Rescuing Glitch or Killer benefit?

Has rescuing a survivor from the hook been changed to benefit face camping killers? Whenever I am put into that situation instead of taking a hit to rescue, I heal or pick up an item (Franklins) even if the rescue prompt is visible.
Unless you are holding down m1 when you’re rescuing then you should be able to just run away
also, if the killer is facecamping, for the love of god just get BT or do gens, it is never worth saving when the killer is 3 feet away from you
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It has always been that way, this happens when there is only one button for multiple interactions. Another favorite is getting sucked into a Locker when trying to fault a Window.
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All gens done, usually its what encourages a killer to face-camp. Literally hooked in front of open exit gates and I always carry BT.
It's quite ridiculous. I try to find the balance in this game but in so many instances (sus update bugs) it feels one-sided
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I mean, if it is so one sided, you could always join the right side. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
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I play both 😉 lol