Lethal pursuer reveals so much

Does this perk mess with spawns?
Ever since i started using it to get adept nemesis the game seems to spawn 2 survivors together at opposite ends of the map. When i take it off i will get 3 or 4 survivors in a group and one on the other side of the map.
It is also good at revealing some sus behaviour. You need to be stupid to spawn in and turn to the killer and start pointing and crouching. or in the case of lerys perfectly move opposite of the killer even when i keep changing directions...
Ps no object of obsession is being used before people bring that up.
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Object of Obsession?
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This is a weird thread
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Just keep getting different conditions when i do or don't use it. or it could be a coincidence.
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The spawns might be just unlucky for you in terms of using lethal. However the fact people know you're there and pointing and stuff might be because object or if you're playing Daddy Nemi might be because it's his perk and I've seen alot run it lol
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They are not using the perk or i wouldn't mention it. the game fails when it comes to anticheat.
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It's very interesting to see how close survivors spawn next to you sometimes.Like yeah,i know they can spawn on my side on maps like Azarovs Resting Place or Suffocation Pit.
But even on other maps i had survivors spawn very close to me
Here's an example:
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Bad perk btw
After 7 seconds it's gone
Experienced killer players know spawn locations
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That isn't even that close, so much as the Survivor walked right into you. And anyway, if they all spawn on the other end of the map that'd be even worse for them. This is an unsolvable problem. Survivors need to learn not to immediately hold Shift + W as soon as a trial starts and maybe look around and assess first. Period.