It's Just Me or DbD was Better Before?

I do not know it is just me but i am kinda feeling DbD was better before. It is not fun like old times. Still sometimes i have great matches and wins. But this discussion is not about wins or loses.
New killers are not unique (Twins were last unique killer for 6 - 7 chapters). Reworked maps are bad for me, even Macmillian maps. Old Survivor animations were better. I can list more stuffs but i think i told enough. Maybe i am doing like grumpy old man but this is how i am feeling.
No, I have the same feeling.
It's like there is simply not enough time anymore. Everyone rushes out. I remember matches where killers could afford to play fair and get a nice 8 to 12 hook match.
Completely impossible now.
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I'm with you on this one, mate. I think Old Dbd was better than Modern Dbd.
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Far from it imo, back then we add legit infinites
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game was peak when they added oni to the game in my opinion
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I loved dbd before auric cells came into the game. I still like the game but it had a more majestic feeling before auric cells. I also loved when you looked in to the distance and saw blur. Remeber that?
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Yeah... This...
Camping and tunnelling were always in this game but they were not common like this times. But also survivors were not focusing on generators like this. I think both feeded each other.
Survivors were loving chases and loops. Everyone were trying for max points. But now survivors points like 16k - 18k even with escape. Or if killer tunnel and kill them fast, killer's points 18k - 20k. I really do not like fast games like this. If survivors do not genrush me, i am trying for 12 hooks but sadly this is so rare.
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DBD was better when I had no idea what the hell a pallet was lol.
Now that I know everything about the game, the game kinda sucks.
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Yeah i remember this. Oni was great add-on this game.
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I'm only about a year into the game and after watching old gameplay from 2016 and 2018, the game is indeed so different and looks less unique.
They have updated the maps for a more modern look and survivors seems unafraid. I don't know why they gave up on their "horror" touch into the maps and animations.
Maybe they lost inspiration for original killers? who knows.
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Agreed, back when we had good events, better maps (imo), better animations etc.
Also we wouldn't keep getting killers with a ranged attack that create a "doomed if you do, doomed if you don't" scenario. Not exactly fun if you ask me, to play against at least.
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Yeah. A little bit, not sure what happened. But, gens just.. feel like doing a long totem. Not enough time is available for both sides.
Which.. I don't think the meta changed or anything. Most survivors I go against just bang out gens like nothing, only rarely do I see some heal or do bones.
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There are definitely things I miss from the old days.
The 2018 Hallowed Blight event that never returned (it's what got me playing DbD in the first place).
Nurse not having her stupid extra cooldown, which makes her a miserable chore on console.
Spirit having collision (when you can't track via sound and scratch marks are delayed by like 10 seconds, collision is all you have, so quiet all of you with such amazing hearing, it's not like her collision was the thing most people were complaining about anyway).
Being able to spin in the dying state as survivor.
Performance on console has gotten worse, and the fans on my PS4 get louder with each update. DbD is the only game that makes the fans go nuts, and it's mostly the fog that causes it.
And I agree that the reworked maps are bad. Too dark, too green, more safe pallets, more dead zones, longer loops on the Coldwind tiles, corn blindness has gotten worse, more freezing and worse fps.
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It's you. I'm not saying that to be mean but you have to understand that the game changes in a glacially slow way. We change much faster and the magic you enjoyed at one time was a just a stage. You can't go home again. We bring our own fun and enjoyment to the game, and if it seems gone that is because you have either outgrown the game or need to start playing it in different ways to challenge yourself.
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I'd say the problem is not in the game but in the players. Back in the day even when the game was more unbalanced, players were worse at playing optimally overall so it made games feel differently paced.
But with time people are slowling getting better and better and make matches more efficinte resulting in survivors rushing gens, holding w more often, looping safely etc and killers using their powers better, focusing out the weak links with tunneling camping and so on.
I don't think that can be fixed as it's just the nature of players has changed over the years, luckily new players are still coming in so some of that casuality is retained.
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Maybe you are right. I met with this game in 2017 and 4 years... I gave some breaks ofcourse but i played so much this game.
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It definitely isn't just you. I probably the most old fashioned player here.
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It is only natural it would lose some shine even if it hasn't changed that much. :) We do not age like fine wine ourselves, and it may be time for another break or moving on to the next best thing.
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Biggest things that contributed to make the game more boring for me are the Billy nerf, the reworked maps, and the new survivor animations.
The game just isn't the same without old Billy around and nobody wanting to play him anymore, a lot of the new realms look much more boring artistically and the vast majority of breakable walls are terribly implemented, the new survivor animations look way more stiff and clunky than the old ones; i really don't know how anyone could call them an upgrade.
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I don’t know how people would think the game was better back then.
As survivor it was like Nurse, Nurse, Nurse, Instasaw Billy, Nurse, Nurse, Nurse, Nurse with Ebony Mori, etc.
As killer it was “lose entire perk slot to bamboozle every game” or have fun running the infinites.
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Nurse was broken with 5 blinks but there was not so much Nurse mains lol
Also Billy was so fun againts him.
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Replaced by:
Nurse, Nurse, Nurse, Nurse, Stridor Spirit, Nurse and Nurse.
As a killer you better play someone with an M2 Attack or have fun with survivors holding W.
At least back then we had better events, better atmosphere, Old Billy, Old Freddy, and the list goes on.
It was not perfect, but it was much better.
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I don’t think so, I actually rarely run across nurse these days. Spirit is spammed along with Huntress but I usually see a decent amount of variety.
Old DBD red ranks was Nurse/Billy or killers running Moris.
Survivors were pretty much invincible with balanced landing and exhaustion recovering while running which is why you almost only saw Nurse.
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Eh, variety isn't so much better these days with how many killers there are now.
It's pretty much only Spirit, Nurse, Bubba, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, 180 flick Blights, Huntress.
I don't know about you but i'd much rather go against 10 insta saw Billys in a row than a single Stridor Spirit.
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Killers tunnel, because survivors gen rush and survivors gen rush, because killers tunnel.
Survivors used to be mad, because they died with 23k points. Now survivors are happy, because they escape with 11k points. Makes no sense that everything goes so fast.
I also feel obligated to take specific perks in order to have a slightly decent match.
Back then, a small mistake also didn't cost you the whole match.
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You're definitely not alone, lots of vocal people on here would agree with you.
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Well, I don't. Of course our experiences are not the exact same, but from what I've seen the variety has barely changed.
While the balance is better now, the usual annoying tactics were replaced with even more annoying tactics, while we lost other things we loved.
Old DBD was better on every metric, with the sole exception of balance.
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This is what happens when devs try and cater a game around the 1% of player base. It gets worse and worse and eventually people move on. If any game arrived that was decent competition, dbd would be in a world of hurt.
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I had fun before same as now. The only difference is performance issues.
But I take breaks so that may be a reason.
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It's just the nature of time. After playing so much, you won't have as much fun as you once did, as with anything.
While I'm not happy with all the changes over the years, I'm willing to bet I'd be much more bored of DBD if it hadn't changed at all.
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Yeah. I am seeing people escaping wiith 15k. 5K for escape. 10K for match objectives. Survivor had chance to win 17k more points but they ended game faster and he lost chance for more 17k points.. Maybe killer was nice and not tunnelling. But next game this killer will tunnel because of this boring lose.
When i play killer, first i am trying for slow game. But if survivors choice fast game, i am giving this to them. Community was small before, so many times i was facing with streamers because there was not so much player. And games were more fun. But now community is bigger but games are fast and boring.
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Define "before". At launch, it was definitely worse.
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"Before" for me is around Oni to Pyramid Head.
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Because survivors are just some trolls got alot of things changed
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This game has never not been garbage. We just manage to love it in spite of that. It's easier to think of why you can't stand the game now than it is to remember why the game was even worse however many chapters ago.
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That was before the ruin rework
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Yeah, i just remember the halloween events, with the lobby and the music. Playing as feng. With limited cosmetics.
I just miss the whole, casual vibes, most people are just so sweaty now in practically all ranks.
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Wrong. If they catered to competition levels, matches would be longer, not shorter. 😂
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Crossplay ruined the game for me personally, I could play against xbox players and that's what I was used to. Felt like we were on the same par and there was just something about the way xbox players played the game that was a lot more fun. Part of that is sure to be the fact that most unfun killers like deathslinger or nurse and ranged killers in general were not really viable with a controller so there was a strong meta towards M1 killer mastery. Freddy long arms was super popular. So this is pretty much what I was used to, mainly M1 killers. I'm just super ######### vs PC deathslingers or huntresses or pyramid heads or whatever. I barely see any M1 killers anymore.
Also I knew all of the old maps and their RNG but these days I struggle as I find myself being ######### over by the map RNG way too much. Hate breakable walls too, too often I run into a dead end with a breakable wall with a ######### loop vs a ranged killer who just spams till he gets me. Or ######### what is up with me getting the grave of glenvale and midwich or the national laboratory over and over again. These new maps suck, I just can't adapt to these new 1 centimetre loops. I tried the new resident evil map with a friend in custom games and seriously what is wrong with the devs?, what's with all the 1 centimeter loops where if you drop the pallet you're dead and no decent killer will get themselves stunned on these ######### pallets. All they have to do is walk around and hit you and then off you go to the next 1 centimeter pallet, no need to even use your power as a killer.
Sorry for the rant but the game design gets more questionable with each passing day, I'm still having fun with the game but not as much fun. Solo queue was never this bad before cross play was introduced and honestly I wouldn't mind playing on these terrible maps vs these unfun killers that much if only I had decent teammates who did gens. Literally the bots from the tutorial are better than 99% of my teammates.
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i say 2018 dbd was the funniest
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I love some of the changes the devs have done so far but for every good thing they do they seem to screw up something else.
When I started playing years ago people were afraid of the killer. Now survivors just laugh at you. They don't even bother hiding. They just run everywhere and feel safe because they know where all the pallets/vaults are. It lost the horror aspect of the game.
I love the DS change. Now people only get hit by it if they are actually tunneling.
I remember infinites and double pallets. Glad those are gone.
I hated the ruin rework. Ever since they nerfed that the amount of noobs hitting red ranks is astounding.
The list goes on but lately I feel the devs are getting lazy. Every killer lately has been lack luster. Every patch breaks the game. It's almost like they aren't even trying anymore. They know there is no competition so they can afford to half ass a release. Name any other multiplayer game where the new map doesn't work? If CoD ever did something like that there would be law suits.
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It was better, yes. It is losing atmosphere for me. As a survivor, I feel there's way too many aura reading perks and abilities, stealth is dead, gen animation that was added is annoying to me, too many indoor maps were added lately, no new interesting realms.
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Regardless of the issues of the old days. It was fun because at least I could play the game.
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Ah yes the year we got Spirit and old Legion. What fun!
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Hey, that is also the year we got Pig and Clown. 2018 DBD could easily be its best year, depending on when you are.
I mean, it was the time I enjoyed most, and I started 2 weeks after Legion's release.
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I'm not a fan of Pig either. Weak killer with a power entirely based on luck. The best thing about 2018 was getting cosmetics and the Hallowed blight event. Gameplay wise I didn't care for the majority of the killers that year.
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It could be that a lot of us have been around for awhile and DBD has just gotten stale and more buggy overtime. Combined that with the fact that game just isn't as exciting after 500+ hours and yah... it is just not as fun.
I know bhvr needs to make money but they really should put more resources towards game health. I wouldn't mind if they skipped some chapters and just work on what they already have.
Fix the bugs, fix useless perks, fix grind, buff some weaker killers, rework outdated killers (looking at you dear Hag), etc.
We don't constantly need new stuff... as exciting as new is it really backfires when the game itself just isn't functioning (like with RE). The DC alone have made me take a break.
I will always love this game... but I'm having more fun with Pokemon Snap then DBD right now :P
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Well, I've been learning to enjoy Pig recently, even though my training sessions have been extremely rough.
And there some nice events too: Howling Grounds, Scorching Summer BBQ, and Winter Solstice.
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DBD is dying, devs can only blame themselves. Due they don't listen to players and update their game for ranks 20.
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New content at this point doesn't improve my enjoyment of the game I just want current ######### fixed
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Maybe someone will disagree but Deathslinger, Pyramid Head was mistake for this game. Devs added so much range killers and now we have new boring meta: Shift + W