you've made a very poor career choice.” – Phone guy
Perk 2, Second chance: You got your second chance they should too, rescuing a survivor will increase their healing and repair speed by 2% for 3 seconds. ~ “Uh, hey, listen, I may not be around to send you a message tomorrow. It's-It's been a bad night here for me. Um, I-I'm kinda glad that I recorded my messages for you uh, when I did.” – Phone guys final message
Perk 3, Hope in flame: A fire burns in them and you, being a killer terror radius will reveal your aura with a notification and if a chase is initiated the killers speed will be slowed down by 2% for 15/20/30 seconds. ~ “Upon discovering that damage or death has occurred, a missing person report will be filed within 90 days, or as soon property and premises have been thoroughly cleaned and bleached, and the carpets have been replaced." – Phone guy
Killer images
(possible costume)
Survivor images
(only 2 canonical images
Map images Freddy Fazbears