The "Hold W meta" is extremely boring for both sides.


It's extremely boring to play against and to use as Survivor. It's not fun playing as a Killer who can't catch up quickly and just wasting so much of your time just holding down a single button and as Survivor it's not fun holding down a single button to waste the Killers time. OhTofu explains it best but in short one of the reasons why the Hold W meta is a thing now is because BHVR keeps releasing Killers that are extremely strong in the 1v1 but extremely weak in the 1v4 and due to their power in the 1v1 the only way to counter them is to just not loop them at all, just waste as much of their time by forcing them to play catch up with you. Killers like Nemesis and Deathslinger fall into this category.

It really sucks the fun out of the game when you just turn your brain off and hold a single button down, not trying to mind game a loop or anything else that makes up most of the fun in DBD, but at this point I'm not sure what BHVR can do to alleviate this problem. A potential band aid fix would be to re-enable the addons from last years Halloween event which was actually a pretty good addon for Killers like Bubba and Myers who also suffered against survivors who held down the W button, but then this just makes the game even less fun for survivors as now they need to deal with a Killer that is not only extremely strong in the 1V1 but has the ability to catch up to them within two seconds.

How would you guys try to fix this extremely boring meta? And yes, I know Killers like Blight exist who hard counter the Meta but that still leaves the problem of the other Killers being obsolete because they can't catch up to survivors fast enough.

*Also little side note but I've noticed a trend where Killers who are extremely powerful in the 1v1 chase are often viewed as extremely unfun to play against but Killers like Blight, Hillbilly, and Oni who are very strong in both categories but not overly oppressive in either are viewed as very fun to play up against and fair. BHVR should make more Killers similar to their power level as not only are they fair in the chase yet still powerful, but most importantly are fun to go up against and to play as.*


  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Let me get the TLDR. Nemesis main? Three health state enthusiasts seem more likely to cry about this.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 606
    edited June 2021

    Nope, Blight main, but I've been playing him recently and I've noticed that almost every survivor I go up against just holds W against me instead of trying to loop me, which is understandable, but still boring for the both of us.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112
    edited June 2021
  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    This show that killer should learn to play and love spirit/nurse. Like that the hold w meta will be able to get counter and maybe the dev will do something about that.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,179
    edited June 2021

    Its kind of too late unless they want to overhaul mechanics for both sides.

    and even if they wanted to change it, I wouldnt be surprised if they released it in payed DLC form... like with all the other problems.

  • syain
    syain Member Posts: 434

    I think it's too late for them to think about changing anything about this, as OhTofu states in his video, they have already released a handful of killers who, though sometimes excessively oppressive in the 1v1, can be countered in the 4v1 sense by making as much distance as possible in order to waste time and I don't think these guys are getting reworks anytime soon as they basically just got released. At the same time I can't think of something that would solve things from the survivor's side either, a completely new loop mechanic? Maps that make "holding W" more difficult because of things like detours? Penalties for not looping or encouragement and rewards to loop? All of those things would take just as much time to come up with and implement into the game (if not more depending on which option) as reworking the killers. I think we're gonna have to get used to this for some years to come, unfortunately.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    Agreed, but whats funny to me is there were some people, myself included, that said this a long time ago and were told to git gud. Just find it humurous that killers and survivors are catching up lol

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,394
    edited June 2021

    Imo its kinda simple, but a lot of work to implement. A good nerf to holding w are smaller maps. Plus less safe pallets the killer needs to break to get a hit, but more pallets in general. Places like in haddonfield where you can hold w around a house should be changed, too.

    With this changes survivor can only hold w long enough if they outplay the killer. A good killer can push survivor to the edges of the map and dont give them room. Survivor need to play the loop instead of predropping bc most loops should get weaker if the pallet is down and the safe loops where this isnt the case are a rare ressource which you cant waste easily.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Part of the issue is that a lot of the newer maps encourage Hold W with their breakable walls/god pallets.

    I mean if a god pallet is pre thrown for you, you have no reason not to vault and hold W.

    This also goes for god pallet heavy reworked maps like the game because hold W, pre throw god pallet, and win game.

    There's no reason to try to loop a lot of these pallets as the killer has to kick them to not get infinited.

    Even for the ones you do loop its a hold W then throw after 1-2 loops as your looping skills don't matter as there's no way for the average killer to play them.

    Looping skills mean very little on several of the newer/reworked maps.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 606

    I've always also preferred looping, never really understood why people complained about it unless the loop was an infinite. Way more fun than mindlessly holding down a single button for 20 seconds

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,214
    edited June 2021

    I dislike just running in circles. Looping is no solution, it is as boring as just running straight.

    Also, its not like more killer were viable against good survivors if they just can be looped. There is a reason there is a rise in killers that rebalance the looping issue.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,569
  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,179
    edited June 2021

    But that doesn't address why some survivors do it in the first place.

    It'll help some of the older killers, but also super charges killers that were already strong in chases.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited June 2021

    Unfortunately, most of it is laziness. Nemesis, for example, is a very strong chase killer that has counterplay, can't zone for free, and is very, very difficult to play. However, because you're always in danger while being within 5-6m of him while not at a maze tile or building, people automatically pretend he has no counteprlay even though that's exactly what Huntress is like but at a much greater range.

    Survivors have been getting steadily more entitled as the game goes on. It takes a lot of skill and effort to play some of these killers but no-one cares about that, because the survivors skill and effort should apparently always mega-trump the killers. It doesn't matter that only a very good Doctor or Deathslinger can catch very doog survivors, no, apparently that's perfectly okay even though the majority of killers can't actually play these killers very well (the precise and perfectly legitimate reason we give for survivors trumping other killers). Or they could just keep predropping pallets and holding W, something I've been dealing with since long before Slinger arrived so the blame clearly isn't with him.

    Nemesis has especially been pissing me off becuase he really does have counterplay, exactly the same as Huntress and Billy: dodge. Specifically, he takes a while to charge and so while looping you can avoid his attack or bait it, similarly to Pyramid Head but far more reliably. In fact, the only reason PH is an issue is because of his range being able to shut down loops pretty much no matter what.

    Edit: and also PH is pretty easy because of his m2-into-m1 that his range gives him.

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    Resurrect Billy and make people want to be interested in playing him again.

    He had map mobility for the 1v4 and a 1v1 that was very counterable by good survivors assuming charge time and cooldown add-ons didn't stack, and even then you could still loop him a bunch.

    There's no turning back for a lot of the decisions BHVR made.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    This. Survivors combine running with loops but never in an unsafe way. People forget that a 20 second chase of nothing but running in a straight line away from generators will equal a 40 to 50 second time waste for the killer to get back to the gens and continue to patrol.

    Many maps are just to large and tiles are too safe and link too easily into each other.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,394

    Which killer are the problem for you? The loops would need obviously a los-blocker otherwise deathslinger or trickster would get free hits and there are more killers with strong chase powers, but which one would be busted with this change? Maybe Pyramid?

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317

    Damn, you were offended to read the titled because it applied to you.


  • remoirel
    remoirel Member Posts: 231

    everyone complained about looping enough that they reworked most loops to be trash, then they add killers that counter loops

    now all survivors have left to safely waste time is to hold W and y'all don't like that either