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Keys are a problem that the devs refuse to fix



  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,699

    well of course they're not gonna go with it because they don't ever listen to our ideas anyway.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790
    edited June 2021

    Keys were already a problem, but a much less significant one than Moris. They are not even close to the same. Keys usually don't impact the results of matches. In many matches either the survivor dies before they use them, or they escape through the exit gate, or they escape through the open hatch, or they escape through the hatch in a match where they easily could have gone through the gate just to get the extra points. Survivors sometimes screw over their teams in winnable games by escaping through the hatch prematurely too, especially in solo queue. Usually when keys actually save someone's life it's only one survivor. Everyone has had games in which two or three survivors escape in a three-gen situation, but how often does that actually happen? Extremely rarely in my experience.

    Meanwhile, assuming even vaguely decent matchmaking, even a green pre-nerf Mori would all but guarantee a 3k + hatch or 4k. It's also worth considering that in key games the match proceeds normally up until the hatch spawns, meaning everyone gets to have their fun up until the very end. Meanwhile, Mori games are often in an unwinnable death spiral from a fairly early stage. They much more drastically impact how the match progresses.

    It's also worth considering that killers can also react to keys because the vast majority of them are brought into the lobby. They might choose to bring a sweaty build, or to tunnel the person with the key, or to simply dodge the lobby. Survivors have no such luxury. They don't even know for sure the Mori is active until someone dies to it.

    Keys are also in the item slot and Moris are in the offering slot, meaning that the differential in strength versus other comparable items in that slot is substantially higher for Moris. If you bring a Mori you'll usually just be missing out on extra BP. If you bring a key you're missing out on more consistently useful items like medkits and toolboxes. Items like those make it less likely you'd need to rely on a hatch escape in the first place.

    A final strike against Moris, especially pink ones, is that their drop rates are way higher than keys. This is because there are simply fewer distinct ultra rares in the bloodweb for killers than survivors.


    Two problematic things having some superficial similarities does not mean you should hold off fixing one for months just so you can release the fixes to both in the same patch. I don't see how you can disagree with this without being a partisan who feels your preferred side was screwed over because the other side had one of their pet issues addressed first. No one is disputing that the Mori change was good for the game, so why on earth should they wait months after it was completed to add it to the game? That makes no sense.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    The similarities arent superficial, they both end the game early. If you dont understand that or how simple number changes for both are about as straight forward as it gets when it comes to coding, i dont really know what to tell you. Enjoy your bias i guess

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790

    Tbf the community usually has terrible ideas. I trust the devs more than most of the people on this forum, and that's saying something lol

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790

    You seem to have entirely ignored my post in which I detailed the numerous significant differences between keys and old Moris that made old Moris the substantially bigger issue.

    You also can't say the upcoming key change is a straightforward number fix when you have no clue what the change is actually going to be. Keys need much more than a straightforward number fix imo. They also need a serious overhaul to their add-ons.

    I am not biased just because I disagree with you. Please think logically about my points.

  • Edgars_Raven
    Edgars_Raven Member Posts: 1,236

    It was an extremely long post and im half asleep. So yeah, bunch of it got ignored. The moris also have another fix coming, they could have and still can spend 20 mins adding the bandaid to keys in the meantime just like they did moris. Im talking about changing when the hatch appears, that is straight forward.