"killer isnt fun"

bruh you wrong decided to play the good boy (demogorgon) and it was the funnest time ive had in a while because ive been playing survivor for the past 2 days and coming back to killer is really fun so i recommend switching sides if one of them isnt fun
Killer just feels too stressful for me. Every once in a while I can get into it for a few days but It's just not the role for me.
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Killers fun, and challanging. There are some games where its not, just a sweatfest. But thats not every game
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With how bad the game is running right now (on console and who knows where else), neither role is fun at the moment.
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Demogorgon may be a good boi but that doesn't mean you should let him sleep on your couch. Please get him a Demogorgon bed.
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felt that
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understandable killer isnt for everyone
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I can understand where your coming from.
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For me, most times, playing killer is not that fun, especially if you get sweaty survivors with flashlights. The matches en up being much more stressful than needed. Of course, there are some matches which are actually fun, but from my experience, most are not. Still, I try to play killer every day, but I still enjoy playing survivor more.
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The problem is that I only have a limited window to play survivor before the half-hour ques come back and basically stop me from playing DbD.
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Really? My issue is I get bored as killer. I tend to 4k after 4k before I decide to go back to survivor.
Killer feels action orientated, survivor feels more suspense/thriller.
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At red ranks, killer is usually (maybe 60-70% of the time) an incredibly stressful experience. (maybe ~20% of the time it's easy because survivors mess up, and ~10% is an actual fair challenge)
You're pushing for time constantly, if it takes you 20s to reach the next gen instead of 18s you've lost the game, etc. Then you engage with the survivors and they seemingly know every trick in the book at that rank. They almost never fall for mindgames at loops, they 360 you the second you swing and dodge flawlessly, they crouch under your field of view when you're right on top of them and vanish, they always have someone with a flashlight ready whenever you pick someone up, and when you do manage to carry someone to the hook, suddenly there's another survivor crouching right under you, outside of your field of view, bodyblocking the hook.
Simply put, at the highest skill level survivors can almost always beat out a non-Nurse/Spirit/Hag killer, which is what makes the higher skill level survivor sided, as opposed to the lower skill brackets where survivors are clueless and it's so much easier for the killer to capitalise on mistakes and dominate the game.
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I stopped killer for a few months there but I'm playing it a bit more regularly now. I still play survivor more but now sprinkling in some killer games.
There are 2 reasons I don't play killer that often. 1 is stress and 2 is friends.
- I just find playing killer more stressful. I'm someone who doesn't handle stress very well so killer just doesn't suit me.
- If I'm playing a multiplayer game, it's really just to talk to friends. If I'm playing by myself, I'd rather be playing a good solo game.
I'm glad you had fun in your games mate 👍 I'm playing killer right now and having fun. Though I can tell I'm playing like trash because I was drinking last night lol only unfun thing was feeling like Bubba was slower than normal while using the chainsaw.
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I have a final killer challenge and its a sacrifice 20 survivors one. Every time I have to complete that challenge I get put up against well coordinated teams and sweat squads. I usually get 3 or 4k with Oni when doing chase or break pallet challenges, yet last 6 games have been 0, 1 and a single 2k 😑 The console issues have had an affect but still, i swear the tome challenges are fixed.
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playing Killer is so much fun, I tend to get bored easily with Survivor bc bots are in my team.