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Will killers ever be able to use different perks

i really wanna have fun with different perks but most of them are useless meanwhile survivors have a plethora of good perks they can choose from.You are also forced to run gen regression perks because gens fly too fast my idea is to nerf these perks and give survivors something to do beside M1 like finding a fuse to turn gens on.


  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    Killers have good perks but the problem is those perks can't work for all the killers. For example, BBQ & Chill is an excellent perk but a killer with very high mobility can use its effect oplimal. On the other hand, survivors are just skins and so any perk you make for them can work in one way or another.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    try playing from now on for a week without any perks, dont care about arbitrary concepts like winning or losing, just try it.

    then after that start using some of those perks you deem so useless, I think you will be amazed.

  • CringeGame
    CringeGame Member Posts: 25

    u can't patrol gens on like most killers cuz maps are huge and gens fly fast and killers are slow

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    you don't always have to. It's better to plan for a 3gen at the end than to "patrol all gens". you can't realistically apply pressure to all 7 gens at once. Play smart, not hard.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,059

    Exactly. Like, you defend Gens in Deadzones, either those which are already there or which were created by kicking Pallets.

    And some Gens are not worth to defend, prime example for me: Hawkins. The Gen in the Portal Room and the Gen upstairs, I ignore both of them. So I dont have to deal with them and as long as I keep an eye on the remaining 5 Gens, I have a smaller portion of the Map to cover and if they do one of those two Gens, I dont really care about it (except when they are down to three Gens, but then I messed up at some point).

    Another Gen would be the one in the Saloon when playing on Dead Dawg Saloon. This Gen is so awkward to defend, I just let them do it.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    What perks you want to run? Everyone is right you don't have to run all gen perks quite frankly thats ridiculous. I also don't think you should bring none unless you are a master at that specific killer. I had 2 daily's with Slinger (ain't been playing much lately) had to get rid of them last night he is level 15 I put on the best 4 perks I felt I had tier 2 disco, surveillance, retribution, third seal. So no gen slowdown/regression and I lost both hexes in the first minute ofc. Turns out disco/surveillance was all I needed anyhow so try the perks you want, when you want to, oh and get better.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Im actually with others here in saying that you should be comfortable in running different perks. Yes, the gens will go faster if you dont use slow down perks. BUT if you make a build and go in with a plan you should do ok most of the time. Maybe you wont get 12 hooks, but so what.

    As aven mentioned youre looking to create deadzones around the gens you want to keep in the end game. Whatever build you run can be focused around that. Dont be afraid to pressure the hooks in your area, if you get someone hooked in your territory then you want to be patrolling the gens around there and getting rid of pallets tgere anyway. Then youre using your perks to employ whatever other strat you want.

    Im not saying its easy, its not, but if youre so focused on winning all the time that youre not having fun whats the point?

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Dont run gen defense, then I can easily loop you once so you lose. Like seriously if you want only a few hooks then use whatever, if you want to win you have to use meta perks for the killers.

    I dont get why people are lying, if you dont have gen defense and you win then you versed potatoes simple as lol. With no regression you physically dont have time to do anything but we cant all get bad players I guess (play at 5pm onwards if you want easier game)

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Killers already can run different perks?

    Now I'll admit that it is very helpful to bring at least 1 gen slowdown perk, but it doesn't even have to be Ruin/Pop. Depending on your killer and play style, it's entirely possible that Thanatophobia, Surge, Oppression, and maybe Eruption could work wonders for you. Also, depending on Killer and playstyle, a build where you barely care about gens at all featuring BBQ and Infectious Fright can also do very well. I personally don't like that sort of thing but I've seen others make it work.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    The killers I feel most comfortable with, I don’t run slowdown on them. Hillbilly, Oni, Deathslinger, Blight, Nurse.

    I pretty just run slowdown on killers I’m trying to get better with. Twins, Nemesis. They’re like training wheels.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    That's strange, usually it's the opposite because survivors have so many genuinely good perks. Just to list a few, there's We'll Make It, Botany Knowledge, Botany/Self Care, Inner Strength, WGLF, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Iron Will, Lucky Break, Built To Last, Bond, Kindred, OoO, BT, DS, Aftercare, Q&Q, Prove Thyself, and that's just the perks in my normal rotation. Didn't even mention Exhaustion perks or Adrenaline, because I don't use them. Also haven't unlocked the new perks yet.

    As opposed to killer, where you have 3 minutes to stop the gens getting done and automatically lose 3 in 90 seconds without counterplay, so slowdown and info are mandatory. Ruin, Ruin/Undying, Discordance, Infectious Fright, Surge, Surveillance, BBQ, Tinkerer, and Lethal Pursuer. Maybe, maybe Corrupt Intervention/Lethal Pursuer.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Survivors do not have a plethora of good perks and survivors are required to run exhaustion and anti-tunneling/camping perks just as much as killers are required to run gen slow-down perks.

    In fact, playing as killer, I feel a lot less need to run gen regression perks than I feel like I need to run an exhaustion and anti-tunneling/camping perks. And killer perks are way-way better than survivor perks, for variety.

  • theplaggg
    theplaggg Member Posts: 267

    Playing low mobility killers with no gen perks needs many mistakes done by the survivors. Ofc you will win against potato survivors with random/no perks but trying that in higher ranks will most likely result in a lose.

    Or maybe you're just a godlike player that stomps everyone with any killer.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I play Trapper and Plague but I play for fun. If someone disconnects on the survivor side, I'm going to go way easy on the survivors and let someone escape.

    I also understand, the more try-hard you are as Killer, the more shoe-horned you are into playing a certain way. If I want to play with random perks or try out an unusual perk build, I can still play the game. If you are only using Nurse on Red-Rank 1, then you did it to yourself. That is the goal you are going for and you accomplished it. But don't complain that you can use anything but meta perks and the Nurse, when that was your goal.

    Dead by Daylight lets you select how you want to play as Killer, so why not play for fun as Killer, instead of being miserable playing Nurse at Red Ranks with meta perks.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Maybe additionnal perks slots but with reduced effect would work, to counter the fact that the killer is playing against 4 survivor which means 16 perks.