Vomit Phobia?
Am I the only person that has a hard time with Plague? I love her design and backstory, but playing against her actually makes me puke. I wish they would make a replacement, at the very least of the sound. So you could decide to hear a different sound instead of puking. Right now I have to turn off all sound ingame so I'm pretty much useless.
Is there anyone out there with the same problem?
I hate vomit too but she isn’t bad for my anxiety. However in my real life I’m deathly afraid of throwing up. I panic.
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I don't know about Plague specifically, but I do know some players with coulrophobia (fear of clowns) have trouble playing against the Clown.
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Just think tall lady. That usually fixes most problems in life.
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Emetophobia. That's the fear vomiting or watching others vomit.
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I play plague and will occasionally get people who make me kill them instantly for this reason which makes me feel kinda bad. It'd be nice if survivors could opt out or at least reduce their chances of going against one killer - I know it'd be abused and most would just mark spirit, plus it'd have to account for swf but it'd be good for accessibility. People on here have expressed difficulty going against different killers that isn't related to gameplay itself.
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I guess some form of accessibility option for Emetophobia and Coulrophobia could work? Overwriting the Video and Audio stuff to something neutral which shouldn’t give any advantages or disadvantages.
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I hate hate hate it in real life but im not uncomfortable with it on this game. Its not real
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Lots of things aren't real, yet they elicit an emotional response nonetheless. Clowns, for instance, are basically magicians with a ton of make-up and fewer tricks, but people are still afraid of them.
Phobias aren't logical.
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I just hate the sound of the swallow and knowing what it is ,I guess.
My only problem with Plague
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I mean.. hating it is definitely still not comparable to an actual phobia. Logic and rational thinking can’t be applied with a phobia, even if it’s only a game
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Despite the etymological origin, a phobia can, in fact, cause hatred of the thing.
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Well.. I thought a phobia at least has some anxiety or fear as basis? Pure hatred without fear doesn’t seem like something you would call a phobia and should have other causes and treatments etc. But I could of course be wrong on that one, was just my assumption..
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Anxiety can lead to hatred because it triggers the brain's fight-or-flight instinct.
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I practically vomit at the site of vomit so yeah I kinda do have a phobia of it.
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I never said it excluded hatred. But there needs to be anxiety involved, and if you just hate it but can still endure it without any problems that doesn’t seem like a phobia to me.
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I'm an emetophobe (barely wrangled and symptomatic anxiety about getting sick, completely unable to deal with the sight or sound of anyone vomiting, and once panicked, fled across an amusement park, and hid in a corner for 30 minutes while my whole family searched for me because my brother pretended to be sick coming off a ride.) But for some reason, Plague doesn't bother me at all. I think it's because the whole thing is so cartoonish. She shoots green slime and neither she nor the survivors make convincing retching sounds; they all sound more like they're going 'bleaaagh' than puking. Changing her sounds to more realistic ones would destroy her for me in a heartbeat.
That said, everyone's got a different threshold for what they're able to tolerate and I totally sympathize for anyone she falls on the 'nope' side of. I wish survivors had a way to communicate that to me - I'd play M1 only with them if only I knew it was a request.
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Well there are obviously different forms in intensity for the phobia. So ‚it’s Not real‘ doesn’t work always
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Personally, I don't have an issue with it.
the sounds are what irks me...