So, are you devs considering extending the current rift expire date?

As per title, are you guys considering extending the current tome, since there are these glaring issues that make playing the game so painful? I mean, it would only be right to at least extend it by a time equal to that it takes you to fix the issue. And I think the other players would agree with me.
If you bought the rift they already have your money. I would recommend not buying it until you know the patch is playable to a satisfactory level. You can always buy the tome after and get all your stuff for the levels you reached.
In either case, yeah I agree they should extend it.
Post edited by MrPenguin on10 -
This is a great idea. I will also add they made this one easier and I barely need the 4th entry. I got hooked on two other games and been barely playing and only need few levels. Normally I am like scraping by finishing last day or two before it ends only playing dbd.
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I would much rather they gave us a bloodhund. Or both!
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Didn't they extend the last one because of issues?
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Rift, not tome.
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I didn't, but was planning to do so
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Right, my bad.
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I think it's only fair, given the issues.
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I don’t see why they need to. I already reached tier 70 and the last part doesn’t drop until tomorrow, mainly because they dropped each rift fragment from 800xp to 500xp. It’s so easy to complete it now all you need to do is play. How much help do you really need?
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Just because YOU reached tier 70 already, doesnt mean others also did.
Especially since old gen console players can barely play.
I am on next gen and already spent like 70 hours on the rift and i am still only tier 52 or sonething like that.
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Guess you haven't tried playing on console, especially old gen ones, have you? If you didn't, I reckon your (I hope) unaware reply has some sense. If you did, though, that's just nonsense. As @Ruma said, just because you reached it, it doesn't mean that everyone else did, especially with how barely playable the game is right now. Plus, not everyone has the time to be playing DbD all day long, or videogames in general.
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Honestly I feel like we need more than just an extended Rift as compensation for all the issues the game's been having lately. I'm hoping for an extended Rift, a lot of Bloodpoints, and Iridescent Shards.
Have you been ignoring DBD for the past week? There's a boatload of issues making the game nearly unplayable for a lot of players.
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By old gen, what do you mean? I’m on console right now and had no problems reaching tier 70. No, I don’t expect everyone to be as far along as I am (literally reached 70 yesterday), but there is still more than a month left for the rift. Sorry that Im not feeling the sympathy, but unplayable is a huge exaggeration.
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it would be the minimum, considering how impossible is to complete it with all these bugs. They should at least extend it for the number of days the frame rate drop bug is active.
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"Over a month", when the rift page literally says 21 days. Which is less than a month. Old gen means PS4 and XOne. It IS unplayable. You miss so much stuff because of the frame drops, and Dead Hard works even less than before. Which was already baffling.
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You right, fixed it thanks.
Well, I hope they extend it for you and everyone else. If not at least you saved some money rather than use it on a faulty product.
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3 weeks, whatever. That’s 21 tiers if you do one a day which is ridiculously easy now that they’ve dropped the requirements for rift fragments and are at all good at the game. I’ve been able to get two fragments out of a single match! And yes, I play on PS4 so I know what you say is BS. “Unplayable” give me a break. For a game that is supposedly broken I sure didn’t have much of a problem completing the rift!
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I play the game an average of 3-5 hours every few days or a total of about 20, 25 hours a week. I'm an average player and do make sure to always have a Rift challenge going, but absolutely do not focus exclusively on the current tome. I bounce my challenges between all the different tomes. On this current Rift I am at about level 55 or so, despite not having specifically focused on achieving that goal, and thus decided to purchase the Rift pass. Because the Rift gives back rewards in the form of Auric Cells the pass cost me four dollars, the rest of which I should easily get back if I continue playing as I have been. I have to admit, I'm quite satisfied with my first Rift purchase and plan on getting more in the future.
Now having said that, I'm playing on PC which is the gaming machine that currently has the least amount of problems. Given how much trouble many players have reported, especially console players, I think it's perfectly reasonable to request that the duration of the current Rift be extended to compensate for their inability to play the game as they would otherwise normally be able to.
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Yeah, trust me dude, I sadly know about wasting money on a faulty product. Sadly, I bought Outriders 😅
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I hope they do. The hotfix on PS4 literally broke the game for me. It causes my system to shut down when I try to launch the game. It's almost funny.
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Well i don't think it will happen, the grind from the Rift is drastically easier than before, like where you landed at T12 with the first page of challenges you now land around T16. in total that is a 16 Tiers difference from last tome. I'm currently T61 and there is 20 days to go. I was at that tier when there was 7 days to go last time.
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They gave us 300k bloodpoints when the new map got disabled and they're giving us a lot of shards when the anniversary event starts so I'm doubting we'll get anymore compensation although I would love it if they did. 300k is nothing to me with how bad the grind is in this game. As for the rift being extended, they risk people getting bored if they extend it. The grind was significantly lowered so I got to tier 70 after I finished level 2 of the tome I think. Should they extend it? Probably, because the bugs are pretty bad on console right now. But people also want more to do so it's difficult to please everyone I guess.
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Honestly i'd prefer they compensated via rift fragments like they did during the aniverssary stream rather than extend it. More cosmetics ASAP please!!!! (really hoping for a twins skin in the next rift , the current offering is kinda, meh)
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While it would be nice, i doubt they can extend the rift by 3 months...
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You think it will take them THAT long to fix the frame drops? I hope not...
Post edited by Damarus on0 -
A new Twins skins has already been leaked. It should be coming somewhere around July.
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It has become very easy to hit tier 70, I've done it few days ago already.
I just think that everyone can make it if they've been playing since the first couple of weeks of the new tome release at least.
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Don't think they will. I'm not too bothered since I'm already tier 70.
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Hope not, they already made it much easier. If they make it any easier they might as well give give the cosmetics each day you log in. I want cosmetics to feel something special. We already get an amazing deal as long as you play and the rift Is now so easy to compete compared to before
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You never know.
I hope it gets fixed within a few days. But i prepare for a couple of months. Simply because the game has a Spaguetti code. Totally unrelated things break, whenever they fix something.
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I never said to make it EASIER, I said they should at least be extending the duration. Two totally unrelated things.
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You are kinda slow then because I've been tier 70 for few weeks now and had only 15-20 hours playtime in a week. Also this game isn't unplayable on console so they should not extend rift time. Not because Im tier 70, reason is that tiering up is too easy and everyone who plays few days a week should easily reach tier 70.