Hello. How long wait Nemesis buff?
Very Very weak power and useless bots.
Make the legendary assassin one of the weakest in the DBD. A shame...
Nemesis is nowhere near one of the weakest killers in the game.
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It is your opinion. Not mine!
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Same with everyone else!
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Nemesis is not weak at all. As a matter of fact there is no weak killer in the game! Everyone is good and "playable" as opposed to most other games with "tiers" Thus every player in one way or another can express themselves in their play. There are "weaker" killers as killers are better or worse from each other but everyone is viable. Nemesis is A right now so hes good although i agree he should/can "be a little better".
As far as the Zombie AI they have they're issues obviously but they still for the most part do their job which is to keep survivors actively moving. In my games zombies get either hits or on rarer occasions a "down" so i dunno what you wat from them. I suggest using the Zombie buff add-ons if you want slightly more consistent zombies.
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Everything that you have written is suitable for playing against weak survs. I want to do 4k on highlights and not entertain survivors.
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Mic drop lol
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So your taking something i said and made a big assumption so let me correct/enlighten you! Everything i said is based off playing against "strong' survivors. I want to (and do) 4k on highlights and play to win period. Whos trying to entertain? #assumptions
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... he released a week ago.
please dont make balance assumptions this quickly.
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I wanna see you explain how a killer like trickster is good compared to Slinger and Huntress
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First Nemesis is not weak. He is strong but he has some stupid weaknesses.
- Speed boost for infect hit. This has to go!
- Zombies are stupid, fix your AI. Or remove them and give map mobility to Nemesis.
- Red add-ons ridicilous, rework them. Both of them useless.
- You can not hit behind car or some objects or walls, fix him hitboxes.
- Range is so small. Tier 1 (5m), Tier 2 (6m), Tier 3 (7m). That will be enough.
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Trickster right. You have found another killer of the weakest in the DBD. Congratulations. But there are much more people interested in Nemesis.
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I wish you to keep your nerves as you play as Nemesis against 4 great players. And I think I'll play on other strong killers
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I am destroying them already lol
Not with Nemesis but good teams are not problem for my Blight and Freddy bois. I hope when i get good Nurse will also join family.
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He isn't weak imo, but he could still use some buffs, like removing the speed bonus from initial infection, and reducing the cooldown from using your tentacle to break pallets, walls, etc.
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No no bro need destroynig as Nemesis. You say Nemesis is not weak. At a nurse, almost any mainer can do it.
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Oh Nemesis is weak? Oh whoops didn't know that
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Absolutely true, actually. Your "nope" changes nothing. lmao
Trickster is not Slinger, Trickster is not Huntress. Trickster gets shutdown easily if you know what to do.
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Git gud or stop playing him is all I say about that, he does not need a buff.
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So... instead of being weak, he´s 5 times weaker.
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I think what he meant is that the basis of Nemesis' design is pretty solid and has potential to be strong but there are just some oversights/bugs/nuances that have to get fixed in order to enable him.
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The whole idea of his "power" is a problem. Infection does nothing to survivors. So the only reason for survivors to cure the infection is that he needs another tentacle strike to down them.
His addons are build around making the cure dangerous, by prolonging the opening of the chests, exposing them or removing a chest. Which is ridiculous, since there is no downside for being infected. Unlike Plagues infection, which at least exposes survivors and prevents them from doing objects to avoid getting infected.
This video explains his addons in detail, and most of them are not only bad, but terrible! (licker tongue...)
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Well, Twins still need work... trickster prob needs work, hell blight needs work.
Give it till 2023
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How is making most loops in the game unsafe a ‘weak’ power though?
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Hitting survivors 3 times in order to down them sure looks like a strong power...
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Wait, if you don’t think he’s weak why did we have 10 arguments over this? xD
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Have you ever played Plague?
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He is strong but he has some stupid weaknesses. I listed them. He can be seriously good when devs fix them.
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You said he was on the same tier as Trapper before
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I was wrong then. Trapper is stronger than him /s
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Nemesis needs adjustments in some areas and he'll be better to play and play against.
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I'm aware of the fact that Nemesis is rather lackluster and needs buffs/fixed.
His power was obviously changed shortly before release thus addons don't make any sense as well as the hindered status effect.
I think though, that Nemesis would be quite strong IF the initial speed boost on infection was gone and adorns would be reworked. You could also argue that larger maps need more zombies and that being infected actually has downsides for survivors but the latter could possibly make him too strong. Not too sure though.
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You mean that killer which infection actually does something?
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Almost all of his addons need a complete rework. His power needs a rework (as his map does). I doubt the devs will make so many changes within the next year. Just look at the last 2 killers. No significant buffs or reworks.
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Your comparing Trickster to Deathslinger and Huntress? lol Why would you even do that? Im not comparing them because they are in two completely different tiers...Like i said and like i'll continue to say and stand by "THERE ARE NO BAD KILLERS IN DEAD BY DAYLIGHT!!
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Another person comparing S and A+ tier to B tier. I never said he was as good as them. The problem people like you (assumers) have is that you make wild assumptions and or put words in peoples mouth. Instead of doing that why dont you just ask me to be more elaborate or go into detail on WHY? Your not gonna change my opinion that way, why do people do this its so annoying!
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I agree. The map is beautiful to look at but it's a nightmare to play on. I don't have much hope for a major rework but given how huge the RE franchise is and the last 2 killers were not licensed killers, I still have a tiny little bit of hope left.
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Dont expect any buff nemesis will get nerf before they buff him. The nerf will come between 1 month or 3 and the buff will come in 2 or 3 years
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Now it made me want to not want Jason and Alien here.
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If you struggle as Nemesis then I'm sorry but... you're not good at him. Anti-loop, zoning, auto map pressure, etc... He's a decent killer, no way in hell the worst.
He's not for everyone, so if you don't like playing him then you aren't forced to.
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Did you actually just try to imply Trickster is B tier? That he's on the same level as Doctor and Oni?
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Well there might still be a little hope left. But on the other hand, Pizzahead isn´t exactly a S tier killer and that while he also came from a big franchise.
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It usually takes 3 months to make any changes to killers from what I have seen so far.
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Nemesis was difficult for me in the very beginning because I didn't really understand his mechanics very well. After a bunch of trial and error I've found the best way to apply pressure isn't hitting them with his ability right away but instead M1. I will then use M2 when they're in a locked animation whether they drop a pallet or vault. I only really use M2 when they're doing these key things. And I'm not afraid to disengage either from a chase after infecting the survivor to go back and apply pressure to the gens. I don't always get 4k's but it's working nicely as a rank 4 killer. My only gripe about his ability is that first infection speed boost the survivor gets. That'd be the only thing I'd change. The plague doesn't give you a speed boost when you're being puked on or when it causes you to go into an injured status. Neither does running into Pyramid heads trail of torment. I don't even think the survivor should be hindered either after being M2'd. The recovery after using M2 is sufficient enough for the survivor to make some distance and find a safe loop.