Why is ranking up so hard?
Well I never said I WANTED to 1v1. I just know that if we would 1v1 one day I would destroy them.
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Hard? Half of the population is in red ranks, 100h survivors versing 8000h killers in the same rank.
If anything, it should be much harder so ranking would actually helped with quality of games
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Your kidding right?
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I just want to see if people can prove that they would "destroy" others.
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I know the truth myself, if you don’t want to believe me then don’t.
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This man actually just destroyed the conversation with facts and logic.
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How can anyone believe that? Source: just trust me bruh.
I have not played against moundshroud but by how he/she talks I can say that he/she is a good to great player.
I suggest not confirming that you are better than someone else without even playing against them.
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Its very safe to say that I am a better player. In fact you are probably just jealous because of my epic survivor skills.
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Says the person with a spirit profile pic.
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Everything you dont like is killer related, even when he didnt said anything about killers.
Dont you think somethings wrong here?
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Is hard as survivor if you play solo, cuz all the disconnects and hook suicides.
Is hard as killer because even if you 4k you might get black pip (I never will understand this).
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I mean you refused them a 1v1 against your "epic survivor skills", so I guess you are all bark.
Accept them, I wanna see your "epic survivor skills" I want to see why would I be jealous.
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I haven't played spirit in a long time.
You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.
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LMAO ok, thanks for showing us that you arent even confident in your own skills and you're purely all talk.
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Why should I accept? I’m not ready to become famous because of my skills.
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Confident in my own skills I am. Why do you care so much?
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No you arent, post your rank right now.
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You might become famous sure, but mostly because you refused a simple 1v1 to prove that you can "destroy" them, source: I know I'm good bruh
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Does rank have to do anything with skill? I’m rank 11. Would obviously be rank 1 but I have gotten hardcore tunneled and camped the last few weeks.
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So what? I know I’m good bruh.
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Vans is your alt account, isn't it lmao.
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Against every killer if they're mastered?
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No, actually it’s not. Are we not aloud to have the same opinion?
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Yeah, except stridor spirit.
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Then prove it? What's wrong Mcfly? Chicken? Because here I can say that I'm better than Idk, noob3, tru3talent, otz, Tofu, all the FW, but my only source is just bruh trust me.
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Well I am better than them. It’s your problem if you don’t want to trust me. I know my own skill
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Whatever helps you sleep, all bark is all I see.
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Don't try and play this off as if you've been trolling the whole time...
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When did I try to play it off? Answer me that question. And I’m not trolling.
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Its so stupid, killer cant find you all game, you do the MAIN objective alone, power the gates and escape without a scratch and get penalised for it.
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Its hard for a reason. Straight gen rushing and leaving earns no pips. They want to encourage getting into it with the killers and not just hiding all game and doing gens as fast as possible. Same applies to killers, just winning asap isn't likely to pip. Need chases and gen kicks etc
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It's ok everyone; I am not surprised that my vocal, serial complaining opponent is crying off (As Roland of Gilead would say). I've seen this before and I'm sure I will see it again. We all have. It just bears noting along with all the other of this person's so-called arguments. Not only is no responsibility for failures taken, this person threw down the gauntlet and then picked it right back up. Ok. No problem. We see how you are. :)
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Immaturity at it's finest.