Favorite Plague Builds/Tips/Cosmetics?

Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

Honeatly a bit bored so was wondering if I could learn anything new from the community. Anything from Builds (and why), to tips, and even cosmetics or maybe some regarding Plague I haven't thought of.


  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    I stopped playing her mostly cause of how crap her hit box is since dedicated servers.

    Build wise I just do the meta, although no ruin without a map offering cause 90% of the totem spawns are trash.

    Corrupt, pop, bamboozle, and monitor usually. If survivors never cleanse monitor gets you some nice easy downs and then bamboozle to get rid of ridiculously strong tiles fast.

    I probably would not go into games as her without at least 1 chase perk because she can be reduced to an M1 killer fairly easily and depending on the map M1 killers can be looped for a very long time no matter how good you are as killer.

  • xXCAM3R0NXx
    xXCAM3R0NXx Member Posts: 387


    Corrupt for early game to allow to sicken survivors.

    Infectious and deerstalker to slug with corrupt

    Thanatophobia to force people to cleanse and punish those who don't.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    My current giggles build, just for the heck of it. I'm loving Hysteria on her, especially on teams that don't cleanse. Eruption is meh on her, though. I'm sad, as I like the idea behind the perk. Think I'll use it on Wraith instead.

    I personally like the crown with the dress. Makes her seem really regal.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    My Plague loadout. Pretty generic. I miss Ruin, but it doesn't work well with Corrupt and without another hex to obfuscate it. STBFL can be a waste and there are better perks, but it's also really easy to max stacks because you have options to circumvent M1 hits on your obsession. Bad perk if you're the type who always wants to M2 into M1 or uses Corrupt Purge religiously, good if you just want to hit whoever's in front of you and will use whatever method's quickest. Pop works because her chases tend to be short between Corrupt Intervention and survivors coming pre-injured, so you can go back to the gen you chased people off of; otherwise, meh.

    Corrupt Intervention is the perk I'd recommend most. She's not a setup killer, but her power lets you tag the first four gens cyclically, so you can guaranteed infect anyone who wants to do gens or chase them off into looking for another gen for absolute early game stall, and learn whenever someone goes on a gen to quickly get into a chase. It's good for forcing early passive infection that'll have developed by the time you finish your first chase, and if nobody got infected, it means they waited to get on gens, which is also good for you.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    I am not fan of her, i am not playing with her so much but my build: Thanatophobia + BBQ + Corrupt + Infectious Fright

  • FogLurker
    FogLurker Member Posts: 337

    Best cosmetic for her is her player submitted contest one that won that will probably release in 6-12 months.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Got a link or picture by any chance? I took a huge break right before Blight and came back maybe a month ago.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 968

    I kinda wanna try an undetectable plague build with Hysteria / Trail / Pop / Corrupt, Thana or Infectious. Sounds fun on paper, and maybe survivors will be less inclined to tap the yellow highlighted gen with puke on it.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    I think her best add ons are the apples. I pretty much always bring the yellow and green apples. General strategy is to run Corrupt Intervention, puke on the non-corrupted gens at the start, get most players infected, and then take a quick down with the green puke/M1 or grab a red pool if it's nearby.

    I tend to run more slowdown on her than I normally do with other killers because of the ridiculous pool mechanic that always survivors to self-heal in 8 seconds while also leaving you with a fountain you potentially can't get to without throwing the game. Survivor mobility isn't nearly as costly as killer mobility, so you can get screwed on a map like Ormond or Mother's Dwelling if you have two pools on the other side of the map from your remaining gens. That's functionally 0 available pools at that point. But that's also why I bring two apples. Takes away the RNG aspect a bit and gives you a much better chance of having corrupted fountains that you can actually use.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    To everyone who's replying I really appreciate it. I love seeing your opinions. I've read everything you have posted and I thank you.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Stealth is kind of hit or miss with Plague, because she can benefit from it a lot, but she's super noticeable between her height and the smoke trails, so she's very reliant from approaching behind obstacles, especially hills and high walls. Being able to make people not want to touch the gen is really fun, though. I think you'd want to run Thana or Infectious here; Thana's going to get more value in games where people don't want to cleanse and Infectious gets you more value when they do. I'd tentatively say do Infectious so you can capitalize on both scenarios; Thana and Hysteria might synergize too well and make survivors cleanse immediately. Pop + Trail is already going to make them want to touch the gen fast, so you'll be getting a fair amount of incidental infections; having them turbo cleanse on you could force a fountain wipe before you can deal with it.

    But both would work great. Corrupt would too, but it doesn't synergize quite as hard. Sounds like a really fun build - mass panic and lose-lose situations. All you need is a Nancy to bring Better Together and the whole team is suddenly in chaos.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I love her own three perks on her, you can also go for slowdowns like stacking thana and dying light - DL doesn't give the obsession the weird healing speed buff with her. Well it does, it just it won't see much use.

    You can also go for a vomit comet build with pwyf, injuring survivors with vile purge doesn't lose stacks or it didn't the last time I used it anyway.

    One tip I'd give is if you spawn next to your corrupt fountain, consider just grabbing it straight away. It's high risk high reward but I've swung the game in my favour before by just charging in with it early game. I haven't got lethal pursuer on her yet but might be worth considering for this.