The anniversary event will be fun, and I will choose to enjoy it.

i am excited to play the game because I am not bored with it these days. I understand that an enormous amount of energy and resources go into providing the ridiculously first world experience of playing video games for fun and leisure in a world with so, so many problems as well as the entitlement I enjoy being able to do so when so many in the world have problems that would preclude such entertainments.
Bring it on, I am currently enjoying the game and understand that those working on it want to produce the best product they can and will do their best to deliver it.
I often wonder if there are people playing this game that are under 10 years old and they also somehow post on the forums.
Tl;dr - Stop complaining because your complaints don't matter?
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"and understand that those working on it want to produce the best product they can and will do their best to deliver it."
this is a joke right?, this entire post?
Actually come to think of it this is a massive dev burn post, claiming the best they can do is this hot garbage, the RE map having to be pulled after people playing on it on the ptb being the most recent embarrassment
Imagine how sad you must feel for them if this actually is their best.....yikez.
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No, stop projecting that a future thing will be terrible because you need to move on because you are bored with a game that you can't let go of because of sunken cost fallacy.
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That sounds like a longer version of what I said.
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So do you have a job? Do you have a work ethic? Do you deliberately do a bad job?
Do you think that people working elsewhere, because they aren't you, don't do their best?
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im 100% sure PLENTY of people dont do their best no, and these devs most certainly dont, well they do their best to do as little work as possible, put in as little effort as they can while making a lot of money, that they do very well.
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Is English your first language? Do you routinely use phrases like 'hot garbage' about other things in your life? Do you criticize your friends and family like this?\ I don't know... I think of the people working on this game as other human beings who deserve a level of respect, I guess? Maybe I'm just in a weird mood today.
To me, if a game feels that bad, I move on to another. Sure, feedback is valuable, but when you're posting the 100th 'dur hurr the anniversary event will be trash' thread, you maybe should move on.
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I think that this likely says more about your own work ethic than that of others.
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It'll be my first anniversary event, so I'll enjoy it as much as possible. But I understand people being disappointed by X or Y.
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Remember: Games are products put out by a company. The quality of a product is very indicative of the quality of work the employees are putting out.
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Most people seem to just be trying to be edgy or want to be upset because they're not getting something hugely different from the coding that's been built for past events that of course will be used and possibly built upon depending on what all the priorities are for the team(s).
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idk what fantasy world you live in....and then claim that you think people on this forum are 10.....
When I was younger cartoons told me that the biggest things plaging the planet were poachers and the environment and that racism is something from the far far FAR past....but then....I grew up.
Imagine if this is truely the outcome of a world where everyone does their best at the work they do.....yikez man.
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This response makes no sense. Again, I think perhaps you need to realize that you either don't do a good job yourself intentionally or you have a low opinion of others because they aren't you.
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Explain how it does not make sense....and then explain how you come to that conclusion and also explain why you think everyone in the world does their best at what they do.
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Sure. Your cartoon analogy has no relevance. Why does this matter in the current discussion? When I was little, I believed in Santa Claus at some point. I'm sure many appreciate the fact that you grew up.
So are you making the argument that it's naive and child-like to believe that (admittedly, I mean on -average), people are doing their best to provide the best product or contribute their best effort based on circumstances that they can? Sure, I'll concede that 100% of people are not churning out 100% effort, 100% of the time. But I wouldn't want the whips of hell on me all work day any more than you probably would. To me, for the major issues, it's obvious that the company is aware of them. How is posting threads that 'the anniversary event will be terrible,' contributing in any way to the conversation aside from looking for echo-chamber, 'yeah you go' responses. Those making no effort ######### on those making an effort constantly and it's tiring, so I posted.
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You've really never worked with someone that does a terrible job because they don't care or know they can get away with it? I have plenty of stories of coworkers that did a bad job because they knew they could get away with it. It happens at big companies where you make $50k a year and at waitressing where you make $5hr + tips.
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Sure, but that's just one person. You've been on entire teams, working on very public software, where this is so pervasive that it comes out in the product? My experience is that some things are very difficult to do and it can be very challenging to put out great software and it doesn't require everyone to be incompetent or sabotaging the effort for me not to have a great experience with a piece of software.
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Not on teams in software but in other jobs yes. What ends up happening is the members that do a good job and actually try to do well get more work shoved on them because less is given to the bad worker rather than firing them. The good workers get burned out and make more mistakes or they get frustrated and either stop performing as well since bad worker gets away with it or just quits - that one bad worker brings down the whole team.
I have not worked in development but my husband creates software for use at his company and they would not be allowed to publish anything nearly as buggy/glitchy as DBD (or most games now) - the investors would be outraged because it'd impact their money. The mentality in gaming software however is much different, it's "release now with bugs/glitches we'll (maybe) fix it later" because gamers have become accepting of this - they still buy the broken game/dlc instead of holding back their money demanding it be fixed first. Anytime someone complains of the bugs/glitches, even when they're so bad they are game breaking, it's met with people saying "oh, every game has bugs/glitches." Gamers as a whole shouldn't be OK with games being as bug/glitch ridden as they are.
At a restaurant if you're given raw chicken do you go "OK, the cook did their best, he delivered the best product he could" and eat it anyway because you enjoy chicken or do you send it back and asked ask for them to fully cook the chicken? Releasing product that still needs work is like getting uncooked chicken, sure you can eat it and hope for the best but it'd be alot more enjoyable if it was done right.
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Must be a dev on an alt account lol. But why be hype? Just gonna be some dumb crowns and cakes thats it. Watch the cakes not even be able to stack.
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I agree with what you're saying. My beef is with people saying "oh this future event will suck". The food analogy doesn't work that well and sure, I understand wanting a better product. I suppose I must concede that calling something 'hot garbage' is just opinion and I'm sure I would agree about things that don't work right with whoever said that.
My feeling on the event is that I'll probably enjoy it and I'm not going to shoot it down just because it's not something new or in line with some past promise to make events more unique.
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I understand the devs are doing a decent job at making the game. I also understand that pushing out new content every three months to make more money off of "sale the new" might not be what the devs themselves want to do but are being forced to do by people higher up in the cooperate food chain. Because, yes, I understand it is a cooperation and its goal is to make money.
What I don't agree with is that what we have gotten is a quality product. It is still fun, yes, and it mostly works, yes but the amount of problems the game has that have been allowed to stick around for years is just mind blowing to me. I'm a computer programmer who has taken college level classes on both game design and game programming and am working towards being a game programmer. Looking at old and new patch logs, old and new bug reports, old and new customer complaints and just plain playing the game myself I am professionally astounded at some of the things that hasn't been fixed yet or are allowed to recur. Players, Killer or Survivor, should not be getting stuck in the environment at all any more. A new update shouldn't make the game unstable anymore. These are just two examples of problems they have fixed in the past but have now reoccurred because they didn't take the time to make sure all of their code interacts properly, which is also something that has happened in the past. They did not learn from their past mistakes and that doesn't fill me confidence they will do a better job in the future.
As I said above I am willing to believe it is not wholly the programmer's and developer's fault, that they are being pressured from above to keep pushing out new content because the higher ups don't trust that what they currently have will keep selling and have to always be providing new content. But if the developers themselves want to do a better job at their game they need to push back against that pressure and say "No. No, we are not going to make new content. We are going to fix what we have first and then we'll make new content."
I fully understand that New Player Acquisition is really important for any multiplayer game but at a certain point you need to prioritize Old Player Retention over it or all of the old players are going to leave and tell anyone and everyone to not bother becoming a New Player because of how they treat their Old Players. I'm a "New Player", I have been playing this game for less than a year and I really love it and enjoy it but I'm already jaded about how the player base is treated and didn't buy either of the latest two DLCs because of how the updates broke the game and how the devs reacted to player concerns.
I'm going to play in and try and enjoy the anniversary event myself. I'm going to keep playing the game and trying to have fun with it. (You know, when I can actually do so if the servers are working for me.) But until the devs actually fix their game instead of just pushing out new content I'm not going to be giving them any more of my money than I already have and I encourage more people to do the same. If we hit their bottom line hard enough whomever it is that is pushing for new content over fixing existing content will have to actually listen to us and fix what is broken.
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I mean, I always have that same outlook as well. I play a game as long as I find it reasonably engaging and leave it when something else comes along that grabs me. In fact, I stopped playing DBD from about December to around April while playing some other things and doing non-game stuff. Of course, I think that feedback is important as well and I'd take less umbrage with people sharing their opinion of events after they happen rather than s******g on them ahead of time. I intend to try to enjoy the event but sure, I might not. For the most part, though, I'm not looking for it to re-energize my interest in the game as that's already there.
I suppose I am talked out on the subject and mostly see that it's important for people to share whatever they want on forums like this - it just gets tiring seeing the 100th edgy 'this will suck/does suck' post when the items in complaint are already well documented and have already been posted into oblivion.
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I'm looking forward to the event. I'm sure there will be some surprises thrown in too. I think the OP gets it right, i.e. go into it with the right mindset and you will have a good time. We make our own fun, just like we make our own misery. Realistic, reasonable expectations will never let you down. The fact of the matter is most of us here would be playing the game regardless, as I would hope we are here for love of the game. Anything extra they throw in that we didn't have to pay for is just icing on the cake. Good luck and have fun everyone! I'll see you in the fog.
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I don't like when people go overboard with insults myself, but if someone thinks the event won't be fun it is their right. Just like you say it will be. Let them be.
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You can feel like you'll enjoy the event just as others can think they won't. While you don't want people to shoot down your planning to enjoy it you shouldn't insult people that don't think they'll enjoy it by calling them 10 year olds.
I can see why people will think the event won't be enjoyable and it's fine to voice why, especially if they give more than just a "it's going to suck." If they didn't enjoy last year and this year is same then it makes sense they'd want to voice their displeasure before it goes live.
As console player performance is currently worse than normal and there's a good chance it won't be fixed before the event starts next week. It's hard to enjoy the game already when it is freezing nonstop, let alone trying to enjoy the event while dealing with these issues.
As survivor last year there were a ton of killers face camping just to prevent survivors from getting the crown. It sucked and honestly is a bummer on what should be something fun. Was hoping this year they'd do something to change that but unfortunately it's the same. Personally when I play killer I'll be letting all survivors go because I think everyone should be able to easily get the free cosmetic.
The grind is constantly complained about and the cakes stacking was probably the one thing people most looked forward to since it'd help the grind a ton - especially when 3 new characters were just released. Seeing that currently they are set to only be for the individual is quite the let down.
These are 3 concerns that if voiced now could maybe have some changes made BEFORE the event goes live. For performance issues they could plan to extend the event to make up for time lost due to the issues. For the crown they could figure out something so survivors don't get screwed from a crown because they were camped. Cakes just make them apply to everyone and be stackable like they were the last two years.
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So much blindly licking a dirty shoe of a company seeing no reason for criticism in places where it is clearly justified. No doubt BHVR has worked hard and done a lot to improve the Dead by Daylight experience but in no way are they free of well-deserved criticism.
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I'm betting that it's still gonna be a normal event, not too exciting, we'll still be having a lot of issues.
Please Bhvr, you know what's up....
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The issue is that they promised us more effort in their events, yet they literally recycled everything from last year and expected us to be happy.
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BHVR: We understand our players weren't happy with the lack of a real Halloween 2020 event. We're going to only do two events a year, Anniversary and Halloween, that way we can make them the best events we can.
Also BHVR: Here's the same Anniversary event from last year. Enjoy.
Our memories extend back further than a 10-year-old's, that's one of the reasons so many people are unhappy. If you like what you see of the upcoming event, great! But don't call other people names just because they want more from a game they've funneled a lot of money into because the devs keep saying "_____ is coming" and some are hopeful enough to still believe.
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Bro, how many Auric Cells do you get per post?