What are your ideas on the rework/nerf for keys?

TumbleElf Member Posts: 48
edited June 2021 in General Discussions

You may know that In the 5th anniversary stream announced a change to keys (they will be changing them to make them more balanced, or reword them in general, we don't know)

I would like to know your ideas on the upcoming key change! (What do you want the keys to be)



  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited June 2021

    Change Dull Key item into Brown "Dull blade" addon

    Change Skeleton key item into Red "Skeleton blade" addon.

    Dull blade gains ability to instantly open One chest. Then lose the addon

    Skeleton blade gains ability to open hatch. Then lose the addon

    Since Dull key & Skeleton key are now add-on. Get them in chest is no more a thing.

    Since Ace in the hole gives you Purple addon + Yellow addon. Which mean Green key + Red addon Skeleton blade is also impossible.

    The only way to Key+Hatch escape is to bring Broken key + Skeleton addon which cost them 12.000BP

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Honestly? Just delete them entirely. Give their aura-reading add-on's to maps so that people might actually use them.

    This also combo's into my proposed deletion of the hatch.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Bring back hatch grabs if a key is used that way someone can't key in your face

  • Bluebird
    Bluebird Member Posts: 297

    Honestly I absolutely love this. However, this means you'd need to increase the Broken Key's charges to 30 to compensate.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I like just having only 1 person be able to escape with a key, like the hatch would close right after one is used.

  • Kwikwitted
    Kwikwitted Member Posts: 641

    This would be enough, it's not about one person escaping through the hatch, it's when whole teams get to do it off of one key because they are on comms and go "Ready, now" and suddenly four escape symbols immediately appear.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    At this point i'd be happy to delete them, but seriously just changing hatch to only spawn once all gens are done and only allow one survivor to escape using the key would be nice, it taking an animation would be cool to but I doubt that would happen.

  • DbD_Enjoyer
    DbD_Enjoyer Member Posts: 459
    • Keys cannot be used to open the Hatch if they've lost more than 1 charge.
    • Oppening the hatch is an action that takes 3.5 seconds to complete.
    • Dull Key only opens the Hatch for the survivor that used it.
    • Skeleton Key will continue to open it to anyone and will stay open for 10 seconds.
  • vladspellbinder
    vladspellbinder Member Posts: 320

    The Hatch was added for a reason, because it wasn't always in the game (I'm not sure how long you have been been playing and if you know this or not). I'm very new to the gem, been playing for less than a year now, but I understand why The Hatch is in the game. Without The Hatch a game can be prolonged to a ridiculous extent.

    With only one Survivor left they can just ignore the doors and stay away from the Killer and the Killer's only choice is the either open a door to start EGC and camp that door with the possibility of them escaping out the other door or waste a lot of time looking around if they aren't running Whispers and let's be honest, as much as I personally love Whispers it is not a meta Perk and not run very often and this change wouldn't be enough to make it meta. The other side of that is the Killer can just camp doors and the Survivor has no means of escaping. The Hatch gives both sides something they need to do when it is down to the final 1v1 that is fair to both sides and gives them equal chances of winning.

    I'm a Killer main and I am totally fine with The Hatch itself. The Hatch is not the problem. The conditions on spawning The Hatch are, but more on that later.

    I am also fine with Keys, and the fact of the matter is that Keys are going to stay. I know they have removed things in the past, but those were Offerings and not Items. And just outright removing Keys from the game is not a good solution, Keys (and Hatch spawn) need to be reworked not removed. They serve a role in the game and that is to apply pressure on the Killer to do well in the Trial so The Key isn't a factor. This sucks for End Game Builds but that's just another problem running an End Game Build that you'll need to adjust for as the Killer.

    My go-to answer for "How do we fix Keys?" is the first point in @glitchboi 's post, Make it so The Hatch only spawns when either ((There is only one Survivor alive in the Trial) OR (Five generators have been repaired)). None of this (Generators repaired = number of remaining Survivors + 1) nonsense. The main problem I personally have and think a lot of other Killer Mains have is that a Key allows two or three Survivors to escape while ignoring their objective; finishing gens. If those two or three Survivors were still forced to finish all five gens before they could leave I think a lot of complaints would stop, because now having a three gen is still viable against a Key. The three Survivors left alive can't just ignore your three gen and leave, they still have to interact with you. And then if they do manage to break your three gen it's a race for The Hatch, just now with two or three people instead of only one.

    I partially like the second point glitchboi makes as well, making it not instantaneous. I'd say three seconds over five seconds, with it being an all or nothing interruptible action like cleaning a totem, either you get it open or you don't, no partial unlocking like chests. This means people can't jsut stand over a closed Hatch and wait for you to approach before they open it and dip, which is just rude and on a somewhat more relevant matter you could stop them from leaving when in the race to it.

    The other main problem I, and I think a lot of other Killer Mains, have with Keys is the ability to find them in the middle of a Trial and the Killer has no way of really knowing that a Key is now a factor. The Survivor can just leave it in the chest or place it in a corner somewhere to come back for later so they are not seen carrying it. Also because a Key has no inherent use OTHER than opening The Hatch they don't help the Survivor do anything other than rob The Killer of one or more kills that they couldn't see coming. It is one thing to know that it is possible for two or more Survivors to escape via The Hatch when you start a match, it is another to have it happen in the middle of a Trial with no warning.

    As such I really like @C3Tooth 's idea of changing the two not!Broken Key Items into Broken Key add-ons so there isn't any chance that a Key found in the middle of a Trial could open The Hatch, if there was no Key in the Lobby but there is a Key in the Trial it won't be able to open The Hatch so it's a non-factor. The other add-ons would have to be changed a bit but that's fine. I also agree with @Bluebird that the charges for the Broken Key would need to be buffed.

    The Hatch isn't the problem. Keys are not the problem. People need to focus on what the problem actually is and that is Survivors being able to ignore their objective and just leave without interacting with the Killer any more or with no warning. As I said before this will hurt End Game Builds, which I love playing don't get me wrong, but if you don't have a "Surprise mother[bad word]er! We're out!" moment from a found Key you can adapt to the one in the Lobby. Last second swapping to a different character holding a Key is a whole other issue.

    I am really tired of seeing this suggestion. There is an Achievement for all four Survivors getting out via The Hatch. If this change was made it would require three Keys which means that three Survivors couldn't bring in any other item to help with the Trial. I understand not everyone cares about Achievements but a lot of people do care about them. This Achievement is already hard enough to do as it is unless you're part of a really good team, the Killer is really bad or you get really lucky, it doesn't need another layer of complexity on it.

    Also, as I say above, I don't think the real issue is that more than one person can escape via The Hatch because of a single Key. I think the real core issue is that as soon as one Survivor is dead the other three can ignore the final generator if they've already gout four finished and just leave.

    I personally had one game as Survivor where the Killer was doing really well, they had one kill with me and another Survivor both on death hook but had a really bad three gen. I knew one of the other Survivor's had a Key and while I wasn't running around specifically looking for the Hatch I didn't know where two of the three gens where so I was looking for one of them. I happened to come across The Hatch first and then found the other two Survivors working on a gen together nearby. They had the gen at around seventy percent or so and I could have hopped on to help finish it but instead I waved for them to follow me and showed them where The Hatch was and we dipped. Had I been forced to finish the gen first I probably never would have found The Hatch because it was in the opposite direction of both Exit Gates from that gen, and finishing the gen would have shown the Killer were we were and given him the chance of downing at least one of us.

    So, no, I don't agree that only one Survivor should be able to escape per Key but you need to have all five gens done for The Hatch to spawn. Can't be seen by Survivors or found my a Map until it spawns and it doesn't spawn until only one Survivor is alive or five gens are done.

  • Gaffy
    Gaffy Member Posts: 222

    Basic approach-

    Hatch only spawns once all 5 generators are completed. If a key has lost any percent of its remaining charges it cannot be used to open the hatch. Dull keys now take 5 seconds to open the hatch with an unlocking animation that they can be grabbed out of by the killer and gives the killer a noise notification once the hatch has been opened or at the start of the animation. Skeleton keys work the same way but take half as much time to open. Hatch grabs are now re-enabled also.

    Deletion approach-

    Hatch mechanic has now been removed entirely and once there is only 1 survivor remaining the EGC starts immediately. Keys are now for aura reading only and have had their timers increased based on their rarity- Green 10 seconds, Purple 20 seconds, Red 30 seconds. Addons for keys that related to the hatch are changed into a different kind of aura reading such as totems/chests/killer belongings etc.

    Would seriously prefer they get rid of hatch, its a mechanic that encourages camping and not trying to do objectives. Yes the hatch also not existing would encourage this also so survs would just stall games but people getting out for free without contributing much to the team is also not great either.

  • Product
    Product Member Posts: 108

    That's actually a really cool idea. I like that it gives dull totems a reason to exit too.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    My idea is that when a survivor uses a key on hatch, an unlocking animation takes place in which the killer can intervene, they escape but then hatch instantly closes so only that survivor escapes. Also, EGC doesn't initiate.

    This means that its a risk to be taken, you escape but your team is now one person short, and no EGC means that it doesn't help the survivors by giving them the exit gates powered for free.

    It also means that the "Where did they go?" trophy is still possible, they just have to bring 4 keys lol.

    The unlocking animation also means that they cant teabag and do it in the killers face.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Broken keys: give them more charges and allow to play with their addons and funny effects, or with an addon allow them to open a chest instantly

    The purple/pink key: Opens the hatch and allows the escape of the survivor holding the key, and ONLY him

    But with something like when you die the purple key disapears, yet the skeleton key drops for another survivor to pick-up?

    I dunno something like that

  • Doziano
    Doziano Member Posts: 57
    edited June 2021

    this is a huge change that I think would only come in a huge game rework, but that's a fun idea. You no longer need to bring a key and it's a stimulus to do totems in the case that the rift gets closed. It also adds up to the backstory of the observer. I love it!

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Just delete aura reading add on on keys and make hatch spawn only after 5 gens done or if theres only 1 survivor alive.

    Also add hatch opening animation

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Replace all breakable walls with doors that a key can be used on so they have more than just a hatch / aura reading ability.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Keys should not be found in chests. That's one I think is definitely needed. I'm not sure what else to do, though.

  • Michi
    Michi Member Posts: 120

    My change :

    Even without any addons you can use the key to see the repair progression of all gens in a 64m range around you.

    You have to charge the key fully up and the auras will appear as soon as the progress bar is full. While charging up the key charges are very slowly burned. The auras will linger for 12 seconds after stopping the charge.

    (would also give broken key a purpose)

    Any key addon that works with charging too will burn additional charges off the key and if these are aura addons then these auras will also always linger for 12 seconds.

    You can use the key on a hatch, but this will notify all other players (killer and survs) with a special notification and an animation with a progress Bar starts. After 16 seconds the Animation is done and the hatch opens. During this Interaction the key will burn through 50% of it's charges. If it has 0% charges left at any point this Action is interrupted. So if killer stops you early you would have a 2nd try.

    Dull Keys have way less charges which means that at any interruption of opening the hatch with it it wont have enough charges anymore to open hatch.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,220
    edited June 2021

    This, is all that's needed honestly.

    Also, only Broken Keys can spawn in chests so you can't get a hatch escape unless you bring the right key, but Broken Keys by default without any add-ons now track all chests, and increase the chances of a chest giving you a higher rarity item when opened with a Broken Key. So finding a Broken Key in a chest sort of acts like a re-try with a higher chance of a better item in the next one.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I don't care what they become as long as survivors can't escape the match anymore unless

    All gens are done

    There is only 1 survivor remaining

    Something else that takes as much effort as gens is done.

    Keys just need to stop being sudden match enders.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    I was thinking about a way to change the endgame with a Key.

    The problem is that a Killer can only camp the hatch against a survivor with a key. This is boring for both sides and does not offer any form of play. As such I wish for the Key to be more interactive for both sides. Do not delete them, rework them for a fun mechanic. I can live with 2 survivors escaping through the hatch as long as I get an interesting chase or a tense hide and seek (yes, I like stealth).

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Before they nerfed Moris I would have siad give them a few seconds to activate and make a noise.

    After Moris were made cosmetic, and the EGC removing hatch grabs, just delete them.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Item: Key


    Rusty Key [Replaces Broken Key]: 16 Charges

    Dull Key: 24 Charges

    Skeleton Key: 32 Charges

    Hatch Spawning Rules: One survivor alive or exit gates activated.

    • Takes 8 charges to open the hatch, progress isn't saved.

    Secondary Ability: Reveal survivor auras and choose a survivor to give them a bonus. Charges are consumed for as long as the bonus is applied. Bonus can be canceled upon picking the same survivor.


    Vault Speed: 25% boost — Consumes 0.5 charges per second

    Altruistic Speed: 50% boost — Consumes 0.25 charges per second

    Movement Speed: 7% boost — Consumes 1 charge per second

    Scratch Marks: Removed — Consumes 1 charge per second

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Perhaps it was my fault for not wording it better, but when I said I want to "delete the hatch", that meant I wanted to replace it with another end game system.

    Now, I don't know if Tru3 came up with this or not (I heard that he did), but I really like this idea for an end game system.

    Basically, when the third survivor dies, the last survivor along with the killer both see each others auras (like old OoO). Then, after a certain amount of time, the gates automatically open. The goal is force the killer and survivor to interact with each other. I know it's not perfect; but it's better than the hatch.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Dull Key: Earns a Token for opening the hatch once you have maximized your BP gain in at least 2 categories during the trial. Any additional tokens gained increases the time the hatch remains open by 5 seconds. (max of 2 tokens)

    Skeleton Key: Earn a Token for opening the Hatch once you have Maximized your BP gain in at least 1 category during the trial. Any additional Tokens gained increases the time the hatch remains open by 5 seconds. (max of 4 tokens)

    Hatch: No longer stays open after using a key to escape unless there are enough earned tokens to leave it open.

    This way survivors have to earn the right to use the key by completing objectives, helping teammates, distracting the killer etc. So no more of that one guy hiding in a corner all game doing nothing while waiting for the hatch to spawn because they have a key. The point of this is to encourage players with keys to do everything they can in order to earn the key escape option. Naturally this means that if you find a key in a chest, it'll check to see if you've maxed out any of your categories and apply the tokens accordingly, that way the guy sitting in the corner all game won't get to use a key to escape if they picked it up from their dead teammate. No guts, No glory!

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I don't think the question is how we rework/nerf keys.

    I think the question really is, how do you nerf killers for the extra kills they will be getting on top of their 60% kill rate, from the removal of the hatch and keys.