Why is the censorship so strict, and sometimes nonsensical?

I was commenting after game when a Trickster had killed a Laurie at the end, after we ditched. Apparently, "he murdered her" requires a "he ######## ###".
We play a game in which the characters are KILLERS, but we can't say "murdered her"?
Cause whoever made the list of banned words is a prude and also somewhat insane
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Way too may words from other languages are also censored, even tho they are just normal words such "almost", "she", "nothing"...
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In a game where a killer has a tentacle and literally beats down women with it the word hentai is censored.
Good joke.
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Just remember kids shouldnt be playing this game but just in case they are we cant teach them bad manners
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Certain map names are blocked. Certain health states are blocked. Certain abilities are blocked.
Its a joke and unfit for purpose.
Removing certain ingame words from the filter? Impossible...
Stopping the mix-matching of certain cosmetics? Hold my flashlight, bro
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Welcome to the year 2021. You can pick from one of these fine labels and build your entire identity around it, but you must use a thesaurus to communicate with your fellow human.
I recommend using dispatched, neutralized or eliminated. Isn't that much better? Because you used a different word the fact you're impaled on a meat hook with blood pooling under your body is much more happy and kind.
It's the world we all strive for.
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You can't say 'killer' either...
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The filter seems to be adaptive. I've never had any problems with it. However, it is also a WIP, so if you find it blocking things it shouldn't, write up a feedback thread or bug report.
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How I wish the developers would remove this filter.
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Why is phan banned? Can anyone tell me why it's inappropriate?
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Isn't it hilarious? We have to be adults to play the game but have to monitor our language like we're on Club Penguin.
The most confusing examples for me have been Wesker (as in Albert Wesker) and Sunderland (as in James Sunderland). Try writing them in a lobby lmao
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The answer to your title is the answer to thus question.
Why do bhvr do what they do? 😉
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I already tried writing "Myers" and "Freddy", which people also claimed were censored. Neither of those were censored.
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I haven't tried those yet. Sometimes words are able to slip through for whatever reason, but those two are almost always censored for me. I'll try to remember to write Myers and Freddy next time lol
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I even tried "kill" and "killer".
What things did you usually say on the chat? Y'know, before the censor.
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Usually just gg or casual chit-chat. Talking casually now is how I discovered the character names (who aren't even apart of their respective crossovers that I'm aware of).
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It's dumb things like this that make me wonder why we can't turn off the chat filter.
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Try saying phone...
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At least they know Hawkins sucks
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What they need to do is put a Mature Filter toggle. Do you want to really know how salty Tbagger0908 is when you manage to down them and hook them after you caught them doing a butt dance in the exit gate? Yes? Then turn the filter off. Someone say something offensive and you are tired of seeing naughty naughty swears? Turn the thing on. Issue solved (mostly)
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You cannot say P0rn, even though clown has an add-on called VHS P0rn
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I don't know if the survivors are saying something relatively innocent or using slurs. This is bad design.
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Broad filter + Some kind of "Context" filter (They said the censor takes into account context... Somehow?)
It's their way of tackling 'toxicity' even though it's just throwing a blanket over it and pretending it's not there.
Autobans on the other hand...That's a step in the opposite direction as well.
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censors should have been kept simple and only censored slurs
but this? no one asked for this.
Why is it not optional?