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Is Gen rushing actually a thing

So these last few months of playing I’ve noticed that pressuring generators has become less and less of a viable option in public matches. It seems as though survivors have a lot of tools and perks at their disposal to get generators done quickly while killers are left with very little.

My points I’ll bring up are that survivors not only have toolboxes with varying add ins to boost gen speed, but also have perks such as prove thyself, resilience, and spine chill to name a few that help in completing gens quickly.

This poses a lot of issues For killers that aren’t generally good at map traversal, and perks only help for a short duration. Ruin only lasts as long as the hex is active and most of the time they get cleansed rather quickly gaining no traction. Corrupt also only lasts two minutes which can help but can also prove ineffective against high rank survivors. Other options killers have are pop and eruption but it seems as though survivors get new perks to counter this such as repressed alliance and now blast mine.

My main argument I’m trying to say is that the current meta is gens popping incredibly quickly and a lot killers not having a lot to counter this. Killers like trickster, trapper and Myers suffer in this regard since they are just unable to pressure effectively with their abilities.

I want to know what people think and hear some counter arguments to my discussion.


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Gen rushing is and has always been a thing, as in survivors deliberately focusing on nothing but generators and getting them done as quickly as possible. However, a lot of people (mostly killers, but also plenty of survivors) don't understand just how quickly gens can be done. They think that "gen rushing" is something ridiculous, like 3 gens in 3 minutes, or in the case of survivors they just don't think it exists.

    Gen rushing is trying to get the gates open before 3 minutes have passed (I think 2.40 is the current minimum time), and it is absolutely feasible. You don't need items or perks, I've literally had no-perk teams steamroll me with absolutely zero skill. That being said, it's also only uncountable when its proper genrushing. If survivors take longer than 3 minutes, killers like Deathslinger, Oni, Plague and Huntress have a chance to 4k. It's not fun and it involves a lot of camping and slugging (not tunneling, that takes way too long even without perks, trust me I tried it), but you can potentially get yourself into a situation where your slowdown perks finally give you breathing room and you can full-party snowball.

  • FregglesFred
    FregglesFred Member Posts: 317


    It's just focusing on that one thing and that one thing only.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Yes it definitely is. But the root of the issue is gen speeds.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Toolboxes and provethyself are part of the problem. I think of those as just taking the problem from 50 and cranking it up to 1,000.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I don't think gen rushing is a legitimate complaint. Like survivors are doing gens too fast? That's literally their only objective, what are they supposed to do, just sit around? How could you get mad at survivors doing the objective too quickly? "I'm sorry killer, I did the gens too quickly. I should have just sat around and waited a bit longer just to make it more fair for you".

  • Troman
    Troman Member Posts: 264

    Most of the times "genrush" isn't a problem. Gen repairing time is not linear throughout the game. Gens popping fast at the beginning of the game is logical, there are 4 healthy survivors at the beginning, there are many gens to patrol. As soon as some survivors get injured or sacrificed, gen repairing speed reduces significantly, up to a point when it almost stalls.

    And since sabo was nerfed hard there's nothing else left that survivors can do.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Yes and no. Gen rushing is only actually a thing when you are facing a 3-4 men swf. Anything lower than that, it's just a normal match.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    Survivors have perk and add ons to speed up gen repair and killers have plenty of perks and add ons to slow them down. Gen rushing isn’t the problem its coms that are the problem. There is no adequate counter for swf teams.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Yes, survivors doing everything they can to get all gens as quickly as possible, ignoring anything else is a thing.

    This isn't the same as them all spawning on four different gens which they're all probably going to start on, this is just terrible luck

    Also not the same is when gens fly because the first survivor the killer found was the strongest one and the killer decided to chase them for 3/4 minutes. This is a combination of bad luck and terrible decision-making

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    It is a thing, no matter what survivor mains say.

    People telling you that "they are only doing their objective" are the same that complain about tunneling (they forget killer's objective is to KILL).

    Even if its their only real objective, if it can be done that fast that almost every player in the match blackpips...then yeah its a problem. Some survivors should understand the consequence of gen rush existing. When gens go so freaking fast:

    • Killers are forced to camp and tunnel = bad experience for everyone
    • Some survivors are the entire match pressing M1 = boring experience
    • Everyone gets less BP and blackpips, except maybe one survivor.

    The point is that isn't survivors fault to do his objective. The devs are the ones that have to fix this, here some ideas:

    • Injured survivors should repair slower by default (rework thanatophobia to avoid being too much). This would make survivors to invest time to heal instead of M1 al match. Maybe nerfing dead hard too.
    • Nerf Prove Thyself.
    • Make Corrupt Intervention a default effect (like an early game collapse).
    • Give survivors some side objective that are really worth it, like extra BP to all the team if all totems are done.
    • Make all survivors always spawn together, so there is no 3 people working on 3 gens while killer is chasing the first survivor.
  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    Gen rushing is a problem created by SWF. they can communicate who is going for the save while the other(s) remain on gens. In solo que, more often then not- 2 or 3 ppl leave their gens to go for the save. Gen rushing can happen in solo que as well, but it’s not as common for it like SWF. Also, SWF can communicate which gen is halfway/almost done and location of gens that need to be worked on. Just blame all of the game’s imbalances on SWF lol.

  • lolololol
    lolololol Member Posts: 106

    All you need a the leader perk and your able to do a gen in lightning speed if you have an other survivor with you. It’s seriously stupid especially how it stacks with tool boxes.

  • Hermit
    Hermit Member Posts: 388

    Leader doesn’t affect gen speed anymore. It’s been changed... ages ago.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237
    edited June 2021

    Genrushing does exist. Survivors have multitude of tools to increase their killing repair speed, and depending on the situation, they can always decide to just focus on their generator. It's kinda "tunneling" a generator, if i were to use the terms of certain survivors. I personally havent played much survivor, but I always priotized doing gens over unhooking just before they enter the struggle stage.

    Remember good survivor folks, if you want killers to stop tunneling and go for 12 hook games, It's courtesy you should do the same as them, you better swap gens every 33 seconds of repair progress, else you'd be quite the hypocrites. /laughs

    I think some sort of proximity or overheat based system could be used to discourage genrushing too much progress at a time on generators. /*laughs more* god damnit its too funny to apply those anti camp/tunnel ideas to gen rushing.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    You can gen rush, but you'll almost never see actual gen rushing in your matches unless you were matched against an actual comp team who were sweating it out. If gens are getting done fast, it's because you failed to pressure the survivors and gens, not because survivors resorted to gen rushing and ignoring teammates on the hook for the sake of completing their objective.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I'm sorry but "gen rushing" is absurd. Why should we help our opponents? What do killers to do help us in return? How many killers blatantly camp and tunnel? They aren't forced to, it's a choice they make. And if so many killers are going to tunnel, why should survivors do anything but try to win the game as fast as they can?

    Killers have an array of perks to slow down gens.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Genrush is just an easy way of saying this.

    Survivors split up or spawned on gens spread around the map and held m1 efficiently until their objective is done and ignore all other distractions in the match.

    It is just gen efficiency done in a way that a killer cannot counter or disrupt.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    Coming from someone who usually plays in a 4 man (have a LOT of friends who play survivor 🙂), honestly the best defense against efficiently done gens, in my opinion, would be

    1. Picking out a 3 gen/backup 3 gen early on and committing to making sure it isn't lost (unless you can trade a lot of pressure at a hook). You can't always pull one off, but trying at least lightly to ensure one can pay dividends in late game 100%.

    2. At least SOME form of gen slowdown- Corrupt is OK but you have to commit to not letting people distract you from the open gen area while Corrupt is up (i.e., don't hard chase someone who is very obviously leading you away towards the blocked gens unless you're quite sure you can down him QUICKLY).

    Ruin+Undying is still good on killers who are fast and can make good use of it- if you can protect totems well (Hag, Trapper, etc) it's also good. Ruin+Undying is actually my personal least favorite gen slowdown perk combination to go against, especially if you get lucky with good totem spawns. Some killers really don't let you finish more than one or two gens before you're forced to find Ruin if you want to stop wasting time working on a gen only to have it regress.

    I think Tinkerer is great with any gen perk (especially Ruin or Pop) but a lot of lesser skilled killers let the Tinkerer notification get to them and cause them to drop chases rather than finish them out, but that's player skill related tbh.

    3. Sloppy Butcher! If you can keep survivors injured (especially with a hit and run playstyle) you'll have the weaker players (almost always the ones glued to gens) on the team wasting time on heals, or ready to go down very quickly when you do pull up on them working on gens while injured. Can't tell you how many times my friends and I have lost a game simply because the killer was good at keeping everyone injured and splitting pressure often enough to make my friends who are weaker at looping (but still average to above average at chases/stealth) feel like they HAVE to heal.

    4. And finally... if all else fails, NOED 😭💀

    I think hyper focusing on gen speed isn't really wise for most killers. For every trial, all five gens are MEANT to be completed (so that the 2 escaped/2 killed balance can be reached) and every killer has the option to get his hooks even after gates are powered or EGC has started. Forcing hook trades/camping/tunneling/etc will always be an option (no matter how unpleasant it is for players) and gen speeds matter naught with that LOL

    But yeah. It can be tough to keep up with an efficient team cranking on gens, but that doesn't mean there aren't ways around it. Sometimes you're just screwed against a better team (and honestly, I don't subscribe to the idea that just because you're playing killer means you should get even at least one kill against a team of players who are vastly more skilled/that it is the game's fault if you can't secure a kill against a team of players who outclass you in every way. And vice versa, obv) but I really think that comes down more to skill differences rather than the game being too poorly designed or something like that. If you choose to chase the guy who was tbagging from the start AND took too long to down... gen speeds are NOT the problem there, u kno?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,224

    No. Gen rushing isn't a thing. Good survivors do gens quickly. There's no reason for the survivors to ever be doing anything else unless someone is on the hook or needs to be healed. I think the issue is that most survivors are pretty awful, so killers get the wrong idea about how fast gens should normally go. 7-8 minutes tops. Really no reason for the gens to go longer unless the killer is playing insanely well. 10 minute gens means survivors are straight up doing nothing for extended stretches.