Paragraph-idea: The Elemental Ruler

Givti Member Posts: 50
edited June 2021 in Creations

Hello again, this is my second killer concept. It probaly looks like much, but its mostly because of the blank lines that make it easier to read. I hope you'll enjoy it :D. My first Paragraph-idea:


Hex: Tricky/Deadly Hooks: After you hooked someone, this person cannot be unhooked for 10s/15s/20s due to the Entity's bloodthirsty grip. It is impossible to try for an escape attempt while on hook and you see all survivors within 5m/10m/15m of a hook used at least once this match. The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

Elapsed Oppurtunities: Whenever a survivor jumps over the same pallet 5/4/3 times in a short time, it gets destroyed by the entity and whenever a survivor jumps over the same window 3 times in a short time, he gets the Exposed status effect for 20s/25s/30s.

Serious Priorities: Everytime a survivor gets healed/heals himself you get a token up to a maximum of 3/4/5 tokens. You lose a token, if you hit someone or kick a generator. This generator immediatly loses 5% of its progress and 2/2/3 skillchecks are triggered the next time a survivor repairs this generator. If one of them is failed, there will be no additional progress loss, but the generator keeps regressing and the skillchecks must be completed again. (So the survivors can't do the gen in your face)


Elements: (changing elements by pressing Active Ability button, you can only use 2 elements in a match, always stone + one element of your choice [decide through Add-ons])

Stone - M1 basic Attack/Lunge Attack

- M2 Rock-Elevation, its an area attack like a circle starting from the killers position, 8m long,

immediatly damaging unlike Pyramid Head, [1.5s charge time]

Fire - M1 Fire-Trail, 6m long, 1.5m wide, [no charge time, just animation delay]

a: when hitting a survivor -> increases Fire-Level by one (like Nemesis tentacle, thought about this before Nemesis launched :o)

b: when hitting a pallet -> slowly burns it down [15s], if a survivor climbs over it in this time -> increases Fire-Level by one

- M2 Fireball, for throwing, while holding it the Elemental Ruler is slowed to 3.6m/s [1s charge time], increases Fire-Level by 0.5

Fire-Level 1 injures the survivor, Fire-Level 2 puts him in deep wound, Fire-Level 3 downs the survivor

Water - M1 Water Flood [setting is like Freddy's snares] can be placed on gens/totems/hooks/chests, limit: 8

remain for 20s, in the flood survivors only move 2m/s and get every 5s an overcharge skillcheck,

if they work on a hook/generator/chest/totem in the water

- M2 Death-Wave, increases your movement speed to 175%, 50s cooldown, [2s charge time]

Air - M1 Noise-Tornado, your terrorradius will sound different close or not audible at all for survivors in a 45m radius

for 30s (never like its very close), 40s cooldown, [4s charge time]

- M2 Wind-Streams, 4 of them, last 25s each, 4m long 15m wide, when set they will blow in the opposite

direction of you facing, if survivors run with them they get a speed buff of +0.5m/s, if they

run against them they get a speed debuff of -0.5m/s, the killer isn't affected, [1.5s charge time]


The Elemental Ruler picks up the survivor and creates a vacuum in his lungs, so the survivor suffocates and then gets thrown to the ground by the killer.



1. unlocks Air, disables Fire

2. pallets burn longer (+10s)

3. cooldown of Noise-Tornado reduced (-10s)

4. charge time of Noise-Tornado reduced (-1s), Noise-Tornado extended (+5s)


1. unlocks Water, disables Fire, triumphs over Air

2. Water Flood stays longer (+5s)

3. cooldown of Death-Wave reduced (-10s)

4. pallets burn faster (-7s)

5. increases length (+3m) and width (+1.5m) of Fire-Trail


1. Wind-Streams stay longer (+5s), increases number of available Wind-Streams (+1)

2. Water Flood stays longer (+10s) and skillchecks come every 4 seconds

3. increases Rock-Elevation radius (+3m)

4. cooldown of Death-Wave reduced (-20s)

5. cooldown of Noise-Tornado reduced (-15s), length of Noise-Tonado increased (+10s)


1. Noise-Tornado affects the whole map, but survivors do not hear the terror radius nor the effect in a 32m radius to the Elemental Ruler

2. you summon 2 Fireballs at once

3. increases Rock-Elevation radius (+6m)

4. you get 4 tokens to set Water Floods, which stay the whole match, special skillchecks only trigger every 15s


1. Rock-Elevation puts healthy survivors into the dying state (Exception: the survivor has the Endurance status effect)

2. Fire-Trail burns pallets down immediatly, length increased (+10m), width fixed at 0.5m

So that's it, I hope you like it. :D I would like to see feedback.